• 策略政策理事之职人口公共卫生部门

    Strategic Policy Directorate, Population and Public Health Branch.


  • 最近几周世界公共卫生部门官员忙于各种会议,商讨应付禽流感流行对策。

    In RECENT weeks, the world's public health officials have been afflicted with a sort of pandemic of meetings about bird flu.


  • 人们担心公共卫生部门公布关于病毒严重程度消息已经越来越让人摸不着头脑

    There is concern that public health messages about the severity of the virus have become confused.


  • 不管是什么原因延迟报道这类消息公共卫生部门制定及时的策略带来障碍

    Whatever the reason, delays in reporting such information can hamper plans for public health responses.


  • 需要公共卫生部门发挥管理作用加强部门政策一致性影响有益于健康政策行动

    This requires the public health sector to play a stewardship role in fostering policy coherence across sectors, and to influence policies and actions that can benefit health.


  • 根据可适用法律公共卫生部门保存上述信息用于经批准公共卫生目的

    The information is intended to be held by public health authorities in accordance with applicable law and is to be used only for authorized public health purposes.


  • 我们已经尽可能利用公共卫生部门,对触及这些人群群体个别关注不是统一的方式

    We have done as much as we can using the public health sector, and there are "sparks" of care reaching pockets of these people, but not in a unified manner.


  • 根据加州公共卫生部门提供人口死亡率数据分析每年有超过六十五岁以上人口死亡

    According to death rate data provided by the California Department of Public Health, over a third of those over 65 die each year.


  • 影响力远远超过公共卫生部门一些领域,越来越多的专家分析人员发现,当今国际体系存在一些重大失误

    More and more, experts and analysts in sectors with far more clout than public health are coming to terms with some failures in the international systems that govern the way this world works.


  • 威斯康星-麦迪逊学校药品公共卫生部门睡眠研究者们确信存在更多证据来支撑他们的“突触静态平衡假说”理论

    Sleep researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health believe it is more evidence for their theory of "synaptic homeostasis."


  • 许多方面来看MERS病毒故事都不陌生,它只是公共卫生部门官员近年新发现许多病原体中的最新品种。

    In many ways, MERS is a familiar story, just the latest in a number of newly-discovered pathogens to have landed on the radar of public health officials in recent years.


  • 公共卫生部门官员们随即建议美国人少吃高食品,脂肪成了上世纪八十九十年代的《国民饮食指南声讨的对象。

    Officials responded by advising Americans to shun fat, which became the official villain of the national dietary guidelines during the 1980s and 1990s.


  • 事实上虽然FDA刚刚才发布了有关uva规定公共卫生部门早就建议人们使用可以同时防御uvauvb的防晒霜

    Indeed, though the FDA is just now proposing UVA rules, public health officials have been recommending for a while that people use sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB.


  • 这项泰国公共卫生部门组织称作的RV144项目初步试验结果已经不久前的九月二十四(星期四)日向社会公众公布

    The preliminary results of the trial, which was called RV144 and was organised by Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health, were announced on Thursday September 24th.


  • 街道公共卫生部门TheDepartment of Streets and Sanitation)表示450风刮倒,所幸的是没有人员受伤

    The Department of Streets and Sanitation said 450 'tree emergencies' had been reported - but fortunately there were no injuries.


  • 加拿大东部沿海新斯科舍省公共卫生部门负责人斯特朗(RobertStrang)该省证实有4名学生感染了“非常轻微”的流感,他们的年龄121718岁之间。

    Nova Scotia's chief public-health officer, Robert Strang, said the east coast Canadian province had confirmed four 'very mild' cases of swine flu in students ranging in age from 12 to 17 or 18.


  • 其他部门制定法律战略卫生部门发挥重要作用主张并倡导公共卫生角度处理问题。

    The health sector has a critical role to play in promoting public health approaches and arguments when laws are made and strategies developed by other sectors.


  • 其他部门制定法律战略卫生部门发挥重要作用主张并倡导公共卫生角度处理问题。

    The health sector has a critical role to play in promoting public health approaches and arguments when laws are made and strategies developed by other sectors.


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