• 公司产品介绍我们主要经营化工医药原料及其中间体,我们目前主要产品是右旋糖苷铁10%,20%溶液

    We are the leading supplier of pharmaceutical raw materials and intermediates in China. At present we can offer you Iron Dextran 10%, 20% Solution;


  • 公司介绍另外的项目味道形式颜色包裹大小指定产品类别同样名牌线性延伸

    When a company introduces an additional item with a new flavor, form, color, or package size in a given product category and under the same brand name, it is called a line extension.


  • 将来要公司一个销售调研工作。我可以产品介绍调查和产品数据分析中公司找到重要的信息

    I will find a job in marketing research for a company. From product interview, surveys, product data, I can find necessary information for company.


  • 介绍印度涂料工业概况国外涂料公司进入印度的主要产品以及印度建筑涂料工业涂料的市场情况。

    An outline of the Indian coatings industry; foreign coatings companies which are active in India and their products; arch coatings market and industrial coatings market in India are introduced.


  • 公司实施精品战略国产名牌同时国际优秀产品最先进的理念介绍用户

    This company implements the First-Quality strategy, creates the domestic produced name brand, simultaneously also introduces international the most outstanding product to users.


  • 软件硬件两方面分别介绍美国国家仪器公司产品最后列出了一些国外相关的优秀网站

    Some products of American National Instrument are recommended in aspects of software and hardware. In the end, several excellent web sites are described briefly.


  • 日本公司两个产品为例,分别介绍陶瓷滤波器陶瓷鉴频器特性及其应用

    This article introduces the new characteristics and applications of the piezoelectric ceramic filter and discriminator by two new products made from the Murata Manufacturing of Japan.


  • 介绍日本玛山公司产品特点制作工艺

    Characteristics and manufacturing processes of Japanese Yamashan Company products are introduced.


  • 公司介绍建议产品应用使用客户必须结合工厂实际情况所用的各种材料斟酌使用。

    Recommendation on the application and use of our products should be adapted to the particular working conditions and other materials employed.


  • 介绍重组后BP-阿莫科公司世界各地业务活动,以及公司主要产品技术在世界处于领先地位

    The reorganized BP Amoco company's business activities all around the world are introduced. The leading position of this company's main products and technologies is also described.


  • 这个传统设计网站结构方法例如公司简介产品介绍客户服务排列方式不同

    This and the traditional design of the site structure, for example, company profile, products, customer service, and so are arranged in different ways.


  • 本文介绍了欧姆公司如何世界同步大力开发RFID技术产品怎样广泛开展应用的。

    This article summarizes how OMRON develops the RFID vigorously with the world synchronized and how widely it carries out the applications.


  • 介绍日本住友特殊金属公司金属粉末注射成形工艺过程优点产品特性应用范围

    The advantages, product performance and application field of MIM process of Japan Sumitomo Special Metals Co. were presented.


  • 学会每年摄影器材公司菲林公司合办展览会产品介绍讲座,为摄影技术人员提供有关先进器材的资料示范应用的机会。

    In conjunction with film equipment and film negative companies, the Society holds seminars, exhibitions and demonstrations to promote new products, new technology and equipment within the industry.


  • 大申公司不断最好最新的各种紧固件介绍广大用户真诚欢迎世界各地广大客商公司参观订购产品

    We will continuously introduce the best and latest fasteners to our clients. Sincerely welcome clients from home and abroad to visit our factory and place orders.


  • WB400陕西建设机械股份有限公司一种新型稳定机,该机具有性能技术含量高的特点。技术参数、性能特点方面介绍一新产品,以供选型参考。

    WB400 stabilized soil mixer is a new one that is produced by Shaanxi Construction Machinery Co. LTD. This paper introduces the production from technical parameters and characteristics.


  • 西门子公司微型plc产品LOGO了简要介绍,并列举信号报警联锁保护电路中的应用实例

    LOGO! The miniature PLC from Siemens is introduced in brief. The examples of its applications in annunciation and interlock circuits are listed.


  • 介绍齐鲁石化公司引进减压渣油加氢脱硫装置生产催化裂化装置掺炼其产品蜡油渣油的情况。

    The operation of vacuum residue hydrodesulfurization unit imported by Qilu Petrochemical Company and FCCU which processes the obtained VGO and residue as mixed feedstock was discussed.


  • 我们山东曲阜压路机生产厂家同盛公司,我们生产的压路机座驾手扶式的压路机,现在介绍我们同盛的主打产品座驾的压路机。

    We are shandong jining roller manufacturers dingcheng company, we produce roller has car type and walking type of roller, I now is our flagship product dingcheng small drive roller.


  • 主干部分通过对公司基本情况经营模式主要产品类型业务状况进行全面的介绍鱼骨的方法根据公司目前物流外包状况挖掘物流问题产生的原因。

    In the main body, company profile, business model, business scope and current situation are introduced. According to current situation of TPL, Fishbone Diagram is used to find where the problems are.


  • 公司宗旨是以我们的诚心真挚介绍健康营养安全婴童产品

    The principle of the company lies in introducing healthy and secure infants and children products with honesty and sincerity.


  • 北美市场德国BERU公司产品为例,介绍轮胎压力电子实时监测系统的技术市场方面的最新发展趋势

    Take North America market and products of German BERU company as the examples, newest technology and market tendency of electronic real-time monitoring sys-tem of tire pressure are introduced.


  • 介绍中国石化集团公司合纤产品开发最新情况经验

    This paper introduces the most recent status and experience of developing new synthetic fiber products in China Petrochemical Corp.


  • 施耐德公司介绍M340与其竞争产品个不同之处就是它有两个通信端口高速USB端口

    One aspect of the M340 that separates it from competing products, according to Schneider, is the availability of as many as two communication ports in addition to a high-speed USB port.


  • 概述水刺擦拭种类生产工艺产品特点介绍新华集团公司开发成功几种采用特殊纤维制成的擦拭巾产品

    This paper gives a brief description for the varieties of wipes as well as the process and characteristics of spunlaced wipes. Also it introduces three kinds of wipes made of special fibers by Xinhua.


  • 其次介绍A公司状况传统客户特点、传统产品营销策略绩效评估

    Then, this paper describes the a's status, and characteristics of traditional customers, the traditional product marketing strategy and performance assessment.


  • 为了证明这一点本周我们节目重点介绍一些提供娱乐公司人物他们赚钱于娱乐中,出产有趣产品

    And to prove it our program this week highlights companies and people who provide entertainment make money playing games and make fun products.


  • 为了证明这一点本周我们节目重点介绍一些提供娱乐公司人物他们赚钱于娱乐中,出产有趣产品

    And to prove it our program this week highlights companies and people who provide entertainment make money playing games and make fun products.


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