• 罗尔斯公平正义理论西方概念当代一个重要综合

    Rawls' theory of justice as fairness is one of the most important syntheses of the Western notion of justice of our time.


  • 罗尔斯正义理论形成经历一个过程作为公平的正义分配正义到《正义》,逐渐摆脱了功利主义影响走向规范主义。

    The formation of Rawls' Theory of Justice underwent a process, from Justice as Fairness to Distributive Justice, and then to the Theory of Justice.


  • 罗尔斯提出正义应当是以公平作为主旨,西方自由作为传统的世界中,毅然将公平作为正义首选所以理论被称为作为公平的正义

    He resolutely suggested fair achievement is the first choice whereas free achievement is the tradition in the West; therefore his theory is also called justice as fairness.


  • 我们必须妨碍正义公平高墙,我们只有认识此刻已到了刻不容缓之时,才能最终达到这个目标。

    We have walls - barriers to justice and equality - that must come down. And to do this, we know that unity is the great need of this hour.


  • 认为坚持公平社会正义卫生部门处在的地位任何其它部门都要有利

    I believe there is no sector better placed than health to insist on equity and social justice.


  • 美国杜克大学研究人员几年发现了,通常顾客会认为排队时的社会正义社会公平实际等待重要

    Because some researchers in Duke University years ago found out that social justice or social fairness in lines is often viewed more important to customers than the actual wait.


  • 卫生系统努力做到全民普及表达了一种价值系统,公平社会正义以及尊重所有需求期望动力。

    When a health system strives for universal coverage, it articulates a value system, driven by fairness, social justice, and respect for the needs and aspirations of all people.


  • 内战结束有一百多年最高法院关于学校种族隔离的裁决16了,美国黑人不能享有公平正义

    More than a century after the Civil War and 16 years after the Supreme Court's school-desegregation ruling, the American black has not achieved justice or equality.


  • 另外这种作弊泛滥正在逐渐削弱社会公平正义

    In addition, the rampancy of such cheating is undermining the principles of social justice and fairness.


  • 无论双方的谈话是否进行的非常热烈无论什么出于同情要求公平正义在此似乎没有能够得到充分的体现

    Whether or not such chatter is overheated, and whatever the demands of compassion, justice seems not to have been well-served.


  • 我们反对这种欺诈者们非常喜欢对于公平宽泛的不清楚的表达,有更加明确的可以表达他们想说的内容,例如正义残酷的

    We reject the wide, woolly notion of fairness in favour of sharper, narrower words that mean what they say, like just or cruel.


  • Sandel介绍亚里士多德关于公平正义理论简单地告诉人们他们该付出什么,该得到什么。

    Sandel introduces Aristotle's theory of justice, which, simply put, is giving people what they are due, what they deserve.


  • 公平正义检验司法活动是否公正唯一标准

    Fairness and justice is the fairness of the judicial activities test the sole criterion.


  • 总之我们工作以对公平社会正义健康权坚定承诺为动力。

    Above all, our work is driven by a fierce commitment to equity, social justice, and the right to health.


  • 而对承运人责任赔偿范围、赔偿数额方面予以限制又体现出法律公平正义的价值。

    On the other hand, the limitation on the scope and amount of compensation by law embodies justice and fairness.


  • 理想刑罚应该具备正义功利公平三个重要的本质属性

    The perfect penalty should possess three important and essential properties, that is, justice, utility and equity.


  • 依照公平正义观念平等对待所有不要个人感觉误导他人的判定。

    Treating all people the same according to notions of fairness and justice; not letting personal feelings bias decisions about others.


  • 甚至密西西比州荒废闷热的由于不公平压抑将会转换自由和正义绿洲

    I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.


  • 公司法人格否认制度产生,体现法律实质意义公平正义追求

    Disregard of corporate personality system reflects law's pursuit for fairness and justice in essence.


  • 作为社会成员精神病医师倡导精神病者提供公平同等治疗, 倡导为整个人类的社会正义公正

    As members of society, psychiatrists must advocate for fair and equal treatment of the mentally ill, for social justice and equity for all.


  • 尤其令人沮丧你们在讨论的是关于正义公平这样话题

    It will be especially frustrating because you will be talking about issues of justice and fairness that are very important.


  • 制度体现国家立法政策平衡当事人之间利益反映着法律实质平等公平正义追求

    The system embodies the national legislative policy, the balance between the interests of the parties, reflects the essence of equality in law, the pursuit of equity and justice.


  • 西方古代合谐思想包含公平正义、城邦公民公共利益限制君主权力滥用系列内容。

    Ancient western thoughts of harmony consist of fairness and justice, public interests of citizens, restriction of monarch abusing authority, etc.


  • 全书核心两个正义原则第一原则是平等自由原则第二个原则是机会公平平等原则差别原则结合

    The core of the whole book is two justice principles: the first one is equal free principle, and the second one is the combining of fair equality of opportunity and difference principle.


  • 社会正义本质一个分配问题全体社会成员共同创造价值如何公平分配的问题。

    Social justice, at heart, is a problem of distribution, that is, how the value produced by all the social members is fairly distributed.


  • 强烈公平正义没有强烈正义领导就无法发号施令维持下属自己尊重

    A keen sense of justice or fairness: Without a sense of fairness and justice, no leader can command and retain the respect of his followers.


  • 公平事情发生时,正义足够力量纠正

    Vhailor: When the injustice is great enough, justice will lend me the strength needed to correct it.


  • 公平事情发生时,正义足够力量纠正

    Vhailor: When the injustice is great enough, justice will lend me the strength needed to correct it.


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