Recently the police did a spot check on Madame Jolivet's apartment and recorded the actual habitable surface area as just 5 sq m - that's the size of about six or seven beach towels.
It is one of six such facilities Unilever has globally, and it will initially employ 450 product and market researchers.
According to the hotel website, the suite is 320 square metres and includes a kitchen, bar, sauna, jacuzzi, dining table for six and a treadmill.
The building is located on a hillside on Central Campus of The Chinese University, overlooking Tai Po Road to the south and connecting to the Science Centre to the north.
The property features a cinema, fitness centre, indoor pool, horse stables, separate guest house, six garages and 750 square-metre floor plan.
There are also six meeting rooms ranging from 50 to 100 square meters to suit various meeting needs.
The waterfront Aftermarket and Service building can accommodate up to six boats under cover. A further 2,500 square metres of hard stand can take a further six boats.
We have around 500 employees, and 30,000 square meters of manufacturing space divided into wood shop, spray paint line, metal shop, powder coating line, acrylic shop, assembly areas and warehouse.
We have around 500 employees, and 30,000 square meters of manufacturing space divided into wood shop, spray paint line, metal shop, powder coating line, acrylic shop, assembly areas and warehouse.