• 9名共和党人加入支持这项举措。

    Nine Republicans joined in supporting the measure.


  • 共和党可能11月罢免

    The Republicans may oust him in November.


  • 共和党试图他们口号来胜出

    The Republicans tried to trump this with their slogan.


  • 温和共和党人集会筹划未来

    Moderate Republicans gathered together to plan for the future.


  • 共和党目前正在起草他们竞选宣言

    The Republicans are currently drawing up their election manifesto.


  • 共和党公开指责其带有社会主义色彩。

    The Republicans denounced it as socialistic.


  • 准备全面反驳共和党严重的指控

    He prepared a complete refutation of the Republicans' most serious charges.


  • 共和党最好习惯他们可能失败事实

    The Republicans had better get used to the fact that in all probability, they are going to lose.


  • 面临来自委员会共和党人不怀好意的盘问。

    He faced a hostile grilling from the committee's Republicans.


  • 众议院共和党坚定地反对解除禁令

    Republicans in the House were strongly opposed to lifting the ban.


  • 委员会包括11名民主9名共和党人

    The committee contains 11 Democrats and nine Republicans.


  • 民主党人准备抓住共和党人的瑕疵错误不放

    The Democrats were ready to pounce on any Republican failings or mistakes.


  • 共和党人认为今年的再次参选中是不堪一击的攻击目标

    Republicans targeted her as vulnerable in her bid for reelection this year.


  • 9月以来,这位总统23个共和党人作了巡回政治演说

    Since September, the president has stumped for Republicans in 23 states.


  • 共和党传达了他们最有资格管理政府信息,从而道义占据了优势。

    The Republicans took the moral high ground with the message that they were best equipped to manage the authority.


  • 共和党人承认他们别无选择,只有对民主党提名人全力发起场强硬行动。

    Republicans acknowledged that they had little choice but to mount an all-out offensive on the Democratic nominee.


  • 里根时代一些关系硬共和党人这个机构中多受到了优待

    In the Reagan era, well-connected Republicans received favoured treatment in this organization.


  • 西穿条纹的西装看起来光彩照人,开玩笑今天为了议长盛装打扮一个共和党人

    Jesse was looking resplendent in a fine pin-striped suit, and I kidded him about dressing up like a Republican today for the Speaker.


  • 查尔斯应该知道英国历史表明君主制最大的敌人国王而非共和党人

    Charles ought to know that as English history show, it is kings, not republicans, who are the monarchy's worst enemies.


  • 共和党即使不喜欢不能忘记

    Republicans who dislike that will not forget.


  • 或是担心共和党禁止堕胎

    Or the fear that the Republicans might ban abortion?


  • 共和党反应就是退出谈判

    And Republicans, in response, walked out of the talks.


  • 共和党丝毫不会违背教条

    But the Republicans will not budge from their dogma.


  • 真的认为共和党成为伙伴吗?

    Does he really think Republicans want to be his partners?


  • 当然强硬共和党发挥作用

    Hard-line Republicans have, of course, played a role.


  • 这次共和党人主动招募参选

    The Republicans actively recruited him to run.


  • 共和党人依然机会反对失业金发放。

    Republicans will have a chance to attack unemployment benefits again.


  • 象以往一样,导致延误共和党

    Republicans are causing the delay, as in the past.


  • 共和党着被人们认为伪善风险

    The Republicans risk opening themselves up to charges of hypocrisy.


  • 共和党着被人们认为伪善风险

    The Republicans risk opening themselves up to charges of hypocrisy.


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