• 这家工厂最后于2002年关闭

    The factory closed its doors for the last time in 2002.


  • 一些比较小公司可能会关闭

    Some smallish firms may close.


  • 英里长的高速公路关闭

    A nine-mile stretch of motorway has been closed.


  • 公司放出风声关闭家工厂

    The company has been making noises about closing several factories.


  • 法律规定关闭资金长期短缺银行

    It is required by law to shut down banks which it regards as chronically short of capital.


  • 机场到达的飞机关闭

    The airport was closed for incoming flights.


  • 工厂关闭以来这些机器一直闲置着。

    These machines have lain idle since the factory closed.


  • 公司不得不紧缩小企业被迫关闭

    Just as large companies are having to cut back, so small businesses are being forced to close.


  • 供暖系统可自动关闭

    The heating switches off automatically.


  • 这些医院关闭在三年期间逐步进行的。

    Closure of the hospitals was phased over a three-year period.


  • 1981年,这些码头几乎等于关闭

    By 1981 the docks had, to all intents and purposes, closed.


  • 工厂如果关闭意味着500失业

    When the factory closes, it will mean 500 people losing their jobs.


  • 随着冬天来临大多数关卡都已经关闭

    Most of the passes have been closed with the onset of winter.


  • 约塞米蒂国家公园的路塌方而关闭

    Roads into Yosemite National Park are closed due to landslides.


  • 这家旅馆因为到处都老鼠已经勒令关闭

    The hotel has been ordered to close because it is overrun by mice and rats.


  • 矿山关闭这个衰落唯一重要因素

    The closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town's decline.


  • 关闭那家工厂决定使6 000遭到遗弃

    The decision to close the factory has consigned 6 000 people to the scrap heap.


  • 他们威胁关闭任何上演同性恋角色戏剧剧院

    They threatened to close any theatre presenting a play with gay characters.


  • 那个煤矿关闭了,因为储量不足难以经济开采。

    The pit is being shut down because it no longer has enough coal that can be mined economically.


  • 活动家这家关闭威胁的医院赢得喘息的机会。

    Campaigners have won a reprieve for the hospital threatened with closure.


  • 看上去所学院不得不关闭本周收到暂缓令

    It looked as though the college would have to shut, but this week it was given a reprieve.


  • 在全国范围内关闭二百家商店造成两千人失业

    It will close more than 200 stores nationwide resulting in the layoffs of an estimated 2,000 employees.


  • 第二爆炸伦敦所有主要火车站地铁站都被关闭了。

    After the second explosion, all of London's main train and subway stations were shut down.


  • 1981年以来实际上关闭边境1月1日起开放。

    The border, effectively closed since 1981, will be opened as of January the 1st.


  • 食品店关闭后,他们开始工作食物黑市重新贩售。

    When food stores close, they go to work, pilfering food for resale on the black market.


  • 数百要开走驾车者堵住了风暴最猛烈关闭那些公路

    Hundreds of departing motorists jammed roads that had been closed during the height of the storm.


  • 工厂关闭之后新罕布什尔州扬基公司对该厂高级管理班子进行了重组。

    Following the plant shutdown, New Hampshire Yankee realigned senior management at the plant.


  • 容易被偷吗?”—“可能一个可以关闭油门点火开关装置。”

    "Would your car be easy to steal?"—"Fat chance. I've got a device that shuts down the petrol and ignition."


  • 3月时萨利纳斯先生关闭该市炼油厂损失了5亿美元5000个工作岗位

    In March Mr. Salinas shut down the city's oil refinery at a cost of $500 million and 5,000 jobs.


  • 污染工厂已经迁移或者关闭

    Polluting factories have been moved or closed.


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