• 重新连接到网络导致同步处理。开始同步处理,请关闭所有文件

    Reconnecting to the network causes a synchronization to occur. In order to begin synchronizing, all of your files must be closed.


  • 脱机备份正常关闭数据库之后所有物理数据库文件执行的备份。

    Offline backup is the backup of all the physical database files after a normal database shutdown.


  • 关于某实例所有文件描述关闭时,资源下层对象都将释放,内核再次使用。

    When all file descriptors for an instance are closed, the resources and underlying object are freed so the kernel can reuse them.


  • 我们先来尝试连接远程服务器列出一个给定本地目录所有文件关闭连接

    Let's try connecting to the remote server, listing all files in a given local directory, and closing the connection.


  • 电脑重新启动时,所有关闭程序文件都会恢复到原来的状态。

    When the computer restarts, all open programs and files are restored just as you left them.


  • 如果没有这样不要忘记删除所有跟踪文件通过移除批处理文件中的命令参数关闭跟踪

    If you haven't already done so, don't forget to delete any trace files and turn off tracing by removing the command line parameter in the batch file.


  • 任务停止活动时,PackageExplorer视图焦点关闭当前打开所有文件关闭

    Once the task is deactivated, the focus on the Package Explorer view is turned off and all currently open files are closed.


  • 所有MQInput节点都已发送最后一条消息时,其中的最后一条消息将传播FinishFile终端以导致文件关闭

    When all MQInput nodes have sent their last message the last of these is propagated to the Finish File terminal causing the file to close.


  • 例如我们期望文本编辑API方法类型可以捕获所有与“关闭打开文件类似的不变量。

    For example, we shouldn't expect that the method types for a text-editing API would capture such invariants as "only opened documents can be closed."


  • 其实一个简单的 “撤销就会使所有的内容都恢复 ——但是这要求惊慌关闭文件或者试图回复上一次保存文件

    What you won't see is that a simple "undo" would bring it all back -- but only if you don't panic and close the file or try to revert to the last save.


  • 写完所有数据之后,关闭文件重新打开文件进行读取还是使用二进制模式标记

    After you've written all the data, you close the file and reopen it for reading, again using the binary mode flag.


  • 必须关闭所有迁移V6节点已迁移的部署管理器并且必须卸载配置文件

    All V6 migrated nodes and the migrated deployment manager must be shutdown and the profiles uninstalled.


  • STOPrun语句关闭运行单元内任意程序定义所有文件

    The STOP run statement closes all files defined in any of the programs in the run unit.


  • CM仲裁程序检测 CM配置文件定义所有SLA 是否已关闭

    The CM arbitrator will detect that all SLA defined in the CM configuration file is down.


  • 拨号之前,避免数据丢失关闭所有使用这些连接文件此项目的“网络协议设置中不选IPX

    Before dialing, to avoid data loss, either close all files using these connections or uncheck IPX on this entry's Network Protocol Settings.


  • Linux关闭仔细地所有缓冲区数据转送磁盘确保文件系统彻底卸载保证系统再次启动时能够使用

    When Linux shuts down, it carefully flushes all cached data to disk and ensures that the filesystem is cleanly unmounted, so that it's ready for use when the system starts up again.


  • release一个打开文件没有其他引用调用的——此时所有文件描述符都会关闭所有内存映射都会被取消

    Release is called when there are no more references to an open fileall file descriptors are closed and all memory mappings are unmapped.


  • 另外标签中的所有编辑器全部关闭被移动一个不同的Tab文件上时,原来的Tab文件夹就会被销毁。

    Furthermore, when all the editors within a TAB folder are closed or moved to a different TAB folder, the old TAB folder is destroyed.


  • 确保用户关闭服务器打开所有文件连接

    Make sure that users close all files and connections that they have open on the server.


  • 建议开始安装关闭所有其它应用软件更新相关系统文件无需重启电脑

    It is recommended that you close all other applications before starting Setup. This will make it possible to update relevant system files without having to reboot your computer.


  • 需要安装程序更新文件按独占访问模式打开。请关闭所有其它应用程序然后重新启动安装程序。

    File (s) which need to be updated by setup are opened for exclusive access. Shut down all other applications, then restart setup.


  • 如果使用注册表项对计算机所有应用程序关闭跳过功能,则配置文件设置将无效。

    If the bypass feature has been turned off for all applications on the computer by using a registry key, this configuration file setting has no effect.


  • 不会正常工作任何错误文件关闭无效的,如果在这里告知重新编译安装所有依赖关系寻求帮助

    It won't work properly, any bugs you file will be closed as invalid, and if you ask for help here you'll be told to install all dependencies and recompile.


  • 包含了服务器启动关闭系统相关脚本基本上所有jar文件进入启动脚本这个目录里面。

    Contains startup, shutdown and other system-specific scripts. Basically all the entry point JARs and start scripts included with the JBoss distribution are located in the bin directory.


  • 这些更新一个事务撤消撤消操作更新所有文件保存,即使它们在撤消期间处于关闭状态也是如此。

    These updates are undone in one transaction, and all files that are updated by the undo operation are saved, even if they are closed during the undo operation.


  • 记住这个小小的不相容所有配置文件始终指定明确rewrite引擎状态需要关闭还是打开它。

    Please keep in mind this small incompatibility and always specify explicit status of rewriting engine in each configuration file, whether you need it on or off.


  • 关闭所有其他文件之后,关闭程序集文件之前调用方法

    Call this method after closing all other files, but before closing the assembly file.


  • 关闭所有其他文件之后,关闭程序集文件之前调用方法

    Call this method after closing all other files, but before closing the assembly file.


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