CONCLUSION: the two classes of rat DRG neurons have their own characteristics of firing.
Its output average membrane potential in the excitatory population standed for the local field potential recorded in scalp EEG.
The synchronous oscillation and propagation and the forward problem of the nerval activities are the main contents of the dissertation.
The frequency changes of the excitatory neurons in Zusanli and Neiguan groups were also obvious higher than those in Pianli and Heyang groups(P<0.01).
These--Again, the chemicals could excite the other neuron bring up the chances it will fire, or inhibit the other neuron .
CONCLUSION Acupuncture may increase the intracerebral dopamine content, enhance the excitability of intracerebral dopamine neuron, and thus achieve its clinical effects.
The results showed that SVHRP could decrease the excitability of hippocampal neurons.
The hyperexcitability of spinal dorsal horn neurons is one of the main reasons for persistent pain.
These anaesthetics block sodium channels and thereby the excitability of all neurons, not just sensory neurons.
结论CACNA1H基因G 773d突变可使其编码通道电流增加,并可能引起神经元兴奋性增加。
Conclusion CACNA1H gene G773D mutation is able to increase calcium current and neuronal excitability.
Previous electrophysiological experiments have revealed that melatonin modulates hippocampal neuronal excitability and plasticity.
Objective to investigate the characteristics of frequency response areas of neurons in the primary auditory cortex.
The abnormal metabolism and excess release of Glutamic acid as well as high-frequency stimulation to the postsynaptic receptor induce excitatory neural toxicity, resulting in the death of neurons.
结论:癫痫急性发作期n 1、P 1波的改变与兴奋性氨基酸的神经元毒性作用及继发性缺血、缺氧致神经元损伤有关。
Conclusion: the changes of N1P1 in acute attack period are related with the neuron toxic action of excitatory amino acids and lesions made by secondary ischemia and hypoxia.
Conclusion the shapes of the excitatory frequency response areas of the neuron in the primary auditory cortex are various and might result from the same mechanisms.
Results: The release of excess excitatory amino acids caused neuronal death in ischemic retina.
The pathophysiological mechanisms of ischemic cerebral injury involved in the release of excitatory amino acids, depolarization about the infarction, inflammatory reaction and neuron apoptosis.
In summary, this study reveals that a recurrent excitatory loop between neurons and astrocytes developing at restricted brain sites promotes and sustains epileptic seizures.
There was significant difference between control and epileptic group. Conclusion The results suggest that the activity of GABA ergic neurons enhanced in chronic seizures.
In pathological conditions, zinc effect also contributes to the excitotoxicity-induced neuronal death.
GCS may depress the excitement of dorsal horn of spinal cord.
We concluded that NRP/GRP grafts can be used to produce excitatory and inhibitory neurons, and neurotrophin gradients can guide axonal growth from graft-derived neurons toward putative targets.
CRF could evoke a slowly activating depolarizing response that associated with enhanced excitability in myenteric neurons in colon. The cells excited by CRF were all expressed with CRF1 receptor.
It is generally agreed that the central cholinergic system plays an important role in learning and memory processes.
Objective To evaluate the remote F-wave and excitability of the spinal motoneurons changes after local intramuscular administration of botulinum toxin type A.
Objective To evaluate the remote F-wave and excitability of the spinal motoneurons changes after local intramuscular administration of botulinum toxin type A.