We are excited about the exciting news that Beijing will hold the Winter Olympics in 2022.
The exciting news made him excited. He didn't fall asleep until midnight.
It is true that video games can make people feel excited or aggressive, but so do many sports.
With the right approach, you will soon be back out on your runs, feeling excited and motivated.
'[Accounting] might not be that thrilling or exciting, but you need to have those skills to run a successful business,' she says.
A few months later, he asked me to go to his village and meet his family for Christmas, and I was thrilled.
This helps stimulate the excitement of users, showing a company that sells an exciting and fast-paced product.
I am often thrilled and over-excited while shopping, but only by bargains.
Red may be exciting, but one researcher says that time seems to pass more slowly in a room with warm colors than in a room with cool colors.
I knew none of this—if indeed I know any of it now and am not just making patterns in the air, but as I thought back then on what had excited me, the excitement came back.
As routine displaces novelty, we may be tempted to shift our attention to someone new and taste again the thrill of romantic love.
In the capital, there was a sense of thrill and excitement as people poured out to vote.
Yet amid all the excitement over the "world's fastest-growing company ever", as some have breathlessly described Groupon, words of caution can increasingly be heard.
Those abnormal people, when seeing the beautiful ladies abusing animals, would feel extraordinarily thrilled as if taking drugs. Therefore, they were willing to pay a high price for the video.
Nothing in the world is more exciting than a moment of sudden discovery or invention, and many more people are capable of experiencing such moments than is sometimes thought.
Are roller coasters fun, thrilling and exciting or just breathtakingly scary?
We grew excited and even the sound of our lessons-the sentences out of geography and 10 arithmetic books-made us tremble.
Microsoft excited the mobile phone world by giving us glimpses of Windows phone 7 and a wealth of exciting features.
But the result, "Ketika Nurani Bicara" (" When the conscience speaks ") is no action romp designed to thrill excitable boys.
It is thrilling to see how eager they are to show off their new vocabulary after years of resisting my efforts to teach them.
Tomorrow will be my birthday, with was same in the past, does not have too many excited and the excitement. Because perhaps I am a potential pessimist.
The feverish excitement of January, when Mr Ben Ali fled the country after 23 years in charge, has been replaced by a mood of eager if anxious anticipation.
Compared to her hot-blooded colleagues—who apparently believed that "their hour had come"—the young girl, who had just as much reason to be nervous and impatient, showed the most perfect poise.
Allows you to purchase the aircraft, the feelings of excitement, exciting and enjoyable experience.
"Here you are, " he said, repressedly, feeling a spring in his limbs and an elation which was tragic in itself.
"Here you are, " he said, repressedly, feeling a spring in his limbs and an elation which was tragic in itself.