• 日本其它的地方种植这些稳定陡峭山坡上的土壤

    In Japan and elsewhere, the trees are planted to stabilize soil on steep mountain slopes.


  • 非常干净动物它们分的很明确吃食地方其它的地方

    Pigs are very clean animals and choose to defecate in an area separate to their feeding area.


  • 这个函数创建了一个现有结点拷贝因此添加其它地方

    This function makes a copy of an existing node so that you can add it somewhere else.


  • 如果上帝给了世界十分忧愁,那么分给也耶路撒冷剩下分给了世界其它的地方

    If God had given ten points of sadness to the world, he allocated nine to Jerusalem and dropped one for the rest of earth to feel lucky.


  • 如果上帝给了世界十分忧愁,那么分给也耶路撒冷剩下分给了世界其它地方

    If God had given ten points of sadness to the world, he allocated nine to the Jerusalem and dropped one for the rest of earth to feel lucky.


  • 为何你们可以澳洲海岸格陵兰岛,许多其它地方找到特兰提斯的能量

    That's why you can find the Atlantean energy on the coast of Australia, in Greenland, and many other places.


  • 我们知道许多其它地方提供款手机详尽规格说明分析所有描述软件硬件

    We know there are plenty of other places where you can get detailed specs, analysis, and descriptions of everything about this phone, from hardware to software.


  • 然后注意力到了其它的地方存在彻底忽视了如同桌上那个茶杯。

    Sooner afterwards, his attention was on somewhere else, and my existence was totally ignored, just like the mug on the table.


  • 谈到3d我们期望其它地方看到3d效果,比如:在汽车后座手机之类的便携式设备上。

    About 3d, he said: "We expect to see 3d show up in other parts of the ecosystem — the rear seat of automobiles and portable devices such as mobile phones."


  • 其它的地方也到处出现着犯罪行为武装抢劫的次数越来越特别是堪称尼日利亚奇大无比商业首都拉各斯

    Elsewhere a crime wave is spreading; armed robberies are getting more numerous, especially in Lagos, Nigeria's huge commercial capital.


  • 汉剧作为中国戏曲个剧种,作为湖北省地方有着悠久的历史,并对京剧其它的地方剧种产生过很重要的影响。

    Being one of the oldest operas in China with a history of nearly four hundred years, Han opera is a major local opera in Hubei Province.


  • 属哥伦比亚省,明晰这里土地的所属权一直一件未竟之事。和加拿大其它地方不同,这里在殖民时代几个条约,且覆盖范围

    Who owns the land is unfinished business in British Columbia where, unlike in the rest of Canada, only a few treaties covering small areas were signed in colonial times.


  • 采取什么措施之前,在Google输入询问,是个办法看看(在wordpress.org其它的地方)有没有什么东西提到了你的问题

    Before you do anything, it's usually a good idea to type your query into Google to see if there's anything (on wordpress. org or elsewhere) that addresses your problem.


  • 技术全球其它地方获批准,一部分原因是一项全新技术,未通过人体实验,另一点也是因为一方法通常会招致从事生殖医学研究的学者们的反对

    The procedure is not yet allowed anywhere else in the world, partly because it is new and untested in people but also because of the opposition that reproductive medicine often inspires.


  • 即使是15分钟猝发其它地方持续黑暗环境)也可以使动物重新设定生理节奏

    Even a fifteen-minute burst of light in otherwise sustained darkness can reset an animal's circadian rhythm.


  • 惊人这样事实日本宝塔楼层其它地方同类建筑不同,它们实际上并不相连

    More surprising is the fact that the individual storeys of a Japanese pagoda, unlike their counterparts elsewhere, are not actually connected to each other.


  • 当然演奏多种多样令人印象深刻有趣作品没有必要艾弗里·费舍尔音乐厅其他其它地方一场有趣的交响乐演出。

    To be sure, he performs an impressive variety of interesting compositions, but it is not necessary for me to visit Avery Fisher Hall, or anywhere else, to hear interesting orchestral music.


  • 森林那些无法支持其它草地植物生长地方鹿可以越橘类植物、沙龙白珠树、山茱萸几乎任何其他种类的灌木草本植物

    Where the forest inhibits the growth of grass and other meadow plants, the black-tailed deer browses on huckleberry, salal, dogwood, and almost any other shrub or herb.


  • 第一个出现类似现在航空交通管制地方纽约市很快其它大城市也开始效仿。

    The first region to have something approximating today's ATC was New York City, with other major metropolitan areas following soon after.


  • 论它们是邮票、硬币、卡片、模型车,还是其它任何你感兴趣的东西,这都是了解人和地方的好方法。

    Whether they are stamps, coins, cards, model cars, or whatever else interests you, it's a great way to learn about people and places.


  • 访问这块区域的其它地方包括约旦河西岸,沙特埃及

    He will also visit other places in the region, including the West Bank, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.


  • 不久之后因为艺术展览会进入街区而搬到了城市其它地方

    Soon after, she migrated to other parts of the city as art fairs invaded the streets.


  • 当时如果存在所说的其它地方人们便纷纷逃离美元,令人担心的美元崩溃发生了。

    And at that point in time, if those other places exist, there could be flight away from the dollar and the dollar crash that people worry about.


  • 橡皮筋——需要有250个吗?橡皮筋地方通常你是不是屋子其它地方使用它们

    Rubber bands-do you need 250? is this the best place for them or do you typically use them elsewhere in the home?


  • 有些东西能够或者应该家里其它地方

    Are there things that could or should be used elsewhere in your home?


  • 但是那以后资源开始变得匮乏而且与世界的其它地方隔绝

    But since then it has been starved of resources and isolated from the rest of the world.


  • 但是那以后资源开始变得匮乏而且与世界的其它地方隔绝

    But since then it has been starved of resources and isolated from the rest of the world.


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