Barley is adaptable to a greater range of climate than any other cereal.
Would you classify her novels as serious literature or other?
In other words, it is an operation that directly responds to a message from other classes.
An interface can extend other interfaces, just as a class subclass or extend another class.
None of the decorations shown here will "leak" to other classes appearing below it in the file.
Pumpkins are members of the gourd family. They are related to melons, cucumbers and squashes.
This is somewhat analogous to classes in our software designs that call methods in other classes.
Other classes supplied with UDDI4J provide access to all of the information available in the UDDI registry.
Such operations will appear in features of other classes, called the clients of class COUNTER.
This frequency stabilization method can be extended to other alkaline-earth-like atoms with similar weak intercombination lines.
A responsibility of a class describes the services that this class will provide in our system, and that no other class will provide.
Note that the simple methods in Listing 1 can be called from other classes, such as our business delegates, to perform validation logic as needed.
It also shows dependencies on other classes, our marshaller and the business interface, as described in the two previous patterns.
The manageItemsUtil class implements a few basic utility functions that are needed by the other classes and some JSPs.
If you have a domain package that is a server to only one other class or domain package, you may decide to combine the two packages.
Terms are the outcome of society. The relationship between nouns and social life or social phenomena is closer than other kinds of terms.
It requires a careful analysis of not only the conditions under which variables will be read or written, but also of how the class might be used by other classes.
之所以使用 mixin这个名称,是因为这样的类可以以各种方式与其它类混合在一起。
The name mixin was used because such classes can be mixed together with other classes in various ways.
我们的全局实例化函数会返回一个其它类的对象,这个类会让我们产生CD B类的实例。
Our global instantiation function will return an object of another class that will allow us to produce instances of the CDB class.
The framework code itself will also use one or more other class loaders, again to prevent interference to or from applications.
The key point is just that the constant pool contains all the references to other classes and methods used by this class, along with the actual definitions for this class and its methods.
Also note that class definitions must appear at the top level of a module, meaning they cannot be nested classes (classes defined inside other classes or functions).
A member function with default visibility is effectively public to all other classes within the same package, but private to classes external to the package.
The elastic fabrics with fine stretch have the properties that wearing comfortable, unique, soapy faces and soft handle, they are people's most favorite products.
Ouyang said another important goal of the Mars mission was to detect solar systems beyond earth's reach and to compare the origins of earth-like planets with the formation of the solar system.
在Linux或其它类 UNIX平台或OS/2 环境下,可能要用到 pilot-link实用程序 - 尤其是 pilot-xfer程序。
Under Linux or other UNIX-like platforms or OS/2, you will probably use the pilot-link utilities -- specifically the pilot-xfer program. This might look something like
Where the forest inhibits the growth of grass and other meadow plants, the black-tailed deer browses on huckleberry, salal, dogwood, and almost any other shrub or herb.