For example, in many countries, women are not entitled to own property, inherit land or other assets.
The bulk of currency dealing is for hedging or related to trading in stocks, bonds and other assets.
When investors lose faith in other assets, they turn to gold, and gold prices go up.
Much of the cheap money recycled from the saving countries found its way into housing and other assets in the West.
And the groups and their members are prohibited from using any money or other holdings they own in the U. s.
It is well known that we should treat knowledge as any other assets, rein, manage and use it.
And the Fed reserves the right to demand other assets if pledged collateral turns bad.
Banks have already sold a sizeable chunk of their Alt-A holdings to hedge funds and other asset-management firms, often at large discounts.
Its passenger services were taken over by Amtrak in 1971, and its other assets were transferred to Conrail in 1976.
Contagion continues to spread across Europe, but although bond markets are pricing in for pretty catastrophic consequences this isn't being reflected in other assets classes.
But art is less removed from the fates of other assets than it might look. It seems to do well during periods of above-trend growth and inflation.
The Company's assets, including facilities, equipment, materials, information resources, intellectual property, files, cash and other assets, must be used only for legitimate business purposes.
Somebody who has a lot of other assets say, you know you're getting a big pension, or you own a business interest that you know you can easily sell might rightly take more risk.
The slow pace of recovery in labour markets was of great concern, he admitted, but the inflation trade-offs from additional asset purchases are “getting less attractive”.
American homeowners are also much more likely to walk away from their debts because many mortgages are "non-recourse", meaning that lenders cannot come after borrowers' other assets.
Even though the latest news is good for the US economy, the dollar sold off heavily as investors left it for opportunities to take part in the global "recovery" trade.
But it struggled to agree on a valuation of Prodeco with Xstrata, and would presumably face the same problem with its other assets-meaning a merger would be tricky to negotiate.
The method of mining rights assessment is similar to the method of other asset assessment, which evaluates the value of target by return, market and cost.
Still, the fed seems to have contributed to the booming demand for housing and other assets by keeping the federal funds rate artificially low during the boom years of 2003-05.
Small communities from British Columbia to the British Isles are experimenting with alternative currencies that allow residents to swap work hours, food, or other assets of value.
Small communities from British Columbia to the British Isles are experimenting with alternative currencies that allow residents to swap work hours, food, or other assets of value.