• 的话内心充满骄傲

    Alik's words filled her heart with pride.


  • 内心处于各种情绪的漩涡中。

    Inside, she was a maelstrom of churning emotions.


  • 内心释然地长出了一口气。

    I sighed with inward relief.


  • 不大流露内心自我

    She doesn't reveal much of her inner self.


  • 内心弗兰尼怒不可遏。

    Inside, Frannie was raging.


  • 很多病人告诉他们内心深处想法

    Many patients have told me their innermost thoughts.


  • 从未放弃洞悉内心深处情感的努力。

    She never abandoned her attempts to plumb my innermost emotions.


  • 听到这些斯科特觉得内心疑虑消失了。

    When he heard these words, Scot felt his inner doubts melt away.


  • 儿童所建立的友爱关系使内心安全感

    Loving relationships that a child makes will give him an inner sense of security.


  • 作为礼貌行为典范已经克服内心狂怒情绪

    A model of good manners, he has conquered any inward fury.


  • 内心深处知道,我正是完成使命合适人选

    I know in my heart of hearts that I am the right man for that mission.


  • 这种态度如果不能反映内心认知确定性毫无价值。

    Such attitudes are valueless unless they reflect inner cognition and certainty.


  • 内心深处仍然线希望,希望永远都不想知道

    There was still the faint hope deep within him that she might never need to know.


  • 通过研究人行为方式我们可以推断他们内心的想法。

    By studying the way people behave, we can theorize about what is going on in their mind.


  • 需要来自内心深处改变观点态度上的真正改变。

    What is needed is a change from the inside, a real change in outlook and attitude.


  • 我们异性吸引程度更多我们内心自信有关而不是外貌

    Our level of attraction to the opposite sex has more to do with our inner confidence than how we look.


  • 部分原因在于我们内心穴居人

    Part of the fault lies with our inner caveman.


  • 认为成功地掩饰了内心激动

    I think I successfully concealed my inner excitement.


  • 我们如何说服我们内心穴居人变得更环保?

    How do we convince our inner caveman to be greener?


  • 不幸是,人们通过夸大恐惧制造内心障碍

    Unfortunately, people create inner barriers with a help of exaggerating fears.


  • 无法窥视内心看到拥有自由意志事实

    You can't peer into your mind and see the fact that you've got free will.


  • 这样就能利用情绪而不失去平衡内心稳定

    This way you make use of your emotions without losing your balance and inner stability.


  • 说话时流露出内心的辛酸。

    When he spoke, his bitterness showed through.


  • 发自内心地感到懊悔。

    He was genuinely remorseful.


  • 科泽来克毫不自怜地表达了内心凄凉

    Kozelek expresses his sense of desolation absolutely without self-pity.


  • 谦逊的外表掩饰自负内心,”

    "Your modesty is a cover for your overweening conceit," she said.


  • 受到那样待遇,无法掩藏内心强烈的愤恨

    She could not conceal the deep resentment she felt at the way she had been treated.


  • 内心深处还是知道自己当时正在做错误事。

    She knew, at some deep level of her psyche, that what she was doing was wrong.


  • 变成一个内心充满怨恨冷酷无情成年人

    He had turned into an embittered, hardened adult.


  • 认为内心深处其实钦佩有魄力反对自己的意见。

    He suspected that deep down, she admired him for having the gumption to disagree with her.


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