Surround yourself with greens and blues to create a sense of tranquility.
No matter how sick I felt, I always found a sense of tranquility during my Wyoming visits.
Oriental culture is profound, I'm going to explore, to find inner peace and eternal life.
You should remove all those dirty things and then you are possible to seek inner tranquilness.
Success is peace of mind that is the direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.
The life in true peace and a wholesome mental state can only be obtained by the cessation of defilements.
If I can give up my life to have peace with myself, what else can't I forgive?
When heart pain, when is mentally confused, always warned that oneself seeks for the innermost feelings the tranquility, seeks for one to succeed by a quiet attitude, heart even like water boundary!
You'll get more of what really matters - more growth opportunities, more love, more joy, more inner peace.
If, inside, you possess good qualities, such as compassion or spiritual forgiveness...... then external factors will not affect the internal peace of the mind.
If this is done, couples can hopefully avoid the trap of pursing an increasingly futile goal while slowly destroying their relationship and peace of mind.
We know that the pressures of everyday life have their effect upon you, and if you feel run down take the time to find your place of quietness and peace.
Leaving the tumult of scents and sunlight, in the cool evening air, the mind would grow calm and the body relaxed, savoring the inner silence born of satisfied love.
Happiness is inner peace and comfort with the realization that I may want more, but if I don't obtain it, I can and will be happy with where I am, what I am achieving or where I am headed.
By choosing to let go of the past, we can sweep out all the ashes that weigh us down and subtly affect every aspect of our health, our relationships, and our peace of mind.
Stability, reliability, and predictability are the means of achieving peace of mind.
It will guide you to your true place, solve your difficulties, sever you from emotional and physical bondage, and place you on the royal road to freedom, happiness, and peace of mind.
Forgiveness is not about the other - it is an inner letting go that finally allows us to be at peace.
You may not succeed at the first attempts, but if you keep on performing these Suggestions earnestly, you will gradually begin to experience peace of mind.
I am not going to talk here about meditation, though this is one of the best peace of mind tools.
Below you will find some simple and easy to perform tips and Suggestions to experience inner peace at your workplace.
Well, consider that the first thing a system administrator wants is peace of mind; everything else is secondary.
Do not let this world distract you and rob you off that wonderful feeling of inner calm.
"My mind is peaceful throughout the whole day. I radiate peace around me. I talk peacefully, politely and with a smile. I choose to act peacefully".
自由自在的氛围弥漫在梦中情人所至的每一处空间,她如天使般宁静、安详,实际上,她就是天使,悄悄地抚平昏睡者内心的创伤。 “我挽住她的腰,把她拉近我的身体,我爱她...
The Platonic Sweetheart was weightless, serene: angelic, in fact—a healing angel to the troubled sleeper.
But on days that I draw a cartoon that I like, a weird calmness comes over me, a strange feeling of contentedness and happiness. What the hell's that all about?
You become aware of your body, you are observing the world from a place of inner stillness.
On Youtube and Vimeo, there are plenty of videos of ocean waves, falling rain, flower fields and other calming imagery that will be sure to bring an inner smile to your spirit.
With concise design, deliver to the customer a simple and inner tranquility, and tireless pursuit.
With concise design, deliver to the customer a simple and inner tranquility, and tireless pursuit.