• 自己置身绿色蓝色之中可以带来内心宁静

    Surround yourself with greens and blues to create a sense of tranquility.


  • 不管多么消沉沮丧,只要来到怀俄明州,我找到内心宁静

    No matter how sick I felt, I always found a sense of tranquility during my Wyoming visits.


  • 东方文化博大精深,探索寻求内心宁静生命的永恒

    Oriental culture is profound, I'm going to explore, to find inner peace and eternal life.


  • 应该这些一一排除,如此,你才能内心的宁静

    You should remove all those dirty things and then you are possible to seek inner tranquilness.


  • 成功内心宁静知道自己已竭尽所做到最好后获得的满足感

    Success is peace of mind that is the direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.


  • 真实内心宁静善良心境得自烦恼(defilements)的止息

    The life in true peace and a wholesome mental state can only be obtained by the cessation of defilements.


  • 如果可以放弃生命内心宁静,我还有什么别的理由不能宽恕别人?

    If I can give up my life to have peace with myself, what else can't I forgive?


  • 心痛乱时,告诫自己寻找内心宁静,寻找一份宁静致远,心如水境界

    When heart pain, when is mentally confused, always warned that oneself seeks for the innermost feelings the tranquility, seeks for one to succeed by a quiet attitude, heart even like water boundary!


  • 得到更多真正重要东西——更多成长机会,更多的,更多的欢乐以及内心宁静

    You'll get more of what really matters - more growth opportunities, more love, more joy, more inner peace.


  • 如果拥有良好品质内在诸如同情或者宽容……那么外界的一切都不会打破你内心宁静

    If, inside, you possess good qualities, such as compassion or spiritual forgiveness...... then external factors will not affect the internal peace of the mind.


  • 如果这样的话,病人夫妇就很可能避免渺茫目标耗费不断增长的费用内心宁静甚至夫妇间的关系

    If this is done, couples can hopefully avoid the trap of pursing an increasingly futile goal while slowly destroying their relationship and peace of mind.


  • 我们知道日常生活压力你们产生影响如果觉得走下坡路花一点时间找到内心的宁静和平

    We know that the pressures of everyday life have their effect upon you, and if you feel run down take the time to find your place of quietness and peace.


  • 离开喧闹气味阳光傍晚凉爽空气中头脑变得冷静身体放松下来享受令人满足的爱恋感而生出内心宁静

    Leaving the tumult of scents and sunlight, in the cool evening air, the mind would grow calm and the body relaxed, savoring the inner silence born of satisfied love.


  • 幸福内心宁静欢乐,同时知道自己可能想要更多但是如果得不到现在的地位,成就前进的方向而感到满足和欣慰

    Happiness is inner peace and comfort with the realization that I may want more, but if I don't obtain it, I can and will be happy with where I am, what I am achieving or where I am headed.


  • 选择放手过去我们可以那些重压在身上尘埃。这些尘埃微妙地影响我们健康人际关系内心的宁静,可以说影响我们生活中的每一个方面

    By choosing to let go of the past, we can sweep out all the ashes that weigh us down and subtly affect every aspect of our health, our relationships, and our peace of mind.


  • 稳定性可靠性可预测性达到内心宁静方法

    Stability, reliability, and predictability are the means of achieving peace of mind.


  • 指引找到真实自我,解决你的难题切断情绪身体束缚你推上通往自由幸福内心宁静的康庄大道上。

    It will guide you to your true place, solve your difficulties, sever you from emotional and physical bondage, and place you on the royal road to freedom, happiness, and peace of mind.


  • 宽恕关于别人我们内心一种释放从而使我们的心境变得平和宁静

    Forgiveness is not about the other - it is an inner letting go that finally allows us to be at peace.


  • 最初时候或许不会成功但是如果坚持认真跟随这些建议的话你逐渐的找到内心祥和宁静

    You may not succeed at the first attempts, but if you keep on performing these Suggestions earnestly, you will gradually begin to experience peace of mind.


  • 不会告诉你让你冥想尽管冥想其实找到内心祥和宁静最好方法。

    I am not going to talk here about meditation, though this is one of the best peace of mind tools.


  • 下面发现一些简单容易的小细节建议可以使你的工作场所做到内心祥和宁静

    Below you will find some simple and easy to perform tips and Suggestions to experience inner peace at your workplace.


  • 认为系统管理员首先需要保持内心宁静,其余事情次要的。

    Well, consider that the first thing a system administrator wants is peace of mind; everything else is secondary.


  • 花花世界迷惑了双眼,更别让夺走内心宁静那种美妙感受

    Do not let this world distract you and rob you off that wonderful feeling of inner calm.


  • 内心自始至终宁静带着宁静光环,我说话的时候会很平和彬彬有礼并且面带微笑。我选择以宁静的方式去生活。

    "My mind is peaceful throughout the whole day. I radiate peace around me. I talk peacefully, politely and with a smile. I choose to act peacefully".


  • 自由自在的氛围弥漫梦中情人所至处空间,她如天使宁静、安详,实际上,她就是天使,悄悄地抚平昏睡者内心的创伤。 “我挽住她的腰,把她拉近我的身体,我爱她...

    The Platonic Sweetheart was weightless, serene: angelic, in facta healing angel to the troubled sleeper.


  • 就在喜欢漫画那些日子里内心却时时刻刻感受到了一种不可思议的宁静,它还让感受到了一种奇怪的满足高兴这究竟是怎么了?

    But on days that I draw a cartoon that I like, a weird calmness comes over me, a strange feeling of contentedness and happiness. What the hell's that all about?


  • 开始意识自己身体,你正在宁静内心观察世界

    You become aware of your body, you are observing the world from a place of inner stillness.


  • YoutubeVimeo上,大量关于海浪降雨花海其他宁静意象视频一定可以给你的精神带来发自内心的微笑

    On Youtube and Vimeo, there are plenty of videos of ocean waves, falling rain, flower fields and other calming imagery that will be sure to bring an inner smile to your spirit.


  • 简洁明了设计传递顾客内心简单宁静追求不懈

    With concise design, deliver to the customer a simple and inner tranquility, and tireless pursuit.


  • 简洁明了设计传递顾客内心简单宁静追求不懈

    With concise design, deliver to the customer a simple and inner tranquility, and tireless pursuit.


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