• 政策内涵性质不同理解影响到政策的探索实践推广进程

    Different comprehensions of the connotation and character affect the policy process of exploring, practicing and spreading.


  • 它也有助于刺激能量兴奋。红色消极内涵愤怒紧急情况愤怒源于红色热情积极性质

    The negative connotations of red are rage, emergency, and anger, which stem from the passionate and aggressive qualities of red.


  • 部分中,主要研究恶意诉讼侵权责任内涵性质恶意诉讼行为特征进行了探讨

    In this part, mainly research malicious prosecution tort liability's connotation, characteristic, and discuss the feature of malicious prosecution action.


  • 主要内容包括:事业性收费内涵性质、收费理论事业收费管理的内容,公共规制政策制度原理与方法

    The content includes the implication and nature of utility charge, theories of charge, the content of utility charge management, as well the system theory of public regulation policy.


  • 厘清戏曲本体研究范围对象内涵性质目的方法确立合理的对话基础、推进戏曲本体探讨基本前提

    Clarifying the range, objects, connotations, nature, purpose and methods of opera ousia study is the basic premise of probing into the ousia of Chinese traditional opera.


  • 合同责任性质内涵界定合同责任归基础,合同归责服务于功能实现

    The nature and intension of the contracts law are the cornerstone of the imputations of contracts liability, which serves the achievement of its own function.


  • 一部分阐述公共人力资源定义性质基础,提出公共人力资源出国培训内涵特征

    The first part described the meaning and features of public human resources'overseas training based on the definition and nature of public human resources.


  • 儿童权利相关概念作的说明部分中内涵性质特征作了说明重点在于阐释儿童权利独立性基础和对儿童利益最大化正当性的说明。

    I analyzed the content, property and characteristic as to it, the point lies in the elucidation that explains independent foundation of child's rights and maximizes proper to child's benefits.


  • 合法利益内涵性质发生了很大变迁

    The intention and nature of "Legitimate interests" have greatly transited.


  • 本文主要介绍卡加梅关于哲学研究方法理论成果诸如班图哲学的定义来源内涵性质等。

    This article mainly introduces Kagame's research method and his theoretical achievement in Bantu philosophy study, such as the definition, sources, contents and nature of Bantu philosophy.


  • 本文首先上诉利益理论渊源入手详细论述上诉利益理论的产生内涵性质

    This article firstly obtains from the appeal interest's theory origin, and then elaborates the appeal benefit theory production, the connotation and the nature in detail.


  • 论文排污产权性质内涵进行分析

    The paper will analyze the characteristic and meaning of the right of pollutants discharge.


  • 评估材料收集整理工作项极具研究性质的工作,搞好评估支撑材料必须充分理解指标内涵,从“四性”的角度深度挖掘材料。

    Collection and management of evaluating materials are research-based work and must sufficiently understand index connotation and mine the materials from the Angle of "four characteristics".


  • 公民环境内涵外延性质进行界定,提出公民环境权必要性

    The paper explains the connotation, extension and character of the environmental right of citizens, brings forward the necessity of putting environmental right into Constitution.


  • 经过长期努力与开拓,关于旧约》文本性质内涵研究角度、研究方法到研究主题形成多元化格局,进而宗教学、历史学和文学研究基础之上,又催生了《旧约》传记研究的产生

    On the nature and content of the Old Testament, we have created a multi - dimensional situation about the research point, method and the theme, even now the research with biography theory.


  • 爱因斯坦先生研究物理紧扣物理概念内涵反而纯数学假设认识物理性质

    Mr Einstein researched physics but didn't stick closely to the concept and connotation of physics, but used pure mathematical hypothesis to realize physics character.


  • 然后基于内涵缩减,我们给出提取关联规则算法伪码,两个性质用来去除余的关联规则;

    Then we give out the algorithms for extracting association rules from the lattice based on intent reduct, where two properties are exploited to remove the redundant rules.


  • 第二部门从理念上探讨了大学教师学术专业发铺内涵性质使命影响因素

    Part two discusses the connotation, nature, mission and influencing factors of American professors' academic professional development.


  • 哲学家们内涵和外延相对,表示所指实体性质

    Philosophers use connotation, opposite to denotation, to mean the properties of the entity a word denotes.


  • 林业科学技术内涵,以及林业经济管理学科性质、任务实际应用问题综合论述

    In addition, this article also makes a synthetical discussion about the intension of forestry science and technology, and the characters, responsihilities and problems of …


  • 文章第一儿童利益原则进行法理分析概述了收养制度内涵涉外收养法律性质

    In the first chapter the writer makes the nomological analysis of the principle "children' s interests" and summarizes the connotation of adoption system and the property of foreign adoption;


  • 前人有关产业集群研究成果基础上,本文通过产业集群的基本概念特征深入研究,明确了产业集群的内涵组织性质

    Based on the existing research, by probing the basic concept and character of industrial clusters, and deeply understands its organization character.


  • 第二简析委托理财概念内涵基础上分别剖析各种关于委托理财合同法律性质争议

    Chapter One investigates various arguments over the legal nature of trust contract in conducting financial transactions respectively on the basis of the analysis of its conceptual connotations.


  • 从演绎内涵上将多项式零点问题研究归结为同一性多项式的结构性质选择的研究。

    So that, the studies on the zeros of polynomial can be looked upon as the studies on the constructions of polynomial identity structure, its properties and the way to pick them up.


  • 持有持有型犯罪首要客观要件,明确其内涵性质以及认定甚为重要

    It is very important to find the meaning of possessing, as it's the chief element of the offense.


  • 文物建筑保护方式是由文物性质文化内涵方面所决定

    The protection method of the antique building decides with both sides of its culture content and cultural denotative.


  • 物权定义及物权性质、本质、特征法律概念的内涵与外延问题物权法领域极为重要然而也是极为混乱的问题。

    The definition of property right and other related definitions are the very important and confused problems in the legal field of property right.


  • 但是,青遗址仍属于最早发现概括和代表江淮东部原始文化稳定的基本内涵特征性质

    However Qingdun site is the earliest discovery and it can reflect essential characteristics of the prehistory culture in eastern Jianghuai area.


  • 本文首先通过对企业核心竞争力一般的研究分析企业核心竞争力内涵本质,探讨了企业核心竞争力形成机理。

    First of all, this paper mainly through the core competetence of the theory and analysis of the characteristics to build the core competence of the importance and urgency.


  • 本文首先通过对企业核心竞争力一般的研究分析企业核心竞争力内涵本质,探讨了企业核心竞争力形成机理。

    First of all, this paper mainly through the core competetence of the theory and analysis of the characteristics to build the core competence of the importance and urgency.


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