• 这样分析理解方法称为汉语内涵逻辑模型

    Such method of analyzing and interpreting is called Chinese Intentional Logic Model.


  • 建立面向交通领域的现代汉语内涵逻辑语义词典,词典包括名词动词形容词等

    Build a Modern Chinese Semantic Dictionary Based on Intentional Logical Model, which can be used in traffic information query system. This Dictionary include Noun, Verb and Adjective.


  • 塔古构建语用内涵逻辑我们分析处理间接语境内涵外延的关系有极大的启示。

    The pragmatic intensional logic constructed by Montague helps us to analyze and treat the relation between intension and 'extension in such an indirect context.


  • 内涵主要是指人认识处理数量关系、空间形成内在规律逻辑关系抽象模式悟性潜能

    It has connotations of savvy and potential to understand and handle numeral relations, the inherent law of space forming, logical relationship and abstract patterns.


  • 罪名定义揭示罪名概念内涵犯罪本质特征主要特征逻辑方法

    Accusation definition is a logical method of announcing accusation intension, namely crime's essence or main character.


  • 第四介绍了叙事功能叙事逻辑内涵探讨了它们叙事作文教学运用

    The fourth introduced the content of narrative function and narrative logic, inquired them into application in the narrative composition teaching.


  • 本文试图通过二者内涵分析,理清它们之间逻辑关系。

    This text attempts to put the logic relation between them in order through an analysis of two intension.


  • 逻辑分析时,明确概念第一重要步骤;概念内涵外延分别“定义”与“划分”的方法来确定

    Concept is the first and the most important step in logic analysis; the intension and extention of the concept are determined by definition and classification respectively.


  • 本文GDI映射方式入手,对基于设备坐标基于逻辑坐标的窗口概念内涵及其相互关系进行了分析介绍。

    Beginning on the GDI mapping mode, the paper discusses the concepts, meaning and relation of view port based on logic coordinates and window based on device coordinates.


  • 形式内容之间具有表达关系这种表达关系包括形式内涵外延逻辑情感等等

    There is a relationship of expression between form and contend, which includes denotation extension and connotation intension, logic and sensibility etc.


  • 通过介绍辽宁省朝阳市古生物化石博物馆方案,论述博物馆设计中对主题内涵认识的建筑设计表达方式设计中的平面逻辑组织方式。

    The account of the design for Chaoyang Ancient Extinct Life Fossils Museum expounds the way to ex-press the motif and connotation and to organize logic plan in architectural design.


  • 信用征信信贷征信三个概念内涵层层递进构建社会信用体系提供逻辑思路着眼点

    The three concepts of credit, credit information and credit loan information, showing a progressive nature in connotation, provide a logical philosophy and a focus for building a social credit system.


  • 采用文献资料逻辑分析研究方法,对体育生活化内涵特征实现路径进行深入研究。

    By the methods of literature study and logical analysis, the authors made an in-depth study on the connotation, characteristics and the ways of realization for "Mixing Sport into Life".


  • 他们对人性内涵做出了各自的规定,韩人性论既有相似逻辑起点内容上又存在着极大差异

    They have their respective understandings to the content of the human nature concept, Xnzi's and Hanfei's human nature has similar logic point of departure, has tremendous difference on the contents.


  • 第三部分详细记录京族族源传说诸多版本,分析背后变迁逻辑文化内涵

    Part III records various editions of local ethnic origin's myth in detail, and analyzes their logic changes and cultural connotation behind them.


  • 接着行政行为传统二分逻辑悖论作为切入点瑕疵行政行为内涵进行界定。

    Administrative actions will be followed by the logic of the traditional dichotomy paradox as a starting point, the Defective Administrative Acts to be defined.


  • 采用文献资料法逻辑分析法农村非正式结构体育社团内涵特点作用进行分析探讨

    By studying the documentary and using logical analysis, this paper discusses the connotation, features and functions of the informal structure's sports community in rural areas.


  • 这些概念内涵逻辑关系构成描述生育观念概念逻辑模型

    The connotations and logical relations of those conceptions constitute a Conceptual Model describing the childbearing ideology.


  • “厌讼”一词存在固有缺陷逻辑概念不周延法律内涵模糊

    There is an inherence defect in this word: the concept is undistributed in logical and the connotation is fuzzy in law.


  • 清晰具有一定秩序思维会规定艺术作品精神内涵形式逻辑高度凝炼纯净

    The thinking which is clear and has a certain sense of order can provide high compact and purity for the spiritual intension and forms of thinking of artistic works.


  • 其次,本文逻辑理论角度论证了从生命权生存权的变迁存在内涵联系

    Second, the Chapter Two establishes the relationship between the right to life and the right to subsistence from the analytical angles of the logical and theoretical.


  • 第二节阐释社会转型涵义明晰界定了公正内涵社会转型与社会公正之间的内在逻辑展开论述;

    Section Two explains the connotation of the social transformation, clearly defines the meaning fair, and discusses the inner logic of the social transformation and the social fair;


  • 世界划分主要留意的是对于世界的本体论划分,然而划分很深逻辑内涵

    The people who divide the World give attention mainly to how to divide the world according to ontology, but the division itself has deep logic connotations.


  • 研究方法:采用文献学史学逻辑研究方法,对四象医学中医辨证论治理论源流科学内涵基本内容思维方法进行综合分析比较

    Method: We synthetically analysis the difference of theoretical origin, scientific connotation, basic content, thinking methods by different research methods such as philology, history and logic.


  • 本文试图逻辑语言视角,以分析思想内涵为中心,对本体论论题进一步诠释

    The present article attempts to analyze the ideological connotation and then to make further interpretation of ontology from the perspective of logic and language.


  • 结合前面典型案例基础上动画造型外在特点开始分析,逐渐深入探讨内在文化内涵,形成了表层内核研究的深入性以及逻辑关系。

    In light of typical cases on the basis of animation modeling from the beginning of the external features. Step by step on its internal culture, a core from the surface to study the logic of relations.


  • 结合前面典型案例基础上动画造型外在特点开始分析,逐渐深入探讨内在文化内涵,形成了表层内核研究的深入性以及逻辑关系。

    In light of typical cases on the basis of animation modeling from the beginning of the external features. Step by step on its internal culture, a core from the surface to study the logic of relations.


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