• 再次沿着峭壁开始向上攀爬

    She started once again on the steep upward climb.


  • 镇上再次发生了血腥杀戮事件。

    Once again there's been ferocious bloodletting in the township.


  • 的新作大获成功,再次引起轰动

    She's scored again with her latest blockbuster.


  • 无法忍受再次搬家折腾

    I can't face the upheaval of moving house again.


  • 再次见到打开创伤

    Seeing him again opened up old wounds.


  • 再次发誓继续推进改革计划

    He again pledged to forge ahead with his plans for reform.


  • 再次出现他正步枪瞄准维德

    When he appeared again, he was aiming the rifle at Wade.


  • 日元贬值东京不敢再次上调利率

    The yen is weakening. But Tokyo dare not raise its interest rates again.


  • 再次发笑突然受控制地一阵咳嗽。

    Laughing again, she was seized by a sudden coughing jag.


  • 一想到再次见到他们便欣喜若狂。

    He was thrilled at the prospect of seeing them again.


  • 于是我们再次出发诅咒延误西走

    So we set off again, cursing the delay, toward the west.


  • 总统已经公开表示打算再次参加竞选

    The President has let it be known that he does not intend to run for election again.


  • 儿子再次被捕脱离了关系。

    When her son was arrested again she washed her hands of him.


  • 再次呼吁一个更快市场经济转换

    He again called for a faster changeover to a market economy.


  • 讨论再次停顿下来

    Discussions have once again stalled.


  • 星期来干旱再次引起了群众对饥荒的恐慌

    These weeks of drought have once again raised the spectre of widespread famine.


  • 再次吟咏第一倾听歌词音乐交融。

    She sang the first verse again, listening to the way the words melded with the music.


  • 倘若我们再次见面希望记得的事。

    If and when we ever meet again I hope he remembers what I did for him.


  • 年后一次总统竞选,选民有可能再次转向

    In two years' time there is a presidential election, and the voters could swing again.


  • 动脉再次栓塞,需要再做一次同样的外科手术。

    His arteries were blocked up again, requiring him to undergo repeat surgery.


  • 什么?”妻子再次问道,语气温和坚决

    "What is it?" his wife asked again, gently but insistently.


  • 已经埃德谈过了,答应这种事情再次发生。

    I've spoken to Ed about it and he's promised not to let it happen again.


  • 如果本周没有获得彩票头奖,头奖再次下周

    If the jackpot isn't won this week it will roll over again to next week.


  • 1980年,利率开始朝着20%波动上升然后下降再次上升。

    Interest rates began to gyrate up toward 20 percent in 1980 and then down and up again.


  • 再次声明各方参加会谈

    He reasserted that all parties should be involved in the talks.


  • 他们重新聚集兵力,再次发动进攻。

    They regrouped their forces and renewed the attack.


  • 社区领导人再次呼吁和平解决

    Community leaders have renewed calls for a peaceful settlement.


  • 更换水龙头再次接通了自来水。

    I replaced the taps and reconnected the water supply.


  • 制作再次使用塑料模子。

    He makes plastic reusable moulds.


  • 担心不会获准再次踏足英伦

    She feared she would not be granted re-entry into Britain.


- 来自原声例句

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