I plight again, By every sainted Bee - By Daisy called from hillside - By Bobolink from lane.
Lincoln again swears that he's innocent, that the gun he had intended to use but never fired was still missing after he dumped it in a storm drain somewhere on the way home.
After getting burned once or twice for failing to cover some base, they develop a fool-proof routine to prevent that from happening again, then swear their eternal allegiance to it.
We vow to buy more flashlights – and promptly forget where we put them when the lights flicker on and the air conditioner chugs back to life.
布朗先生发誓防止任何一个违反规章制度的人再次企图重新选举,并称Ms Blears女士和其他人的那种愚昧无知之举是“不能接受的”。
Mr Brown vowed to prevent anyone who had "defied the rules" from seeking re-election, and called the antics of Ms Blears and others "unacceptable".
The tree story surfaced again when a state policeman who was supporting Joe Woodward swore he had taken me out of that infamous tree back in 1969.
Whatever the case, Kiaransalee disappeared and Orcus reclaimed his station and swore to never again know true defeat.
Skye vowed to not let his twin brother Lev to trouble dating girls, but when the girl Lev success will go again, Skye red brother crazy.
Skye vowed to not let his twin brother Lev to trouble dating girls, but when the girl Lev success will go again, Skye red brother crazy.