• 简历时间确定加入公司

    Take the time to identify the companies you want to work for before you sit down to write your resume.


  • 这里列出简历需要避免的可可小的错误

    Here are some blunders, big and not so big, to avoid when putting your resume together.


  • 如果显得年轻些,不妨简历回溯几年

    If you want to appear younger, going back fewer years on your resume can help lend that appearance.


  • 玛丽杰克知道怎么简历我说说吗?。

    Mary: Jack, I don't know how to write my resume. Could you tell me about that?


  • 如果显得年轻些,不妨简历回溯几年,”萨尔瓦多建议说。

    "If you want to appear younger, going back fewer years on your resume can help lend that appearance," says Salvador.


  • 我们这些员工每天顾问这里报到,让他们学习如何简历

    And we had these people all show up over here every day. They CAMe in, and they learned how to write a resume.


  • 简历必须采取同样做法因为简历就是一个推销资料

    You need to take the same approach with your resume, because a resume is a marketing document.


  • 简历巩固面试技巧告诉你的朋友你目前状况,看他们是否可帮忙

    Write your resume, review your job interviewing skills and tell your network contacts about your current status in case they have leads.


  • 其中包括决定自己从事什么样的职业,简历求职然后找到一份完美工作

    This will include deciding what you want to do, writing a resume and cover letter, and then finding the perfect job.


  • 简历首页的时候,一定要铭记在心,读简历注重件事事实

    When writing your cover letter, keep in mind that the reviewer is only interested in one thing: the facts.


  • 解决办法:Feldberg应聘者需要刚开始简历时就要明确中心作策略。

    The Fix: Feldberg says candidates need to begin writing his or her resume with a clear focus and a clear strategy.


  • 简历时候连贯性关键有利于雇主更容易读懂简历信息

    Consistency is key when developing a resume and helps make the information on the resume simple for employers to read.


  • 每天留出一定时间寻找工作打电话上网简历或是收集招聘信息等等

    Set aside a designated period of time each day to search for jobs, make phone calls, network online, write cover letters, conduct informational interviews, etc.


  • 许多学校提供如何简历法则以及一些传统观点要么过时了,要么没有切中要害

    Many of the old-school rules and much of the conventional wisdom when it comes to resumes is either outdated or was never really on target to start with.


  • 应试者最大错误简历简历必须一周温习简历

    The biggest mistake that candidates make is that they look at their resume only at the time that they write it. You must review your resume several times a week.


  • 求职面试好几部分首先了解怎样简历其次怎样求职最后是怎样回答面试问题。

    You: For a job interview, there are several parts, the first one is knowing how to write a resume, the second is how to write a cover letter and the third is how to answer interview questions.


  • 如果经济能力允许的话,请专家简历帮你检查并且每一次电话面试或现场面试做好充分准备

    Have a professional create or review your resume if you can afford it, and prepare thoroughly for every phone or in-person interview.


  • 很难简历面试和处理现有工作任务之间找到平衡那么迫切候选人之中脱颖而出也非易事

    It is difficult to balance writing cover letters and interviewing with the tasks of your current job, and standing out from so many eager candidates is no easy feat.


  • 潜在雇主怀疑你是否他们工作时候新的工作。”《简历作者KathySweeney

    "Potential employers are going to question if these people will search for a new job on their time," says Kathy Sweeney, resume writer for the write resume.


  • 大部分人不知如何简历或者是套用千篇一律的模版使得申请没什么特别,别的求职者的一样

    Most people either have no clue how to write a resume or use the same old boring template that makes you look like every other person applying.


  • 需要重新思考简历目的,重新思考写简历规则这样就能像最好的职业简历手那样完成这项工程了。

    You need to rethink the goals of a resume, and rethink the rules of a resume in order to approach the project like the best of the resume professionals.


  • 德尔认为:“简历时,常见一个错误简历基本上都工作职务列表,下面是‘岗位职责’——负责这个,负责那个。”

    "A really common mistake is writing a resume that is basically a list of job titles, followed by the phrase 'responsible for' — responsible for this, responsible for that," says Seidel.


  • 德尔认为:“简历时,常见一个错误简历基本上都工作职务列表,下面是‘岗位职责’——负责这个,负责那个。”

    "A really common mistake is writing a resume that is basically a list of job titles, followed by the phrase 'responsible for' — responsible for this, responsible for that," says Seidel.


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