• 今,有孩子一个86天气里,当波斯顿还有17英里时,了我一支冰棒

    For me, it was once a kid at mile 17 of the Boston Marathon who handed me a popsicle on an 86 degree day.


  • 看起来好像有人冰棒棍子扔进来。

    Looks like somebody stuffed a bunch of popsicle sticks down there.


  • 彩虹景象滋味就好像冰冻可口冰棒

    The scene of a rainbow tastes like an icy and delicious Popsicle.


  • 认为自己得下大小你自己一点的冰棒吗?

    Do you think you could eat a Popsicle that was only a little bit smaller than you?


  • 小狐狸哼哼着把柠檬水倒模子里,打算把它做成冰棒

    Fox hummed as he poured lemonade into molds for ice pops.


  • 按上一个冰棒一端线,就这样糖浆包装好。

    Press a Popsicle stick into one end of the line and roll the stick down the line so that the hardened syrup wraps around it.


  • 某种微笑冰棒——是季节性的飨宴,充满风味值得慢品。

    "A Certain Smile" is a Popsicle of a book-a seasonal treat, full of flavour, and well worth the small sum to acquire.


  • 夏天的时候,天气非常除了冰棒胃口其他东西

    In summer, the weather is so hot that I don't want to eat anything, except for the ice-lolly.


  • 冰棒模具拿出来时,要用水冲个几秒钟和模具分开

    To remove the pops from their molds, run them under cool running water for a few seconds to loosen them.


  • 不管冬天夏天喜欢冰棒两个季节感觉一样

    I love eating ice-lolly, no matter in the hot summer or the cold winter. The feelings are so different eating ice-lolly in the two seasons.


  • 为什么不能结合木材和光感觉冰棒声音动作灵敏度

    Why not be able to combine felt with wood and light, or popsicle sticks with sound and motion sensitivity?


  • 今天小编要告诉除了空调红酒冰棒也是盛夏中的解暑良方

    Besides sticking around your dear air-conditioner, red wine popsicles can also be your summer elixir. This article will show you how to make it.


  • 使用煮熟冰淇淋、嫩冰棒原料,如红豆绿豆、芋头、糯米任何农产品

    It is used for the cooking material for ice cream and ice cream bar like red beans green beans taros glutinous rice or any other agricultural food.


  • 这个暑假觉得长大了,我老师嘱咐不能小河不能冰棒

    This summer I think I grow up, I want to listen to a teacher charged, not to the river to play in the water, can't eat popsicles.


  • 完东西后,我站外头温暖雨中享用一枝冰凉的水果冰棒看着街上川流不息的人潮。

    After my meal, I stand outside in the warm rain enjoying a cold fruit Popsicle and watching people stream through the streets.


  • 男性想象棒棒糖冰棒他们最喜欢身体部位警告如果整夜完善举措,看起来有点超过

    Men imagine that lollipop or Popsicle is their favorite body part... Warning: Use this move sparingly - if you spend the whole night perfecting the move, it looks a little over-the-top.


  • 长期的寒冷迫使许多加拿大人屋子跑来跑去,而一称为“冰棒教授”的者期间人类可以严寒生存很

    During a cold stretch that had many Canadians scurrying indoors, a researcher known as "Professor Popsicle" has found humans can successfully spend days on end in the bitter cold.


  • 如果中间的线本身不能毛线固定合适的位置那么可以用力拉毛线的末端,一些冰棒在毛线下面加以固定。

    If your hole ends up being a bit too big and the knots themselves don't hold the yarn in place, then tug on the yarn ends and stick some Popsicle sticks under the main knot to secure in place.


  • 当地街角小店冰棒往往的让你受不了并且颜色也很的时候,不要惊讶,这是由于大量果糖玉米人工色素的使用造成的。

    Not surprisingly, though, the Popsicles you buy at the local corner store tend to be sickeningly sweet and neon bright, thanks to an abundance of high-fructose corn syrup and artificial colors.


  • 长期的寒冷迫使许多加拿大人屋子跑来跑去,而一称为“冰棒教授”的研究者在此期间发现人类可以严寒成功坚持生存很长时间。

    During a cold stretch that had many Canadians scurrying indoors, a researcher known as "Professor Popsicle" has found humans can successfully spend days on end in the bitter cold.


  • 长期的寒冷迫使许多加拿大人屋子跑来跑去,而一称为“冰棒教授”的研究者在此期间发现人类可以严寒成功坚持生存很长时间。

    During a cold stretch that had many Canadians scurrying indoors, a researcher known as "Professor Popsicle" has found humans can successfully spend days on end in the bitter cold.


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