• 法国队决赛中以3:0获胜

    France triumphed 3–0 in the final.


  • 2000年第一次进入决赛

    He first reached the finals in 2000.


  • 400决赛淘汰

    I was eliminated from the 400 metres in the semi-finals.


  • 裁判判定决赛双方得分相等

    The judges awarded both finalists equal points.


  • 裁判判定决赛双方得分相等

    The judges awarded equal points to both finalists.


  • 8万多名球迷涌入体育场观看决赛

    Over 80 000 fans packed into the stadium to watch the final.


  • 决赛中,瑞典队轻松战胜了法国队

    In the final game Sweden easily overcame France.


  • 裁判现在正在选拔参加决赛的选手。

    A panel of judges is now selecting the finalists.


  • 他们决赛中以22:6大败新西兰队

    They demolished New Zealand 22–6 in the final.


  • 决赛巴西队以5:1狂胜意大利队

    Brazil trounced Italy 5–1 in the final.


  • 赛中,排名第六,没有进入决赛

    In the rerun he failed to make the final at all, finishing sixth.


  • 已进入男子单打决赛

    He's through to the semi-final of the men's singles.


  • 决赛中与位同胞选手对垒。

    He played against one of his compatriots in the semi-final.


  • 莫妮卡·塞莱斯决赛中远远胜过桑切斯

    Sanchez was totally outclassed by Monica Seles in the final.


  • 100决赛跑出了10.09速度。

    He clocked 10.09 seconds in the 100 metres final.


  • 洛佩斯轻松进入那次锦标赛四分之一决赛

    Lopez breezed into the quarter-finals of the tournament.


  • 斯里兰卡球队在亚洲杯决赛中与印度队交锋。

    Sri Lanka's cricket team will play India in the final of the Asia Cup.


  • 利物浦队决赛中不敌对手,以0:2输掉比赛。

    Liverpool couldn't match the opposition in the final and lost 2–0.


  • 肯尼迪决赛中以0:6和0:6连输两盘落败。

    Kennedy was outclassed 0–6 0–6 in the final.


  • 我们星期二击败斯坦福队,取得决赛资格

    We qualified for the final by beating Stanford on Tuesday.


  • 4-2的失利中恢复过来进入1/4决赛

    He recovered from a 4-2 deficit to reach the quarter-finals.


  • 桑普拉斯好像注定要决赛中遇上同胞阿加西。

    Sampras looks set to play his fellow countryman Agassi in the final.


  • 美国队第二击败新西兰队后进入决赛阶段。

    Team USA reached the semifinals by defeating New Zealand in the second round.


  • 美国网球公开赛的决赛中,格拉芙保持着全面优势

    In the United States Open final, Graf retained overall supremacy.


  • 12决赛者的名单刊登星期日泰晤士报》上。

    The twelve finalists will be listed in the Sunday Times.


  • 世界杯决赛首次抽签决定获得第二名第三名

    For the first time in the World Cup finals, lots had to be drawn to decide who would finish second and third.


  • 波兰队知道自己机会获得参加世界杯决赛阶段比赛的资格。

    Poland knows it has a chance of qualifying for the World Cup Finals.


  • 决赛狠狠地裁判之后上周受到首次禁赛处罚。

    He received the original ban last week after stamping on the referee's foot during the final.


  • 奇科加州大学上个赛季进入了全国大学体育协会乙级全国决赛

    Chico State reached the NCAA Division II national finals last season.


  • 必须12月16日一次,来争夺1/4决赛位置

    The sides must battle again for a quarter-final place on December 16.


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