• 冷酷控制自己想法

    You have to be ruthless about what's going on in your head.


  • 苏茜冷酷地杀害后引领我们穿越悲伤障碍迷宫

    Susie is our guide through the maze of grief and dysfunction that follows her brutal death.


  • 冷酷想道:“甚至赞成杀人呢。”接着便轻蔑起来。

    Scarlett thought grimly: "she's even approved of murder" and she laughed contemptuous ly.


  • 清算劳工,清算股市,清算农场主,清算,”冷酷地建议

    "Liquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate the farmers, liquidate real estate," he coldly advised.


  • 典型的舞者骨折医生冷酷诊断,这个伤是足部使用过度导致的。

    Dancer's Fracture, the doctors had grimly diagnosed, brought on by overuse.


  • 因为,”伯爵夫人冷酷地说:“他们入骨害怕这个国家带来浩劫。”

    "For," said the Countess heartlessly, "they hate you very much and dread the havoc you would certainly bring upon this realm."


  • 塔金冷酷开枪打死了手无寸铁的索贝克,让荣誉感产生了进一步怀疑

    Tarkin would have shot an unarmed Sobeck in cold blood, causing the Jedi to further question his honor.


  • 完成梦想不一定非得要冷酷地厮杀欺诈有时只要拥有爱人就可以了。

    Complete the dream, not necessarily to ruthlessly kill and fraud, sometimes, as long as you have a heart of love.


  • 无法想象看到产妇因失血过多而面色苍白,表情扭曲时,那位医生可以冷酷坚持。

    It is also hard for me to imagine th doctor could be so ruthless when witnessing the woman's face turning pale and twisted because of bleeding.


  • 无法想象看到产妇失血过多而面色苍白,表情扭曲时,那位医生可以冷酷地坚持

    It is also hard for me to imagine the doctor could be so ruthless when witnessing the woman's face turning pale and twisted because of bleeding.


  • 失去知觉没有看到这场决斗结局——议长的怂恿下,阿纳金冷酷杀死了缴械杜库

    Out cold, he never saw the final moments of the duel, where Anakin killed an unarmed Dooku in cold blood at the Chancellor's goading.


  • 很快就学校了,北风呼啸着刀子一样,冷酷地划着每个人耳朵几乎冻僵了,一摸,

    Soon to the school, the north wind roar, like a knife, ruthlessly struck everyone's face, my ears are almost frozen stiff, touch, is through the cold heart.


  • 四十穿着名牌套装,坐在办公室桌前,满脸冷酷下属说:“这么愚蠢问题敢问?也不先个草稿。”

    At the age of forty, I, wearing a famous-brand suit and a cold look, reproach my subordinate bluntly, "How can you go so far as to raise such a silly, mindless question?"


  • 记忆中的父亲一个冷漠严厉男人总带着手套在给咩叫的奶牛人工授精,或者冷酷地把她心爱的小牛运走卖掉。

    Her memories of father are of a cold stern man with his gloved hand artificially inseminating restrained bleating cows, or callously shipping off her beloved calves for sale.


  • Veronica是否Quinn的尸体遗留在这里Nick冷酷地回答,“是说那个背后开枪家伙?”

    Veronica asks if they're going to leave Quinn, Nick answers coldly, "You mean the guy who shot me in the back?"


  • Best”的确有粉丝特别工作场所,对于完全没有落款只是发件人冷酷地加上或者名字邮件来说,它在提升感情上可以通用的。

    Best does have its fans, especially in the workplace, where it can be an all-purpose step up in warmth from messages that end with no sign-off at all, just the sender coolly appending his or her name.


  • 那个问题鲍勃·格雷厄姆戴维·凯恩斯冷酷无情提了出来。

    That issue is presented starkly and brutally by Bob Graham and David Cairns.


  • 不过这样做似乎倒并不是由于故意冷酷无情,而是由于她过分严厉履行职责

    But she seemed to do it, more in the excessively sharp exercise of her official functions, than with any deliberate unkindness.


  • 太晚了,”冷酷声音房间里响着,她的眼神也不自然着。

    It is too late, 'said she, her voice sounding hard through the room, her eyes shining unnaturally.


  • 后来尽情玩够了,等帐篷顶被风,清清楚楚看到天空明白不仅一个马戏团,也是竞技场各处一样而且还是一个极冷酷的竞技场呢。

    And then, when he had had his fling, when the tent top blew off and he had a good look at the sky, he saw that it wasn't just a circus, but an arena, just like everywhere. And a damned grim one.


  • 孤逸耸立悬崖边上冷酷又不容挑衅似乎抓紧了那岩石

    It stood on the edge of a cliff, grim and defiant, seemingly clinging to rock.


  • 营员召集到一起其后梦魇般的90分钟冷酷且有条不紊对后者进行射击同时射杀试图逃离者,使田园般的梦幻岛屿瞬间变为一座人间场。

    He gathered the campers together and for some 90 hellish minutes, he coolly and methodically proceeded to shoot them and then hunt down those who fled, turning an idyllic island into an abattoir.


  • 问题解决目标驱动的,冷酷实用主义者。每个明确定义的问题都会解决,诡异不择手段解决。

    The problem solver is goal-oriented and ruthlessly pragmatic. A well-defined problem will be solved, and solved quickly by whatever means necessary.


  • 简言之如果有人能够冷酷无情拆散雅虎,分块卖给微软,再把剩下的媒体公司合并,此人非卡尔莱·巴茨莫

    In short, if there is one person tough and unsentimental enough to disassemble Yahoo!, sell parts of it to Microsoft and merge others with some media company, it is Carol Bartz.


  • 简言之如果有人能够冷酷无情拆散雅虎,分块卖给微软,再把剩下的媒体公司合并,此人非卡尔莱·巴茨莫

    In short, if there is one person tough and unsentimental enough to disassemble Yahoo!, sell parts of it to Microsoft and merge others with some media company, it is Carol Bartz.


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