You can create and execute prepared statements or create and run external scripts.
Another task you don't normally associate with the command line is the use of prepared statements.
You can even create prepared statements that can be used with multiple sets of data (see Listing 8).
Perhaps the most useful prepared statements are those that not only take input values, but also operate on the current row of a cursor.
Prepared statements are recompiled for better performance and are convenient when you need to do the same thing over and over again.
As with prepared statements in a JDBC application, the values get substituted for each placeholder in order of appearance in the statement.
The key is that the SQL statement in the prepared statement references the current position of the cursor, so you can execute it multiple times and update different rows.
It means that when an SQL statement is going to be executed more than once, the developer should prepare the statement just once and then reuse the prepared statements for consecutive executions.
Ij enables you to do many of the same tasks you might think you can only accomplish using a full-fledged JDBC application, such as manipulating cursors and creating and executing prepared statements.
If your JDBC program USES prepared statements and parameter markers, queries are processed faster if they are found in the database statement cache.
您可以通过使用 odbc_prepare()在单独的步骤中准备这条语句,并通过多次调用 odbc_execute()执行准备好的语句,从而提高应用程序的性能。
You can improve the performance of your application by preparing the statement in a separate step with odbc_prepare() and executing that prepared statement by calling odbc_execute() multiple times.
The INSERT statement is prepared as usual, and its four parameter markers are set.
The INSERT statement is prepared as usual, and its four parameter markers are set.