• 现在科学终于找到了有助于减肥的方法

    Finally, science has something you can give people that really does help them lose weight: money.


  • 关于准备程度而是应该重视减肥的方法

    It doesn't matter the extent to which you are prepared but rather how dedicated you are to losing your excess weight.


  • 鲍普金提出了可行使用税收激励人们减肥方法

    Popkin proposes two possible ways of using taxes to motivate people to lose weight.


  • 多种减肥的方法,而找到一种适合自己需要方法是很重要的。

    There are many weight loss program and it is important to find a program that is fits your needs.


  • 通过手术减少腹部脂肪的做法动物人体试验技术难度很高,近期太可能成为减肥方法

    Surgically removing visceral fat has been done on animals and some humans experimentally, but it is far more difficult and isn't likely to be a weight-loss option anytime soon.


  • 减肥私人助理,一个随时随地帮助减肥瘦身软件不仅告诉减肥方法会督促您坚持进行减肥

    Slimming private assistant, the software for your slimming freely, which not only tell you the means of slimming, but also help you insist on slimming.


  • 减肥方法层出不穷有的采用节食减肥有的进行运动减肥,有的利用药物减肥,有的甚至进行手术减肥

    In order to make themselves pretty-looking, they try many different ways of losing weight. Some go on a diet, some take exercise, some eat medicine, others even turn to operation for help.


  • 不管吃的食物中水分多少,脂肪含量多或者等等,事实上,唯一可以减肥方法就是消耗摄入更多卡路里

    Whether you go low carb, low fat, low this or low that, the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume.


  • 认为无论我们遵循什么样饮食习惯沉迷于什么样的减肥产品到最后并没有什么神奇方法可以让我们夏天到来时候塑形

    I think no matter what diets we follow or what slimming products we obsess ourselves with, at the end of the day there's no magic trick to shape up for the summer.


  • 吃多动,这可能是减肥的最佳方法

    Exercise more and eat less. This could be the best way to lose weight.


  • 今年早些时候数千评价史前饮食最佳减肥方法报告无效

    Earlier this year, thousands of people rated the Paleo diet the best way to lose weight, despite a report claiming it was ineffective.


  • 以下一些建议如果你想按照布兰妮方法减肥,那根据食品的脂肪含量决定该不该这些食物

    Here is my advice to you, if you like to loose weight way Spears did identify foods you should eat and should not eat in according to how much fat they contains.


  • 不管何人来自何方,你告诉节食最好减肥方法

    I don't care who you are and where you're from. You can't honestly tell me that dieting is the best thing ever.


  • 大约30年前一种时尚减肥方法”。Powell -Tuck说。

    "It used to be a very fashionable way of losing weight around 30 years ago," says Powell-Tuck.


  • 下面五个方法减肥旅程不会那么

    Below are 5 ways to make sure your weight loss journey doesn't suck that bad.


  • 最新科学减肥方法已经出炉,那就是香精撒到自己的一日三餐上。

    The latest scientific way to becoming slim is to sprinkle some crystals on your daily meals...


  • 食物日记可能给人以上世纪味道他们仍然有效减肥方法之一

    Food diaries might smell like last century but they are still some of the most effective ways to lose weight.


  • 每个机体独一无二的而且自己一套生理特性。就是为什么那些能令朋友变得苗条减肥方法不一定使减掉多余重量

    Every organism is unique and has its own peculiarities, this is why the diet which made your friend slim is not necessarily going to make you lose a lot of eess weight, too.


  • 新的饮食方法可能时期内帮助减肥除非找到处理那些导致增重问题方法,不然体重还是会增加。

    A new diet may help you lose weight for a little while, but the weight often comes back unless you find new ways to deal with the problems that are leading to your weight gain.


  • 沿着正确道路走下去一定得到回报,这时,朋友亲戚或许纠结于尝试市场各类“大突破式”的减肥方法

    It will all pay off when you are losing weight the healthy way and your friends and relatives that are still trying all the new so called "breakthroughs" on the market are still struggling.


  • 另外谨慎对待自己身体时,你不会急于尝试极端减肥计划健身方法

    Alternatively, when you respect your body, you won't be so rash to try extreme weight loss programs and fitness regimens.


  • 当时,是从一些报纸或者朋友口中得知这些减肥方法的。

    She read about such diets somewhere in a newspaper or they were recommended by her friends.


  • 最新科学减肥方法已经出炉,那就是香精撒到自己的一三餐上……然后坐等减肥成果即可。

    The latest scientific way to becoming slim is to sprinkle some crystals on your daily meals... then sit back and watch the flab disappear.


  • 查明情绪化进食减肥做努力妨害利用方法重新控制进食习惯

    Find out how emotional eating can sabotage your weight-loss efforts and get tips to regain control of your eating habits.


  • 激活这种人体组织也许会成为一种新的加快新陈代谢减肥瘦身方法

    Activating this improbable tissue might provide a new way to rev up the body's metabolism and accelerate weight loss.


  • 舞蹈还是帮助年轻妈妈们她们的孩子减肥同时孩子建立纽带一个很好的方法

    And dancing is a great way for new mothers to lose their baby weight at the same time as developing a bond with their child.


  • 虽然可能快速(虽然通常是暂时)减肥方法,但是完全切断饮碳水化合物供应并不是一个明智决定

    While this may provide a quick (though usually temporary) way of losing weight, completely cutting carbohydrates from your diet is generally not a wise decision.


  • 虽然可能快速(虽然通常是暂时)减肥方法,但是完全切断饮碳水化合物供应并不是一个明智决定

    While this may provide a quick (though usually temporary) way of losing weight, completely cutting carbohydrates from your diet is generally not a wise decision.


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