• 赛跑的人每隔5分钟出发一批。

    The runners started at 5-minute intervals.


  • 吹着口哨神气活现地出发了。

    He set off jauntily, whistling to himself.


  • 所有站班次曼彻斯特出发

    All departures are from Manchester.


  • 迈着轻快的步伐出发了。

    He set off with a loping stride.


  • 卡纳克以慢步小跑出发

    Carnac set off at a canter.


  • 基地作为军队进入乡村地区出发

    The base will serve as a jumping-off point for troops going out into the country areas.


  • 我们货物就出发了。

    We finished loading and set off.


  • 他们步态悠闲地出发了。

    They set off at a leisurely pace.


  • 于是我们再次出发诅咒延误西走

    So we set off again, cursing the delay, toward the west.


  • 他们出发匹马便轻快地小跑起来

    As they started up again, the horse broke into a brisk trot.


  • 新年第一出发阿拉斯加进行一次新的冒险

    I set off for a new adventure in Alaska on the first day of the new year.


  • 我们东北方向走,”葆拉他们出发告诉他们

    "We're going northeast," Paula told them, before they started.


  • 委内瑞拉探索南美宏伟壮观自然美景理想出发

    Venezuela is the ideal starting point to explore the grandeur and natural beauty of South America.


  • 他们出发了,作为侦察员,两人殿后以防后方攻击

    They set off, two men out in front as scouts, two behind in case of any attack from the rear.


  • 于是出发前往弗吉尼亚徒然希望这会一次平静引退

    He then set out for Virginia for what he vainly hoped would be a peaceful retirement.


  • 他们出发去进行一次危险远征

    They started on a dangerous expedition.


  • 休息分钟后,他们出发了。

    After resting a few minutes longer, they set out again.


  • 威尔斯曼儿子们立刻出发

    The Welshman's sons departed at once.


  • 他们出发很快海蒂拉门铃

    Off they started, and soon Heidi found herself pulling the door-bell.


  • 塔玛拉寒冷透骨夜晚出发

    Tamara would sally out on bitterly cold nights.


  • 帕洛斯·德拉·弗龙特拉港出发向西航行

    He sailed westward from Palos de la Frontera.


  • 我们快步出发了。

    We set off at a smartish pace.


  • 彭萨科拉出发内陆行驶,大约有15分钟车程

    It's about 15 minutes' drive inland from Pensacola.


  • 远征出发那天早上,醒来就一种大难临头的感觉

    On the morning of the expedition, I awoke with a feeling of impending disaster.


  • 安克雷奇出发经过10小时航程我们前天到达

    We'd arrived the day before after a 10-hour passage from Anchorage.


  • 这个想法带给强烈的旅行渴望,所以几个月之内决定出发

    The thought gave me really itchy feet so within a couple of months I decided to leave.


  • 巴尔的摩出发时间是08:15,从纽瓦克出发时间是10:15。

    Departure times are 08:15 from Baltimore, and 10:15 from Newark.


  • 150年前马车内布拉斯加州的拉纳姆出发驶往俄勒冈州加利福尼亚

    150 years ago, wagon trains left from Lanham, Nebraska, bound for Oregon and California.


  • 出发·帕,没有找到

    He sallied out to find Joe Harper, but failed of success.


  • 子急切地出发了。

    The son set out eagerly.


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