If a fisherman sold the squid processors a proportion of his expected catch a year ahead and squid turned out to be plentiful, he would do well.
The Landlord hereby covenants that the Premises will not be sold or mortgaged to any third person during the term of this Agreement.
We sold storage systemsand boxes. Metal, wooden, plastic, cardboard, big, small.
捕来的鱼被放进袋子里面,人们既不会马上拿到市场上面出售,也不会把它们放进水里养段时间,河里面有河虾之类的水养物,这就充分说明这条河水质很好,河虾栖息在河底的 冰块后。
Availability of craw-fish shows that water in the river is clean. They live right behind the ice, on the bottom.
But because it is sold as an add-on, other channels are in effect increasing its price.
One of the most hotly disputed questions is what to do with the money earned by selling emissions permits.
Moreover, the loss of income, particularly from banning the making and selling of church ales, meant that the buildings started to crumble.
In Germany during the same period, publishers had plagiarizers — who could reprint each new publication and sell it cheaply without fear of punishment — breathing down their necks.
Be especially wary of so-called cleansing diets, especially those sold in kits comprising little more than a bottle and a powdered, unpalatable mix of mystery ingredients.
Nearly every Indian likes carbohydrates and spices, which is perhaps why Nestlé’s Maggi two-minute noodles are universally popular.
Thai zoo has discovered a way to utilise unwanted dung from a couple of pandas by using it to make paper for souvenirs, the country's panda project manager said on Tuesday.
The sell-off is aimed at repositioning the company as a publisher principally of business information.
Point your phone at a building and the units for rent or sale pop up, complete with prices.
NYSE Euronext's information Services division distributes and sells market data and market information, such as prices and official market publications.
房东保证本约期间不将租赁标的物出售或抵押给第三人。 。
Thee Landlord hereby covenants that the Premises will not be sold or mortgaged to any third person during the term of this Agreement.
The Landlord hereby covenants that the Premises will not be sold or mortgaged to any third person during the term of this a GREement.
If you own a store that sold many different items, your advertisements could say you sell everything under the sun.
鉴定、估价或出价稀物更具潜值空间,不买假品,真品时价发邮箱LY J确认定价出售。
Identification, property valuation or offer more potential value of the thin space, do not buy fake goods, genuine made-mail LYJ confirm current price sale price.
There, fishermen might earn as little as 1US$ a day, and by-catch is often not discarded -- boat owners let their crews sell it for processing to meet demand for human and aquaculture consumption.
A mixture of components heavier than butane is often marketed as one product, natural gasoline.
A market is not just a building in which food is sold OR a series of stalls where travelling merchants and local farmers peddle their products.
通过以物易物交易所赚取的税额减免或者易货额度(barter dollar)会被视为应纳税收入,就好像你的产品或服务被出售而换取现金那样。
Earning trade or barter dollars through a barter exchange is considered taxable income, just as if your product or service was sold for cash.
Accompanying the product is priced separately sold without packaging.
Accompanying the product is priced separately sold without packaging.