I think I saw in the trade journal Publishers' Weekly that in the year 2006 there were more than 200, 000 new titles published in the English language.
I think I saw in the trade journal Publishers' Weekly that in the year 2006 there were more than 200,000 new titles published in the English language.
William Beatty出版商周刊Keville,美国本草协会理事长,提供一个娱乐的草药汇编。
From Publishers Weekly Keville, director of the American Herbalist Association, delivers an entertaining compendium of herbal medicine.
From Publishers Weekly the famous French film scripter and director states that the purpose of his multi-biography is to correct erroneous reports about his amorous life during the past 30 years.
From Publishers Weekly the famous French film scripter and director states that the purpose of his multi-biography is to correct erroneous reports about his amorous life during the past 30 years.