The getDates method returns the publication date of the book.
Documents typically contain metadata such as the author, publisher, and publication date.
Any prize not claimed within this period will be forfeited and returned to its source as unclaimed.
This includes book name, author, ISBN, published date and synopsis of the book.
How ever your property can be removed from the foreclosure list if you pay the respective taxes with interest before the publishing date.
It's when the publication date looms that we have to roll up our sleeves and tackle the real literary labor: rabid self-promotion.
This metadata allows an RSS reader to understand such things as the type of content (text versus multimedia), the date of publication, and so forth.
But a lifesaving "game changer" may actually have presented itself online, on the book's publication date.
Each contains further information on the book it represents, including the title, description, publication date, author, and publisher.
We can do that-timing might be a little tight because our press date is October 15th, but it can be done. Do you have a predetermined design?
Additionally, the date and revision number of the company quality assurance manual in effect at the time the material was manufactured must be shown on the material test report.
It may realize the functions including basic information inquiry according to the jurisdiction, including books author, publishing house, publication date and some basic information;
He was so worried he would be ostracised and shunned for this by God-fearing Americans that he actually set a publication date of 2406 for those sections.
It also shows the author name, format (hardback, paperback), extract, synopsis, ISBN, size, published date, price and publisher.
This volume, with more than 400 reproductions, will be the most comprehensive publication to date on Lucian Freud, covering a span of seventy years and including many works not previously reproduced.
或者,如清单9所示,过滤器在项目的出版日期上设置限制,从而找到RSSfeed 中在两个特定日期之间发布的项目。
Or, as shown in Listing 9, items in an RSS feed published between two dates can be found with a filter that places bounds on items' publication dates.
Also, as publishers re-package and re-print public domain books, these also are considered separate products with new ISBNs and new dates.
Right now, we're wholly focused on making StarCraft: Ghost into a Blizzard-quality console game, and we will have a better idea of what rating it will receive as we get closer to release.
虽然该书还没有确切的出版日期,《白宫风云》(theWestWing)的编剧,艾伦·索金(Aeron Sorkin)已经打算在该书出版后,将其改编为电影。
Aaron Sorkin, the West Wing creator, is already planning to adapt the book, which doesn't have a publication date yet, into a movie.
This is rarely true, but one family recently discovered a copy of Action Comics No. 1, dated June 1938, in their basement as they cleared the house in preparation for foreclosure, reported ABC News.
This is rarely true, but one family recently discovered a copy of Action Comics No. 1, dated June 1938, in their basement as they cleared the house in preparation for foreclosure, reported ABC News.