• 出示的证据正当防卫之由宣判无罪提供了一个有说服力理由

    The testimony presented offered a strong case for acquitting her on grounds of self-defence.


  • 化石记录向人们出示了已灭绝物种存在证据

    The fossil record showed evidence of life forms that no longer existed.


  • 制宪会议上的问题要大而复杂得多,群疯子在议会意见一时,出示证据呢?

    In a constitutional convention, the questions will be complex and large.Who would present the evidence, if not the same loonies who cannot agree in the legislature?


  • 制宪会议上的问题复杂得多,又一群疯子在议会内意见不一时出示证据呢?

    In a constitutional convention, the questions will be complex and large. Who would present the evidence, if not the same loonies who cannot agree in the legislature?


  • 周前NASA出示第一直接证据,证明机遇号火星上发现岩石形成水中

    Three weeks ago, NASA presented the first direct evidence that rocks the rovers found on Mars had been shaped by water.


  • 出示了能够证明阿尔兹·海患者脑中含有大量2烯烃研究作为证据

    As evidence, he points to studies showing that Alzheimer's patients have large amounts of type-2 alkenes in their brains.


  • 一旦发达国家出示证明危险性证据那么印度可以考虑走向下一个阶段

    Once developed countries have shown demonstrable proof of their seriousness then India can think of going to next stage.


  • 其他案子里,法官可能没有发现事实,这是因为起诉人没有向法官出示有利于被告证据

    In othercases, however, juries may not arrive at the truth because prosecutors do notshare favorable evidence about the defendant with them.


  • 这起罪行如此骇人听闻以至于杀人者亲属们将他们告发到了警察局法庭上出示不利于他们的证据

    The crime was so shocking that relatives of the killers turned them in to police and gave evidence against them in court.


  • 例如刑事案审判中能够出示哪些证据受到有关保护财产不受非法搜查没收的《第四条修正案》制约的。

    What evidence may be used in a criminal case, for example, is governed by the protections against unlawful search and seizure established in the Fourth Amendment.


  • 约翰·爱德华刚刚巴马虚张声势,他计划书里指出个人要求出示证据,在填写收入税单或者是收到健康关爱款项的时候

    Well, John Edwards has just called Mr. Obama's bluff, by proposing that individuals be required to show proof of insurance when filing income taxes or receiving health care.


  • 可靠报道称,他们中的一些遭到了严刑拷打——他们律师出示展示委托人背部四肢严重的伤口的图片,而警方未能拿出相反证据

    There are credible reports that some were tortured-their lawyers produced pictures of horribly wounded backs and limbs-and the police have failed to show any evidence against them.


  • 现在多尔科夫斯基开始出示证据审判室的长凳成为全城的焦点。

    Now that Mr Khodorkovsky has begun to give evidence, the benches there have become the hottest seats in town.


  • 承认时候这些学校很多,而且不必出示任何证据来证明他们的微量元素里面有聪明孩子基因

    That was in the days, I'll admit, when any number of people were admitted to such institutions without having shown any evidence of carrying smart-kid genes even in trace elements.


  • 但是该国必须出示倾销证据以及本国公司受到直接影响导致销量大幅下滑。

    The country must demonstrate that goods have been dumped and that its companies have lost substantial sales as a direct consequence.


  • 法勒克斯曼,美国大学教授出示大量社会经济方面的证据证明巴勒斯坦人的生活犹太裔以色列人相比多么的惨不忍睹。

    Mr Peleg and Mr Waxman, both professors at American universities, provide the socioeconomic evidence to show just how badly the Palestinians fare compared with Jewish Israelis.


  • 西奈总督AbdelWahabMabruk要求以色列出示能证明袭击来自埃及证据

    The governor of North Sinai, Abdel Wahab Mabruk, challenged Israel to provide evidence that the attacks originated in Egypt.


  • 使用正确的数据非常必要的,”写到,“一个复杂系统详细解释并出示大量的证据。”

    "It is imperative that you not use incorrect data," she wrote. "it is a complex system and I will walk you through it and produce voluminous documentation."


  • Bruen先生美国向一些名声很好的主机服务商公司出示证据,证明他们顾客行骗者时,他们切断了与此类顾客的联系。

    When Mr Bruen presents evidence to reputable hosting companies in America that their customers are fraudsters, they unplug them.


  • 各个案例中法院一直持有这样见解,一旦出示健康危害实质性证据,那么举证的责任就在制造商一方。

    In each case the court has held that the burden of proof is on the manufacturer once substantial evidence of a health hazard has been shown.


  • 法庭上可以出示关于室友违反租约的一系列证据

    In court, you might have the opportunity to present the evidence you gathered about your roommate's lease violation.


  • 如果将获得了一个银行总裁位置,你出示何种证据举例证明财务问题上值得信任

    If you were taking a job as President of a bank, what evidence could you show as examples of your financial trustworthiness?


  • 收据吧?老板不会批准的,除非出示证据

    Do you have all the receipts? The boss wouldn't approve it unless you show him the proof.


  • 投诉人告知参展项目涉嫌侵权应当及时出示相关证据,作出不侵权举证

    If the Respondent is notified that any Item on Exhibition is suspected of infringement, the Respondent shall timely produce relevant evidence to prove non-infringement.


  • 抗辩中,提起诉讼,蜀定争议以及出示证据都几乎完全是争议当事人责任

    Within this system, the responsibility for beginning suit, for shaping the issues, and for producing evidence rests almost entirely upon the parties to the controversy.


  • 录音带文字记录作为证据法庭上出示

    A transcript of the tapes was presented as evidence in court.


  • 辩护律师法庭出示证明论点证据终于陪审团争取一边

    The defense lawyer presented to the court evidences to support this argument, and he eventually won the jury over to his side.


  • 作证证人以及与其联系在一起证实、确认证据的形式出示的文件其它东西是获取证据的源泉。

    The evidence it receives from the witnesses who testify, together with the documents and other things which are identified, authenticated and introduced in evidence.


  • 作证证人以及与其联系在一起证实、确认证据的形式出示的文件其它东西是获取证据的源泉。

    The evidence it receives from the witnesses who testify, together with the documents and other things which are identified, authenticated and introduced in evidence.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定