Suggestions – Feedback to the service consumer such as examples of valid inputs, or displaying specific information related to the error etc.
If not, an error message similar to the one shown in Figure 3 will result, and the operation will abort.
该出错信息的显示,是RationalFunctionalTester v 8.0已知会出现的问题。
The display of this error message is a known issue with Rational Functional Tester v8.0.
This displays everything from bad coding practices to harmless notices to errors.
Without the pause command, the error message is not displayed with sufficient reading time.
选择MoneyBag Equals测试用例(红色的叶结点),并定位到该文件的出错行,此时NUnit的右侧下方会显示相关信息,如图二
Select the test case MoneyBag Equals (the red leaf node) and locate the problem line in each file. This information is given in the lower part of NUnit's right hand pane, shown in Figure 3 .
The die statement is particularly useful if you don't want to have to comment out your code, and you only want everything up to the error and the error displayed and nothing after.
The problem: Turning on the computer results in a message that states Windows can't boot because something is missing (a boot loader, an important file, etc.) or something is wrong.
With trace statements, you can instrument an application to display information not only when things go wrong but also to monitor how well the application is performing.
For example, when recognizing the graph elements, people can easily confuse the neighboring pipelines of water supply networks, thus the wrong pipeline information will be shown.
Display prompt on standard error, without a trailing newline, before attempting to read any input.
You must select a link category, if none is selected it will generate an error.
You must select a link category, if none is selected it will generate an error.