• 逗号只能用于分隔函数自变量

    A comma should only be used to separate function arguments.


  • 确保表达式所有函数自变量数量正确

    Ensures that all functions in an expression have the correct number of arguments.


  • 随着半导体器件参数增加目标函数自变量空间变得越来越大。

    With the increase of the number of parameters in semiconductor devices, the dimensions of space in which the object function exists become larger and larger.


  • gdb指出程序第7发生算术异常通常它会打印一行以及wib函数自变量

    Gdb indicates that the program gets an arithmetic exception at line 7 and usefully prints out the line and the values of the arguments to the wib function.


  • createFadingTooltip 函数自变量HTML元素标识符工具提示内容可选的参数

    The arguments for the createFadingTooltip function are an HTML element identifier, the content of the tooltip, and an optional set of parameters.


  • 通常情况考虑的问题中,函数含有多个自变量

    But typically the function that you will have to strive to minimize or maximize will depend on several variables.


  • 最后需要一些适合每个HTML元素自变量调用createfadingtooltip函数代码清单3所示。

    Finally, you need some code that calls the createFadingTooltip function with appropriate arguments for each HTML element, as in Listing 3.


  • 这次相同方法发生字符串串联并且现在输入参数函数运行受到String自变量的限制。

    This time, a string concatenation has occurred within the same method, and the input parameter is now bound to a String type argument at function execution time.


  • 注意由于add函数输入参数运行绑定int自变量因此产生数值增加

    Note that a numeric addition has occurred because the input parameter to the add function is bound to an int type argument at function execution time. Now, try this.


  • W3Eval支持带有固定不定数量自变量函数

    W3Eval supports functions with fixed and variable number of arguments. Functions are divided into following groups.


  • 这个自变量接受函数这个函数返回一个经装饰对象“在幕后进行Schwartzian排序

    This argument just takes a function that returns a decorated object and does the Schwartzian sort mechanics "behind the scenes."


  • args函数负责确保我们接收正确数量命令行自变量,它负责打印有帮助用法信息。”

    The "args" function takes care of making sure that we receive the correct number of command-line arguments, and also handles printing helpful usage information.


  • ,如果一个,自变量xyz函数那么

    Namely, let's say that you have a function maybe of three variables, x, y, z, df = fxdx+fydy +fzdz then you would write df equals f sub x dx plus f sub y dy plus f sub z dz.


  • 穷举根据各个自变量所有可能取值相对应函数(输出值)寻找参数特征一种分析方法

    Exhaustive method is an analysis method that looks for parameter property according to all obtainable corresponding function values (output values) for various independent variables.


  • 方程因变量自变量均为试验数据函数直线常数中含有待求弥散参数

    The dependent and independent variables in those equations are the functions of test data, and the linear constants include the parameters to be estimated.


  • 本文压缩变方法求解函数自变量增加迅速增长一类微分方程问题

    In this paper, a kind of boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations, in which the function solutions increase rapidly, are solved by means of compressed transformation.


  • 本文给出对称自变量线性各向同性标量量值张量函数表示定理数学证明

    This paper gives a mathematical demonstration of the representation theorems for linear, isotropic scalar - and tensor-valued tensor functions of an asymmetric argument.


  • 函数变量取决于自变量值。

    A function is a dependent variable, whose value depends on the value of an independent variable.


  • 当前,物质利益仍然大部分效用函数中最重要自变量影响注册会计师行为选择的有决定性因素:一是收益,二是成本

    The material interests are still the most important independent variable in people's effectiveness function, so two key factors which influence CPA's choices are income and cost.


  • 本文以两个自变量线性双曲型方程古尔问题例,应用反函数积分不等式证明了等价积分方程组存在唯一性,同时给出了解的存在区域和已知参量的依赖关系。

    In this paper, we show the domain of the existence of the solution on Goursat problem for quasi—linear hyperbolic equation and obtain the Theorem of the existence and uniqueness in above domain.


  • 弹性函数研究自变量微弱变化时,函数相对变化率

    Elastic function is the research into the relative change rate of the function where the independent variable has a slight change.


  • 建立石英热发光峰值强度自变量定量预测其相应品位指数函数模型预测效果进行了初步评价。

    Quantitative prediction models in exponential functions of gold grade are established with the thermoluminescent peak strength as independent variables and the predictions using these models were...


  • 建立石英热发光峰值强度自变量定量预测其相应品位指数函数模型预测效果进行了初步评价。

    Quantitative prediction models in exponential functions of gold grade are established with the thermoluminescent peak strength as independent variables and the predictions using these models were...


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