• 本文描述分布数据库系统混合并发控制策略,这个策略使用动态时间标签分配方法

    We describe a hybrid concurrency control policy using dynamic timestamp allocation method for distributed database systems.


  • 联邦数据库系统用户可以存储联邦系统任意位置数据进行分布查询不管自己的位置在哪里,也不管数据源使用的是哪种SQL方言

    Users of a federated database system can pose distributed queries over data stored anywhere in the federated system, regardless of its location or the SQL dialect of the data source.


  • Dan商业分布计算技术研究方面20多年经验,涉及的领域包括面向事务对象的系统编程语言消息传递数据库系统

    Dan has over 20 years of experience in research and commercial distributed computing ranging over transaction and object-oriented systems, programming languages, messaging, and database systems.


  • 分布数据库系统中,由于数据分布冗余查询处理变得更为复杂

    For the distributed database systems, query processing becomes more difficult because of distribution and redundance of data.


  • 分布数据库系统可以看作一系列集中式数据库系统联合

    Distributed database system may be regarded as a series of union of centralized database system.


  • 分布数据库系统中,数据库复制对于系统可靠性效率非常关键作用

    In distributed database systems, database systems for the reproduction of the reliability and efficiency play a very crucial role.


  • 分布数据库系统虽然基于集中式数据库系统,但却一定特色理论基础

    The distributed database system has its own characters and theory, though it was based on the centralized database system.


  • 安全分布数据库系统,常会出现信息一致现象,由此产生推理通道

    In a secure distributed database system, information inconsistency often exists, thus gives rise to inference channel.


  • 大规模分布数据库系统中,数据库复制对于系统可靠性效率非常关键作用

    In the extensive distributed data base system, the data base duplication plays a very key role to the dependability and efficiency of the system.


  • 联邦数据库系统具有分布性、异构性、自治性透明性特点

    Distribution, heterogeneity, autonomy and transparency are the most important characteristics of Federated Database System.


  • 解决方案通过建立统一数据模型,使用元数据数据库系统实现了分布异构空间数据统一访问请求服务

    Based on the unified data modeling, this resolution realizes the uniform request service to distributed heterogeneous spatial data by metadata and multi-database system.


  • 本文描述一个分布关系数据库系统具有语义优化查询处理算法

    In this paper, we describe an algorithm, for query processing with semantic optimization in distributed relational database systems.


  • 提出一种基于对象服务分布数据库系统设计方案介绍了工作原理设计思想

    This paper brings forward a design scheme of distributed database system based on object service and presents its working principle and design thought.


  • 分布实时数据库系统中,保证事务原子性的唯一途径研究开发出一个实时的原子提交协议

    In a distributed real time database system, the only way to ensure transaction atomicity is to investigate and develop a real time atomic commit protocol.


  • 分布数据库系统研究涉及分布处理技术网络技术数据库技术的研究,而这些研究必须贯穿在对一些现实问题解决之中。

    The study of distributed involves the study of distributed processing technology, net work technology and database study, which must be related to solution on some real existent problems.


  • 历史数据库系统作为分布监测诊断系统一个重要组成部分,为故障诊断、工况分析提供信号来源

    As an important part of a distributed monitoring and diagnosis system, history database system is the signal sources of the fault diagnosis and condition analysis.


  • 针对分布数据库系统数据一致性提出一种复制控制法的实现策略

    Firstly, this paper gives a strategy to implement control method of copy for data consistency of distributed multi-database system.


  • 由于分布数据库系统不是网络技术集中式数据库简单结合,需要合适系统架构上实现

    As distributed database system is not a simple combination of network technology and centralized database, it needs to achieve in a suitable system framework.


  • 广域网中,片段分配分布数据库设计中的一个主要问题因为关系整个分布数据库系统性能

    On a wide area network, fragment allocation is a major issue in distributed database design since it concerns the overall performance of the distributed database system.


  • 针对分布并行数据库系统DPDBS数据库副本数、数据库分布等信息动态性提出全局数据目录动态管理和维护算法

    Aiming at the dynamic characteristic of the data directory in distributed and parallel database system (DPDBS), the dynamic arithmetic for whole data directory is put forward.


  • 本文设计实现了一个分布城市电磁环境数据库系统以及系统中的分布查询处理模块

    This paper designed and realized a distributed database system of the urban electromagnetic environment and the distributed query processor in the system.


  • 随着互联网分布数据库系统广泛应用,如何保证多个数据库之间的数据一致成为系统可靠运行解决的重要问题。

    With the wide application of the internet and the distributed database system, it has become more important to guarantee data consistency of multi-database for system to run reliably.


  • 事务分布事务触发的不可预测性使得分布主动实时数据库系统中的事务调度变得较为复杂。

    The distribution of transactions and unpredictability of transaction triggering make the transaction schedule more difficult in distributed active real-time database system (DARTDBS).


  • 分布对象构造技术实现分布数据库系统基础数据库访问技术是开发分布数据库系统关键

    Distributed object construction technique is the foundation to achieve distributed database system function, and the technique of accessing database is the key to achieve distributed database system.


  • 本文设计实现了一个分布医学图像数据库系统

    A distributed database system which is based on existed centralized medical image database system is designed.


  • 最后给出一个基于JDBC分布实时数据库系统设计应用实例

    As an application, a design method of a distributed real time database system based on JDBC and Web is given.


  • 本文详细介绍分布事务并发控制资源请求模型总结出分布数据库系统通用死锁条件

    In this paper, distirbuted transaction, concurrency control and resource request model are introduced in detail. The universal deadlock condition in distirbuted database system is summarized.


  • 保持数据一致性应用分布数据库系统一个根本要求

    Maintaining the consistency in distributed database system is a basic requirement.


  • 变电运行系统基于分布数据库系统设计,采用了面向班组、面向基础数据的设计思想。

    The subsystem is based on distribution database structure design. A new database system design method, named as basic working units and data-oriented, is utilized.


  • 由于分布数据库系统不能满足PK I安全体系结构要求我们采用目录服务技术实现证书、证书作废列表的存储管理

    Because the DBS cannot meet the requirement of PKI, we use the Directory Service technology to implement the administration of Certificate and Certificate Revocation List for PKI system.


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