• 他们做的建立货物分配网络

    What they're doing is setting up distributional networks.


  • 票数有限分配那些申请的人。

    Tickets are limited and will be allocated to those who apply first.


  • 高等教育平等分配给各社会各阶层的。

    Higher education is unequally distributed across social classes.


  • 这些席位分配赢得了最多选票候选人

    The seats are allotted to the candidates who have won the most votes.


  • 一些受害者大声地抱怨紧急援助不均衡分配

    Some of the victims are complaining loudly about the uneven distribution of emergency aid.


  • 罗欧先生经济规划者们努力实现公平财富分配

    Mr. Roh's economic planners sought to achieve a more equitable distribution of wealth.


  • 通货膨胀收入分配反作用认为是不利的。

    Inflation is considered to be undesirable because of its adverse effects on income distribution.


  • 采取了管制措施来重新分配资源转变资源投放方向。

    Controls were used to redistribute or redirect resources.


  • 政府主要职责之一就是收入重新分配这样富裕的人帮助贫穷的人摆脱贫困。

    One of government's primary duties is the redistribution of income, so that the better off can help the worse off out of poverty.


  • 物资指标隶属关系分配

    Quotas of the means of production are allocated by the higher administrative bodies to the lower ones.


  • 农村学校城市学校资源分配平衡。

    The distribution of resources is unbalanced between rural and urban schools.


  • 石油收入公平分配视为伊拉克安全基石

    The achievement of a fair distribution of oil revenue is seen as a cornerstone of Iraqi security.


  • 要求学生购买控制课程分配学习程序

    But he doesn't require his students to buy access to a learning program that controls the class assignments.


  • 由于观念的影响,有些单位分配工作资排辈

    Influenced by old ideas, some units assign posts according to seniority.


  • 分配政府拨款资助机构才最应该关注论文

    He said the people who should be paying regard to the Wang paper are the funding agents who distribute government grant money.


  • 虽然总体效果可能积极的成本收益分配不均。

    Though its overall effect may be positive, its costs and benefits are distributed unevenly.


  • 农场长大的,所以和平分配一个农业项目

    She had been brought up on a farm, so the Peace Corps assigned her to an agricultural project.


  • 地上拔起时,会得到土壤重新分配混合

    You get a redistribution and mixing of soil as deep roots are ripped up from the ground.


  • 帮助分配合理任务时间助你更高效地执行任务。

    It helps you allocate proper time for a task and perform the task more efficiently.


  • 其他院系根据院系指导分配制度给新生指派指导老师

    In other departments, a new student is assigned a faculty adviser based on some system of distribution of the department's advising load.


  • 森林环境处理重新分配元素速度科学家预期的要快。

    The forest environment processed and redistributed the lead faster than the scientists had expected.


  • 因此所有生物体都把能量分配生长繁殖维持储存

    All organisms, therefore, allocate energy to growth, reproduction, maintenance, and storage.


  • 余永定发现资源分配大概当今经济发展中令人沮丧方面

    Yu Yongding finds the allocation of resources to be perhaps the most frustrating aspect of today's economy.


  • 那天下午完成分配任务之后,帮助其他同事

    That afternoon, even though I'd finished my assigned work, I was told to help other colleagues finish their work, too.


  • 欧洲日本大学对制定学术标准分配资金教育部负责

    In Europe and Japan, universities are answerable only to a Ministry of Education, which sets academic standards and distributes money.


  • 一位研究人员认为相对平等基础上分配资金可能有成效

    One researcher suggests it might be more fruitful to distribute grants on a relatively equal basis.


  • 相反库存增加完全已经分配客户订单产品所导致的。

    Rather, the increase in inventory is entirely attributable to products that have already been assigned to orders received from customers.


  • 我们不同问题分配每个人,然后每人负责分配到的问题。

    We assign different questions to everyone, and then everyone is responsible for writing the assigned questions.


  • 根据实现员工具体目标,来分配加薪提拔晋升关键性奖励

    Key rewards such as pay increases and promotions or advancements should be allocated for the attainment of the employee's specific goals.


  • 其他院系新生根据院系建议分配制度指派指导老师

    In other departments, a new student is assigned a faculty adviser based on some system of distribution of the departments' advising load.


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