• 火车站戏可最难这点一定也有切身体会

    A railway station is the most difficult of all places to act in, as you have discovered for yourself.


  • 方面,凡有真知灼见数学家切身体会

    About it, any mathematicians who have real knowledge and deep in-sight can experience it for themselves.


  • 对于灵活上班时间重要性布兰森有着切身体会

    Branson knows the importance of flexible schedules firsthand.


  • 生活加州我们切身体会地震如何毁掉的。

    Living in California, we've seen firsthand what an earthquake can do to a home.


  • 巨大压力大举进攻”的时候,切身体会非常强烈

    Sometimes I can strongly feel it when incredible presure carrys out on a large scale.


  • 这本书作家视角出发,让切身体会主人公感受。

    It's written from the point of view of the writer. You can really feel what the protagonist (the main character) feels.


  • 作家视角出发,让切身体会主人公(主角)的感受

    It's written from the point of view of the writer. You can really feel what the protagonist (the main character) feels.


  • 恐怕没法总体介绍这里情况。我只能谈一下自己切身体会

    I'm afraid I can't give you a general overview of the situation. I can only offer you a worm's - eye view that is based on my own experience.


  • 结合项目管理过程中的切身体会沙特地区海外项目管理进行分析阐述

    Combined with personal experience of the process of project management, overseas project management in Saudi Arabia region is analyzed and explained.


  • 哈佛读书期间,切身体会科学知识如何简单深远的方式帮助人们

    While studying at Harvard, I saw how scientific knowledge can help others in simple, yet profound ways.


  • 切身体会说明编辑工作富有创造性这种创造性体现稿件处理各个环节中。

    Based on the editing experience of the author, the creativity of editing work is demonstrated in the process of soliciting, collecting, reviewing and modifying manuscripts.


  • 论文最后部分结合笔者一些切身体会指出开展双语教学所应必须注意问题

    The author supply some of her real understanding in the last part and point out the problems showbe paid attention to in the bilingual teaching.


  • 当然因为我们上过网,所以我们才切身体会网络中学生造成多大的危害

    The: of course, just because we surfed the net, so we just intimate understanding to the network to high school students caused much damage.


  • 但是他们尝到迷恋上了煤电带来生活标准提高新的生活方式造成损害切身体会

    But they have tasted the rising standard of living from coal-generated electricity and they are hooked, even as they suffer the vivid effects of the damage their new lifestyle creates.


  • 为了切身体会,您可以设计一个测试程序,这个程序当期望的条件得到满足时才可以编译。

    To see this yourself, design a small test program that will compile if and only if the desired condition is true.


  • 知道你们沮丧因为切身体会。想必,希望梦想这次竞选千百万美国人也和我们一样伤感。

    I know how disappointed you feel because I feel it too, and so do tens of millions of Americans who invested their hopes and dreams in this effort.


  • 各种海陆双荟美味百余时令佳肴各类烧烤酒水无限畅饮!定满足味蕾切身体会享受美食快乐

    Various delicious sea food, hundreds of seasonal dishes, kinds of barbecue, and different drinks will satisfy your taste buds, and give you pleasant and joyful experience here.


  • 使我们切身体会我们祖先是如何表达自己爱情的,希望从中能够找到一些值得我们学习借鉴东西,用来指导我们今天的工作,生活和学习。

    That we can experience how our ancestors to express their love and hope to be able to find some things to learn from and draw on the things we used to guide the work, live and learn.


  • 医学教科书女性方面问题缄口不语同时如果不是医生自己方面的切身体会目睹了伴侣的这种状况,医生们这方面也是知之甚少的。

    Medical textbooks are silent on this aspect of female physiology and most physicians never learn anything of it, unless of course they experience it themselves or witness it in their partners.


  • 之前有不少提醒我俩,在作出如此重大的决定前,个人应该充分地达成共识。两年过去了,回过头来看看这个明智建议有了切身体会

    Several people warned us that we should both be fully on board before agreeing to make such a big move and after two and a half years here, I understand the wisdom in that advice.


  • 主场作战为着熟悉场地天气状况以及更高的观众支持率(关于一点,11月25日做客布里斯班与澳大利亚进行系列赛的英格兰板球队队员将有切身体会)。

    Playing at home means familiar pitches and climatic conditions, and a more supportive crowd (just ask the English cricketers whose series against Australia starts in Brisbane on November 25th).


  • 主场作战为着熟悉场地天气状况以及更高的观众支持率(关于一点,11月25日做客布里斯班与澳大利亚进行系列赛的英格兰板球队队员将有切身体会)。

    Playing at home means familiar pitches and climatic conditions, and a more supportive crowd (just ask the English cricketers whose series against Australia starts in Brisbane on November 25th).


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