To send outbound events based on the value of the KPI relative to its target or ranges, create triggers and outbound events in the KPI context.
提供了SQL编辑器来编辑触发器文本,并且为了便于使用,还预填充了骨架 SQL 来创建触发器。
The SQL editor is provided to edit the trigger text and, for ease of use, it is pre-filled with a skeleton SQL to create a trigger.
其中的每个元素都能够稍后用于创建触发器和加载元素,它们使用每个链接元素中的hre f属性来决定在哪里发送浏览器。
Each of those elements can then be used to create a trigger and a load element that USES the data in the href attribute of each link element to determine where to send the browser.
下面的说明逐步地为该客户订单示例完成新的DB 2数据库以及必要的表和触发器的创建。
The following instructions walk through the creation of a new DB2 database along with the necessary tables and triggers for the Customer Order Example.
You can reference a created temporary table in SQL functions, triggers, indexes, and views.
A similar trigger for UPDATE needs to be created to ensure the correct values of bit columns.
Note: Alternatively you can create a database trigger to capture every INSERT on your table and tell it to validate the data as XML using the XMLVALIDATE function before performing the INSERT.
This causes the trigger you created earlier to run, and places an event in the event database.
如果访问级别是MODIFIESSQLDATA,那么它在触发器、动态合成语句、sql体函数中或在创建保存点时会阻塞,并返回原因码为22的错误SQL 30090。
IF it has MODIFIES SQL DATA, it is blocked in triggers, dynamic compound statements, SQL-bodied functions, or when a save point has been created, and error SQL30090 with reason code 22 is returned.
For example, when a trigger is engaged due to volume creation, this event results in a lifecycle indication that the volume has been created.
If we'd wanted to create a different kind of trigger, we'd have clicked on the down arrow next to the envelope to reveal additional choices.
Each designer allows creating indexes, constraints, keys, and triggers (where applicable).
In the sample code, we have created three Triggers on the customer table for Insert, Update, and Delete.
If you use any other XML functions on transition variables other than XMLVALIDATE, the trigger creation will fail. For example.
Optimistic locking will not work if Hibernate is not the sole database user, unless you create database triggers to increment the version column for the same data change by other applications.
Listing 2 provides an example of a trigger creation from the Informix SQL syntax manual.
The following code is a DDL statement to create the customer table and a trigger defined on the table.
A simple XForms trigger is used to create the submit button that upon activation will invoke the two (or more if defined and invoked) submission actions, as shown Listing 4.
Creating a BEFORE trigger statement to enforce automatic validation.
We can also create unnamed row types as we did in the trigger example above. The unnamed row type was created with the expression.
VisualStudio 2003允许使用分步向导方便地创建DB 2数据库对象,如表、视图、存储过程、CLR存储过程、函数、索引和触发器。
Visual Studio 2003 made step-by-step wizards available to help you easily create DB2 database objects such as tables, views, stored procedures, CLR stored procedures, functions, indexes, and triggers.
The information in the DAD file is used, when the XML column is enabled, to create the insert, update and delete triggers that help in keeping the side tables in sync with the XML document.
Generate DDL statements for tables, view, indexes, triggers, and more.
您还将学习如何使用DB 2UDBVersion 8.1的控制中心来帮助您创建一个应用于简单业务场景的简单触发器。
You'll also learn how the DB2 UDB Version 8.1 Control Center can help you build a simple trigger that can be applied to a simple business scenario.
The tag creates a trigger that, when clicked by the user, invokes the action defined within the tag.
After this verification, the utility creates a sequence object with an increment value of 1, and then creates a trigger for the associated table.
Changes are tracked through triggers that are created on the source table.
运行完上述命令后,实用程序即创建一个DB 2序列对象和一个触发器,以便自动生成序号。
After you run the above command, the utility creates a DB2 sequence object and a trigger to facilitate the automatic generation of sequence Numbers.
You've created a DB2 trigger in the context of a mock business scenario.