• 一项研究发现几乎所有40岁以上从事高度创造性工作科学家进入他们工作领域的时间都较

    A study has found that almost all scientists who produce highly creative work beyond the age of forty entered their fields late.


  • 种“注意力分散”似乎是从事创造性工作的最佳状态。

    This kind of "distracted focus" appears to be the best state for working on creative tasks.


  • 计算机不能进行创造性工作,也不能代替

    Not only the computer can not go on creativeness work, and can not substitute for man yet.


  • 艺术家独揽所有创造性工作投入大量的心血。

    Thev artist does all the active work, makes the biggest emotional investment.


  • 美国工作致力于提供惊人的发人深省创造性工作

    American studio committed to delivering breathtaking, thought-provoking creative work.


  • 曾经说过等待小时回报也许只是分钟真正创造性工作

    Eight hours of waiting might be rewarded, he once said, with ten or 12 minutes of real creative work.


  • 此项创造性工作可以看作磨削基础理论一项重要贡献

    This creative work can be regarded at an important contribution to the basic theory of grinding.


  • 某种角度讲设计师艺术指导网站开发人员其他创造性工作处境很

    Designers, art directors, web developers and other creatives are in a worse position, in some ways.


  • 我们拥有另一项创造性工作一部分行业我们机械制造商

    We have also been blessed with another creative part of our industry and that is our machinery manufacturers.


  • 我们需要沉浸这个工作真正了解我们创造性工作方式

    We need to get immersed into a problem to really understand it. This is how we do our best creative work.


  • 今天生产自动化不仅仅日常工作产生冲击认识性甚至创造性工作产生了影响。

    Today, automation is having an impact not just on routine work, but on cognitive and even creative tasks as well.


  • 今天我们试着弘扬优秀民族传统文化基础时代有呼应创造性工作

    Today we are trying to make creative art based on developing the traditional culture of our nation, and at the same time, echoing the voice of our age.


  • 从事创造性工作的螃蟹们,5月8日- 13日获得骄傲重大项目的好机会。

    If you work in a creative field, you will find the period of May 8 to May 13 quite special for wrapping up an important creative project you can be proud to show.


  • 大学学者主要大学教师那些从事创造性工作的人,创造性是大学学者的根本特性

    The university scholar refer to those who engage in creative working in the faculty, because the creativity is the university scholar's basic characteristic.


  • 拉利·伯特太空探险公司第一主要拥有创造性工作背景科学背景的乘客是耐人寻味的第一次。

    Laliberte is the first Space Adventures passenger to come from a primarily creative rather than scientific background, which is an intriguing first.


  • 19世纪法国数学家沙勒不仅几何学领域有着世界一流的创造性工作而且在数学史领域多建树

    The 19th French mathematician Michel Chasles(1793-1880)not only did creative work in geometry, but made great achievement in the history of mathematics as well.


  • 文章认为实现创造性工作必须坚持原则”、处理“四个关系”、抓好“四项基础工作”。

    The paper considers that "four principles" should be insisted, "four relations" should be handled well and "four basic works" should be strengthened so as to fulfill innovation.


  • 机械启动创造引擎——创造性工作一个最大误解就是认为只能灵感出现的时候才能完成。

    Start your creative engine mechanically - one of the biggest misconceptions about creative work is that it can only be done when inspiration strikes.


  • 这种额外的工作延缓开发进程开发人员他们真正创造性工作分心,这些工作才是他们招聘的目的。

    This extra work slows down the development process and distracts developers from the creative tasks they're hired to do.


  • 这种幸福不仅只有科学家能够得到,从事文学音乐艺术甚至商业创造性工作,也都可能获得类似回报

    This kind of bliss is not uniquely available to scientists only. Literature, music, art, even business, offers comparable rewards.


  • 人们认为工业化出现已经以往工匠们享受创造性工作变成流水线毫无人性,机械化操作

    It is believed that the emergence of industrialization, has put the past in order to enjoy the craftsmen give creative work has become a pipeline there is no human nature, and mechanized operations.


  • 他们可能迷住读者作为有价值讯息并且充满希望刺激研究及时领域内更进一步创造性工作

    They may enchant the reader, will serve as a valuable source of information, and hopefully will stimulate further creative work in this timely field of research.


  • 也许可以创造性工作塞进一段段时间来推动向前但是就好比刹车驾驶一样:以及你的工作没有一点好处

    Chances are, you can push onwards, cramming your creative work into thin slices of time, but it's like driving with the handbrake on: it's not doing you, or your work, any good.


  • 浏览器开放式数据专题讨论会整个会议注入了很大活力组织者EddDumbill为了营造团结协作大会氛围所创造性工作也增强大会的吸引力。

    The browser and open data tracks added a great deal of energy to the proceedings, as did organizer Edd Dumbill's creative work in building an atmosphere of collaboration around the conference.


  • 对于其它作物相似的改进人们艰难枯燥工作解放出来可以做更多创造性工作同时机器收割庄稼效率更高,浪费更少

    Similar advances with other crops have released people from hard and boring jobs for more creative work, whilst machines harvest crops more efficiently with less waste.


  • 这项研究发现有力地表明40岁以上科学家很少能做出高度创造性工作真正原因不是年龄而是因为大多数他们领域花了长时间

    The study's finding strongly suggests that the real reason why scientists over forty rarely produce highly creative work is not due to age but rather because most have spent too long in their fields.


  • 随着生活受到各种迫在眉睫挑战影响,即气候危机工作场所自动化影响,人类以往任何时候需要创造性思维

    As lives are affected by any number of looming challengesclimate crisis, automation in the workplacehumans are going to need creative thinking more than ever.


  • 对于那些富有创造性来说别人工作实在一个巨大的挑战。

    Working for "the man" can be a particular challenge for those who are filled with creativity.


  • 对于那些富有创造性来说别人工作实在一个巨大的挑战。

    Working for "the man" can be a particular challenge for those who are filled with creativity.


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