A study has found that almost all scientists who produce highly creative work beyond the age of forty entered their fields late.
This kind of "distracted focus" appears to be the best state for working on creative tasks.
Not only the computer can not go on creativeness work, and can not substitute for man yet.
Thev artist does all the active work, makes the biggest emotional investment.
American studio committed to delivering breathtaking, thought-provoking creative work.
Eight hours of waiting might be rewarded, he once said, with ten or 12 minutes of real creative work.
This creative work can be regarded at an important contribution to the basic theory of grinding.
Designers, art directors, web developers and other creatives are in a worse position, in some ways.
We have also been blessed with another creative part of our industry and that is our machinery manufacturers.
We need to get immersed into a problem to really understand it. This is how we do our best creative work.
Today, automation is having an impact not just on routine work, but on cognitive and even creative tasks as well.
Today we are trying to make creative art based on developing the traditional culture of our nation, and at the same time, echoing the voice of our age.
从事创造性工作的螃蟹们,5月8日- 13日将是获得令你骄傲的重大项目的好机会。
If you work in a creative field, you will find the period of May 8 to May 13 quite special for wrapping up an important creative project you can be proud to show.
The university scholar refer to those who engage in creative working in the faculty, because the creativity is the university scholar's basic characteristic.
Laliberte is the first Space Adventures passenger to come from a primarily creative rather than scientific background, which is an intriguing first.
The 19th French mathematician Michel Chasles(1793-1880)not only did creative work in geometry, but made great achievement in the history of mathematics as well.
The paper considers that "four principles" should be insisted, "four relations" should be handled well and "four basic works" should be strengthened so as to fulfill innovation.
Start your creative engine mechanically - one of the biggest misconceptions about creative work is that it can only be done when inspiration strikes.
This extra work slows down the development process and distracts developers from the creative tasks they're hired to do.
This kind of bliss is not uniquely available to scientists only. Literature, music, art, even business, offers comparable rewards.
It is believed that the emergence of industrialization, has put the past in order to enjoy the craftsmen give creative work has become a pipeline there is no human nature, and mechanized operations.
They may enchant the reader, will serve as a valuable source of information, and hopefully will stimulate further creative work in this timely field of research.
Chances are, you can push onwards, cramming your creative work into thin slices of time, but it's like driving with the handbrake on: it's not doing you, or your work, any good.
The browser and open data tracks added a great deal of energy to the proceedings, as did organizer Edd Dumbill's creative work in building an atmosphere of collaboration around the conference.
Similar advances with other crops have released people from hard and boring jobs for more creative work, whilst machines harvest crops more efficiently with less waste.
The study's finding strongly suggests that the real reason why scientists over forty rarely produce highly creative work is not due to age but rather because most have spent too long in their fields.
As lives are affected by any number of looming challenges—climate crisis, automation in the workplace—humans are going to need creative thinking more than ever.
Working for "the man" can be a particular challenge for those who are filled with creativity.
Working for "the man" can be a particular challenge for those who are filled with creativity.