If superintelligent aliensappeared and claimed credit for creating life on earth (or evenparticular species), the purely evolutionary explanation would be castin doubt.
当我外出去演讲时,我演讲的题目是:对智能设计论说不! (注:智能设计论是进化论和创造论以外一种新的物种起源理论,是近代西方兴起的一种证明上帝存在的理论)。
When I go out and give speeches, the title of my speech is “The Case Against Intelligent Design.”
Once vesicle duplication is accomplished Darwinian evolution should go "out of the gate" and open up an infinity of possibilities through performing zillions of trials and errors.
Bell uses the key technique that denialists use in debates, dubbed by Eugenie Scott the “Gish gallop”, named after a master of the style, anti-evolutionist Duane Gish.
The world's leading scientists urged schools to stop denying the facts of evolution amid controversy over the teaching of creationism.
The origin of mankind, there are two theories, a view that human beings are created by God, and the other is the theory of evolution elaborated in Australopithecus evolved.
Please read resources create an evolutionary experiment on satellite, as in the laboratory by ray and electricity produces the amino acids and space.
Theologians have feared that the very thought of evolution threatens divine explanations of the world.
Piaget's theory of behavior evolution connects the theory of Darwin and the theory of Engels and builds a behavior bridge over this gap.
[[宇宙创造论]]或宇宙进化论是一切关于 宇宙 或[[ 太空]]的存在和起源的教条与学说。
Human creation is any doctrine or theory concerning the coming into existence of human beings or human souls.
[[宇宙创造论]]或宇宙进化论是一切关于 宇宙 或[[ 太空]]的存在和起源的教条与学说。
Human creation is any doctrine or theory concerning the coming into existence of human beings or human souls.