Scala does not have static methods, fields, or initializers.
The ?init? method provides an initialization routine for rule bean.
Initialization code that prepares the response returned to the client.
Preferences, the preference page, its initializer, and how to obey managed Settings.
Generally changes to various initializers will not take effect on existing objects.
Compound literals and designated initializers are a wonderful code maintainability feature. Compare these two code fragments.
Occurs after the workbook is running and all the initialization code in the assembly has been run.
Assumption 1: the queue managers are created and are running, and the channel initiators are running.
Occurs after the document is running and all the initialization code in the assembly has been run.
The designated initializer syntax allows you to initialize members by name, without regard to the order in which they appear in an object.
As with a normal aggregate initializer, missing values are treated as though they'd been given 0 as an initializer.
At last, this paper provides initialized program of SPI and interface program between FRAM and DSP.
If your system will load a kernel, but cannot run init successfully, you may try to recover by specifying an alternate initialization program.
After the project had been created, we used the Eclipse extension point wizard, shown in figure 1, to create a preference page with its preferences initializer.
并给出了用TMS320F 240汇编语言编写的SJA1000初始化程序及接收、发送的数据程序框图。
The SJA1000 initialization program developed by the Assemble Language of TMS320F240, flow diagrams used to initialize, receive and transmit messages are provided.
Boot. A small routine, read into main memory when the computer is turned on, which reads the rest of the operating system into memory. See also initial program load.
Finally, this paper discussed the software system design based on above hardware platform, including the DSP initialization program, the interrupt request service and speech coding.
dWRFD1Handler类很简单,主要由一个初始化程序、getter和setter 组成,对它应该没必要再作讨论。
The com.dW.dWRFD1Handler class is basic, consisting mostly of an initializer, getters, and setters, and it should not require much further discussion.
系统软件设计包括ADMC401及ST16C 554的初始化程序和通信协议等,其初始化负责设置操作每个通道所需参数。
The software design of system includes the initial program of ADMC401 and ST16C554 and communication protocol, etc. Parameters of each channel were set up by initialization.
文中给出了PMC4351在2M误码测试仪中的工作原理及应用电路,论述了2 M误码测试仪系统软件,并给出了PMC4351的初始化程序。
This paper introduces its operation principle and application circuit in 2m measure instrument, and provides the software of 2m measure instrument system and initiation programme of PMC4351.
Along with the development of the instrument field, the method and application are presented for the minitype thermal printer. The connection and procedure of the program and DSP are also given.
This paper discusses the designing method of CAN bus juncture circuit based on SJA1000 and presents the CAN bus juncture circuit, the SJA1000 initialization programme and the flow charts.
Each section of executable code is run when a particular event becomes necessary, including events like the initialization of a library and the main starting entry point of the program itself.
This function usually performs some initialization routines such as setting default values of class properties.
During the server RPC application initialization, it registers the interface with RPC runtime library.
This is a redundant practice when using ODBC, as the configuration is purely in initialization of the application, and the ODBC functions are androgynous to the database system.
The memory usage of an application will naturally increase when the application is initializing and if the workload of the application increases.
After making the appropriate response time breakdown configuration, you must execute the test or schedule to initiate application monitoring during the load test.
They allow you to have variables or objects that can be initialized early in your application, and then can be leveraged anywhere in the application.
They allow you to have variables or objects that can be initialized early in your application, and then can be leveraged anywhere in the application.