Even on first acquaintance it was clear that he was not 'the right type'.
When you first meet her, she gives a superficial impression of warmth and friendliness.
In its first encounter it might be somewhat hesitant, but as it came to know the user it would progress to a more relaxed and intimate style.
These seem to be the quintessential questions that Americans like to ask each other when they first meet. How can you reply?
When they first met, Depp was on his way to becoming a teen idol.
At Krynica, the panellists typically meet for the first time in the few hurried minutes before the session.
When first meeting the employer, greet them with a firm handshake, a smile, and look them in the eyes.
Chinese hosts also see their guests or first-time guests to the door.
Jobs was famous for taking meetings on foot, especially when he was meeting people for the first time.
No longer was Jim the gentle, affectionate, loving man he was when we'd first met.
I never knew you Chinese people had such an interesting custom of giving greeting gifts when meeting someone new.
In the UK and in the Netherlands it is not unusual to act on a first-name basis after the first introduction.
The best way for a girl to avoid that awkward first date is to not give her number out in the first place. As a guy, I know the ins and outs of the phone number game.
She says she first met Movahedi in 2002 when they attended the same school.
And when I want to impress someone I've just met for the first time, I pretend that I'm overly outgoing and fearless.
The exchange of cards between two people who are meeting for the first time is a ritual that goes back as far as business itself.
The ask a friend or family member will you first met photos or video clips, at the venue in the play.
"I feel nothing but ashamed before friends." I once told a new friend several days ago.
So, how do you start a meaningful conversation with someone new and avoid embarrassments or awkward moments of silence?
This time there was to be no sanitiser and none of the condescension that Obama complained of on the first occasion.
Samantha and I have met many times before, but for her, every session is like meeting again for the first time.
It really comes down to people like making eye contact during an introduction and a hat can sometimes block that.
Because the first met uncle, he led me out of the dangerous steep slope, out of the great canyon, through the flowing water.
When we first met on Thursday, Hammond had been strutting his stuff for nine hours. His plan was to continue almost non-stop for the duration of the festival.
It's this question that Stinson et al. (2009) set out to test by manipulated people's expectations about a person they were about to meet for the first time.
It's this question that Stinson et al. (2009) set out to test by manipulated people's expectations about a person they were about to meet for the first time.