• 公共企业具有公共性企业性双重特征,其应利益相关者治理模式进行治理

    Due to the specialties of public and enterprise characteristic, public enterprise is more in keeping with to choose the mode of stakeholder governance.


  • 传统的“股东至上”的治理模式开始面临挑战,“利益相关者治理模式”越来越为人们所青睐。

    Traditional "uppermost stockholder" governance mode begins to face the challenge and "Relevant Persons" Corporate governance gradually receives good graces.


  • 本文不完全契约理论社会责任理论为基础,构建银行主体关键利益相关者治理模式下治理框架

    In this thesis, based on incomplete contract theory and social responsibility theory, it builds a framework of governance mode, within which Banks dominate as the main body of key stakeholders.


  • 我国上市公司亟待建立完善利益相关者治理机制,以便充分重视和解决利益相关者问题,提升整体公司治理绩效,最终达到提高公司业绩和价值的目的。

    It is imperative that a mechanism be built up to ensure sound corporate governance, address conflict among interested parties, enhance corporate performance and create greater shareholder value.


  • 这种机制要以实现所有利益相关者利益最大化目的内部治理外部治理结合的机制。

    Such mechanism is combined with both internal control and external control and aims at the realization of the maximal interests of all interest-related parties.


  • 最终探讨基于IT技术利益相关者参与公司治理机制建设问题

    Finally, it discusses the problems of mechanism construction on stakeholder taking part in corporate governance based on IT technique.


  • 为了惩处虚假披露行为,保护投资者相关者利益完善法律加强法律责任加大惩治力度成为各国治理虚假会计信息必然选择

    In order to punish fraudulent disclosure, protect investors interests, so it is the definite choice of every country to improve laws, strengthen the legal liability and promote punishment.


  • 公司治理制度协调股东其他利益相关者之间关系一种制度

    The company governing institution is one of the institutions which coordinates the relationships between Stockholders and other profit correlation persons.


  • 一部分——利益相关者公司治理模式概述

    Part one: overview of stakeholder corporate governance pattern.


  • 图书馆治理就是利益相关者互利合作前提下共同提供图书馆服务过程。

    The service range of all libraries administered by a management main body is a library governance unit.


  • 公司治理目标谋求股东利益最大化,同时也提升其他利益相关者受益水平。

    The aim is to maximize the interests of the shareholders and increase the benefit of other parts involved.


  • 公司治理结构当代发展趋势之一利益相关者共同参与公司治理

    One of contemporary trends in development of corporate governance structure is universal participation of interest counterparts.


  • 公司社会责任利益相关者理论影响建立股东至上、股东主权基础上的传统公司治理理论受到广泛抨击

    The old -fashioned corporate governance structure that was based on the shareholder-orientated system has been widely criticized under the influence of the theory of corporate social responsibility.


  • 智力资本化提出反映了公司治理理论股东治理利益相关者共同治理转变

    The reference of intellectual capitalization reflects a theoretical change from shareholder governance to stakeholder co-governance.


  • 济南现象”的根本原因,公司治理过程利益相关者利益严重失衡矛盾冲突长期难以有效解决所致。

    "Jinan Phenomenon" results essentially from the serious interest unbalance of stakeholders and long-term contradictions which are no easy problems to solve.


  • 我国2005年通过的《公司法加强了职工公司治理中的地位,但公司治理利益相关者保护了原则性的规定,操作性强。

    Though the new corporate law which was passed in 2005 enhances the status in corporation, the protection for the relevant persons' interests is not specific and can't be performed.


  • 良好内部控制框架公司法人主体正确处理利益相关者关系实现公司治理目标重要保证

    The proper framework for the internal control is an important guarantee to the correct resolution to the relationships between stakeholders and the realization of corporation management target.


  • 现代公司治理结构重要内容就是根据所有者其他利害相关者利益制定套完善激励约束机制。

    One of the most important parts of modern company managing structure is to set up a perfect inspiring system, according to the benefits of the owner and other related people.


  • 本文接受相关利益理论基本思想基础上,公司实际控制权结构角度上市公司治理模式选择问题进行研究

    The purpose of this paper is to study the choice of corporate governance models for listed firms from the perspective of the structure of real control of the firms based on the theory of stakeholders.


  • 盈余及时性作为上市公司财务报告关键特征之一,是公司治理经理利益相关者之间订立和履行契约重要参考。

    As one of the key characteristics financial reporting of listed companies, earnings timeliness plays an important role in contracting between company management and stakeholders.


  • 法学界展开利益相关者共同治理研究主要集中于公司职工参与制度方面,较少涉及公司债权人参与公司治理问题

    The legal studies on stakeholders governance focused on the system of workers governance, fewer studies involved in the issue of creditors in corporate governance.


  • 分析公司治理利益相关者行为对公司利益相关者的行为组合进行归纳,形成了四种公司治理模式。

    This paper analyzes the behavior of stake holders in corporate governance and summarizes the behavior combination of corporate stake holders with the result of four corporate governance modes.


  • 我国公司治理准则指导思想利益相关者共同治理涉及股东债权人顾客供应商共同治理

    The guideline of China's corporate governance is the combined governance of stakeholders which include shareholders, creditors, customers, suppliers, etc.


  • 当代环境治理中,利益相关者合作参与已经成为重要内容。

    In environmental governance, it is important to improve citizen's environmental awareness, and mobilize the communal participation.


  • 参与公司治理角度提出利益相关者划分方法利益相关者参与公司治理机制提出了初步建议。

    And from this viewpoint demonstrate the demarcate method of stake holders and the basic mechanism of stake holders participate corporate governance.


  • 银行公司治理利益相关者参与银行管理提供渠道也推进了银行公司治理结构本身的不断完善。

    Banking corporate governance provides a channel for stakeholders to participate in banking management and helps to keep banking corporate governance improved.


  • 但是公司治理结构构建过程中,应该考虑利益相关者作用。由此产生的利益相关者理论也使公司治理结构理论得到了升华。

    But in the construction of the corporate governance, the functions of the respective interest-related parties theory has enhanced the further development of the corporate governance theory.


  • 公司利益相关者论”自传入我国后,我国公司治理理论产生较大影响,有学者基础提出了“公司多边治理概念,用以重塑我国公司治理结构

    Based on "the theory of stakeholder ownership", some scholars put forward the concept of "multilateral management of corporations" to reconstruct our framework of corporate governance.


  • 利益相关者共同参与企业治理可以减少交易费用降低代理成本提高企业绩效

    Stakeholder co-governance can reduce transaction cost, cut down agent cost and increase enterprise's performance.


  • 利益相关者共同参与企业治理可以减少交易费用降低代理成本提高企业绩效

    Stakeholder co-governance can reduce transaction cost, cut down agent cost and increase enterprise's performance.


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