• 这个明喻明显撒旦凶猛野兽利维进行了对比。

    The simile is there ostensibly to compare Satan with the great sea beast, leviathan.


  • 霍布斯要控制所有骄傲当然还有利维》的题目

    It is most of all pride that Hobbes wants to tame and of course the very title of his book, Leviathan.


  • 霍布斯强调保护生命作为最高道德价值吗?难道就把强大利维坦变成了一个懦夫联邦吗?

    Does Hobbes' emphasis on the preservation of life as the supreme moral value? Does this turn his mighty Leviathan into a kind of commonwealth of cowards?


  • 利维坦之于散文,就像尔顿的失乐园之于史诗

    Leviathan is to prose what Milton's Paradise Lost is to epic poetry.


  • 利维出现形式一个庞大海蛇,是男用女用。

    Leviathan appears in the form of a huge sea serpent with seven heads and is both male and female.


  • 利维坦也许权倾一时,越来越多的阿船长[4]它掷鱼叉

    The Leviathan may be mightier than ever, but there are more and more Captain Ahabs trying to get their harpoons in.


  • 如此结合起来的群众称作国家这个利维坦一个凡间

    A multitude so united is called a commonwealth. This "Leviathan" is a mortal God.


  • 利维坦-摧毁敌人隐形护卫舰确保剩余北约舰队安全

    "Leviathan" - Destroy the enemy stealth frigate to ensure the safety of the remaining NATO fleet.


  • 现在我们讨论《利维中的学说,霍布士声誉主要本书上。

    We will now consider the doctrines of the Leviathan, upon which the fame of Hobbes mainly rests.


  • 没有一个凯恩斯所利维坦国家这些政策无法想象也许才是最糟部分

    Perhaps the worst part of these policies is that they are inconceivable without a leviathan state, exactly as Keynes said.


  • 霍布斯要控制几乎所有傲骄这本书的题目利维》,后来我们说的出自哪里?

    It is most of all pride that Hobbes wants to tame and of course the very title of his book, Leviathan,? He tell us later on comes from what?


  • “导致荒谬特权那里,什么生物都不是主体只有人类”托马斯·霍布斯利维写道

    This is the "the privilege of absurdity; to which no living creature is subject, but man only '" of which Thomas Hobbes wrote in Leviathan.


  • 也许我们可以他们空投好多利维坦》,因为正是这个问题,正是霍布斯关心的基本问题。

    Perhaps we should airlift copies of Leviathan to them, because that is the issue that Hobbes is fundamentally concerned with.


  • 霍布斯回到英国出版那年,他度过了他剩下漫长时光,《利维》在他60多岁的时候写成

    Hobbes returned to England the same year of the book's publication, and spent most of the rest of his long life, Leviathan was written well into his 60s.


  • 霍布斯重视保护生命,把生命视为最高道德价值不是使强大利维坦变成一个懦夫联邦吗?

    Does Hobbes' emphasis on the preservation of life as the supreme moral value, does this turn his mighty Leviathan into? A kind of commonwealth of cowards?


  • 但是社会契约理论兴盛时期却是肇始于霍布斯利维坦出版终结卢梭的《社会契约论》的面世。

    However, the period that Social Contract Theory enjoys its stable status begins with the publication of Hobbs' "Leviathan", and ends up with the appearance of Rousseau's "the Social Contract".


  • 认为霍布斯高估了自己或者准确地说是低估了现实困境,所以他利维坦》结尾部分再次回到这个问题上。

    Hobbes may, I think, overestimate or maybe I really should say underestimate the difficulty of the book but he returns to this again at the very end of Leviathan.


  • 在《利维坦》结尾部分,再次讨论了下这本书受众问题,然后讨论道“,大学公民权力,道德学说的理论源泉

    The universities" he says there, where he talks again a little bit about the audience for the book, "the universities," he says, " are the fountains of civil and moral doctrine.


  • 然后我们看到创世纪画面晨星聚集在一起),以及一个人世间景象唤起了上帝提问:“你们利维上钩吗?”

    Later we see images of the Creation ("when the morning stars sang together") and a terrestrial scene that recalls another of the Creator's questions: "Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook?


  • 凭借巨大身体鳞状皮肤利维坦一般被描述巨大且可怕经常被描绘条蛇鳄鱼其它海洋哺乳动物

    With its enormous body and scaly skin, Leviathan is usually referred to as a giant monstrous fish, but is also commonly described as a serpent, crocodile or Marine mammal.


  • 稍后我们看到创世纪画面(“晨星一同歌唱时候”)世间场景一场景使人联想起造物主一个问题:“能够一个钩子将海怪利维坦出来吗?”

    Later we see images of the Creation (" when the morning stars sang together ") and a terrestrial scene that recalls another of the Creator's questions: "Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook?"


  • 稍后我们看到创世纪画面(“晨星一同歌唱时候”)世间场景一场景使人联想起造物主一个问题:“能够一个钩子将海怪利维坦出来吗?”

    Later we see images of the Creation (" when the morning stars sang together ") and a terrestrial scene that recalls another of the Creator's questions: "Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook?"


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