• 自从先知伊利亚到如今已经过去三百年了

    It is more than three hundred years since the days of the prophet Elias.


  • 如今查理曼大帝或许该将“咎瓦尤斯”拔剑出鞘了。

    By now the imperial Charlemagne might have unsheathed Joyeuse.


  • 古代文明如今文化实践神秘无处不在。

    From old civilizations to some of the cultural practices, mystery has been associated with every part of the world.


  • 大利说:“如今还是欺哄说谎言。”

    Delilah then said to Samson, "Until now, you have been making a fool of me and lying to me."


  • 也许注意到如今美国原来越多的中年人在拐杖轮椅

    You might have noticeda lot more middle-age Americans using canes, walkers, and wheelchairs thesedays.


  • 火山使我们意识到如今遍布全球供应链如何高度地整合

    One little volcano highlighted how tightly integrated our supply chains are around the world, ” he says.


  • 诚然如今还寄望安全技术改进足以创造无核世界,皆为痴人说梦

    Indeed, those who rest their hopes today on technical fixes to get safely to a nuclear-free world are the wrong sort of dreamers.


  • 赫人之地去,筑了,起名叫路斯。那城如今名。

    He then went to the land of the Hittites, where he built a city and called it Luz, which is its name to this day.


  • 之地去,筑了,起名叫路斯。那城如今还叫

    And the man went into the land of the Hittites, and built a city, and called the name thereof Luz: which is the name thereof unto this day.


  • 经历癌症病痛以及整个治疗过程,如今感受生活的本质

    I’ve come through the fire of cancer and its treatment to this moment, have been flensed to something essential.


  • 如今多数选民已经打定了主意因此党的工作重点在于鼓动各自支持者出来投票

    Most voters will have made up their minds by now, so both parties' priority is to enthuse their supporters to get out and vote.


  • 如今颂歌者颂歌吟唱慈善募捐结合一起已经一种很平常现象了。

    Today it is a common practice for carolers to combine caroling with charity fundraising.


  • 年前凌驾于世界之上超级大国,到如今已经丧失自信渴望重组机会

    The world-bestriding hyperpower of ten years ago has lost its self-confidence and craves a chance to regroup.


  • 如今没有懊悔没有惧怕没有遵行你们你们列祖面前设立的法度律例。

    They are not humbled even unto this day, neither have they feared, nor walked in my law, nor in my statutes, that I set before you and before your fathers.


  • 18年前开始不再修剪,如今指甲已经令人难以置信的20英尺

    She stopped cutting them 18 years ago, and now her nails have now reached an incredible 20 feet.


  • 插图如今我们听过一些声明,内容是关于迎接当今市场竞争挑战企业必须事情

    By now we've all heard the pronouncements about what companies must do to meet the competitive challenges of today's marketplace.


  • 日子,凡家里所有的,你列积蓄如今的,都巴比伦,不留下一样。

    The time will surely come when everything in your palace, and all that your fathers have stored up until this day, will be carried off to Babylon.


  • 如今越来越家庭十分乐意家人送入老人疗养院。但健康专家远远不够

    But today, a growing number of families are desperate to place relatives in a nursing home. The problem, health experts say, is that there simply are not enough.


  • 世界生育率已经降低了一半每个妇女平均五个孩子如今2.6个。婴儿已然退去

    Already, birth rates the world over have halved from an average of five children per women to just 2.6 today-a baby bust replacing the baby boom.


  • 他们可以卖掉自己房子但是考虑如今萧条房产市场,他们又乐意把自己的房子卖掉。

    They could try to sell their home, but given the depressed housing market, they are reluctant.


  • 意味着越南难以置信地缩水过去的18932盾如今20693盾才能兑换1美元。

    This means that the incredibly shrinking dong is now worth only 20,693 to the American dollar, down from 18,932.


  • 秘鲁库斯科附近潘塔利昂(3600):“过去所有山上积雪但是积雪消失如今已经

    600m (11,800ft) Panta Leon, near Cusco, Peru: "In the old days there was snow on all the mountains, but for 10 years now there has been none.


  • 如今还没意识别人早餐吃的全国名牌食品,里面没有偶尔会未膨化的、牙的米粒

    actually unaware that other people breakfast on a national brand that does not include the occasional unpuffed, tooth-cracking rice pellet.


  • 这样盲目没有目标的状态已经持续这么长的时间以至于如今即使引进数万紧急需求没法真正解决问题。

    This aimlessness has held sway for so long that by now even bringing in tens of thousands of the urgently needed foreign skilled workers would provide no real relief.


  • 母耳将石头立在米斯和善的中间,给石头起名叫以便以谢,:“到如今耶和华都帮助我们。”

    Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, "Thus far has the LORD helped us."


  • 日子必,凡家里所有的,你列积蓄如今的,都巴比伦去,不留下一样,这是耶和华说的。

    Behold, the days come, that all that is in thine house, and that which thy fathers have laid up in store until this day, shall be carried to Babylon: nothing shall be left, saith the LORD.


  • 梵高鼓舞只是我提及风格,更有他那种欣赏他的作品是保持创作的精神,如今每个人都钦佩他的作品。

    Van Gogh inspired me, besides mentioning his style, in the way no one ever appreciated his work. But now, everyone adores his work.


  • 考虑如今远非理想的经济状况,Evans推荐你应该为自己多留后路,这样才能安然度过危机,经济复苏做好准备

    But given today's far-from-ideal economic climate, Evans recommends having several fallback strategies to ride out the bad times and get ready for a recovery.


  • 现在二月而且如今或许已经人们谈论UML 2.0——包括若干进步UML规范所做变化

    It's February, and by now you've probably read about, or heard people talk about, making the change to UML 2.0 — the new specification for UML that contains a number of improvements.


  • 现在二月而且如今或许已经人们谈论UML 2.0——包括若干进步UML规范所做变化

    It's February, and by now you've probably read about, or heard people talk about, making the change to UML 2.0 — the new specification for UML that contains a number of improvements.


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