• 货运提单显示公司,货物外表良好

    However, the B/L shows that when the shipping company received the goods, they were in apparent good condition.


  • 如果到货时发现货物不合格短缺有权提出索赔

    If the goods are found disqualified or short on arrival, you're entitled to lodging claims.


  • 所有商品包装我方都仔细检查确保到货完好无损。

    All the goods have been examined carefully before packing, which will guarantee the goods in sound condition upon arrival.


  • 并且全新起落架到货时,随文件符合飞机部件规定合格性要求

    And, when the new landing gear arrived, the accompanying documentation didn't comply with aircraft component regulations and certification requirements.


  • 我们要求就是客人买到自己满意宝贝买家货时务必在快递员在场情况下开箱确认后签收

    We have the requirement is to let guests buy their own satisfaction with the baby, the buyer received the goods be sure to express the presence of confirmed cases out of the box sign.


  • 总部位于达拉斯Driversselect公司的创始人总裁史蒂夫霍尔通过拍卖采购二手汽车。 一旦拍卖成交,马上就开始在自己网站兜售这些汽车,不是等到这些车到货时才动手销售。

    Steve Hall, founder and president of Dallas's Driversselect, peddles the used cars on his website from the moment he purchases them at auction instead of waiting till they're delivered.


  • 尽管一连串消息一些预测人士依然预期今年全球IT支出增长至少考虑波动

    In spite of the string of bad news, some forecasters still expect global it spending to grow this year, at least when you allow for currency fluctuations.


  • 我们到货的复验权/我们有权货物到达进行复验。

    We have the right to reinspect the goods on their arrival.


  • 非常感谢由于市场原因,我们必须不到一个之内就拿到货顺便问一下,交货付款可以吗?。

    Thanks. We need the products in less than one month because of the market. By the way , will payment against delivery be OK?


  • 非常感谢我们因为和一家公司生意,所以必须不到之内就拿到货!交货付款可以吗?

    Thanks. We need the products in less than one month, because we have a big deal with another company. By the way, will payment against delivery be OK?


  • 回答一个供应商发货量达到几乎到货车的满载重量,就应该使用这种方式

    Answer: This method is used when a supplier is used when the supplier can deliver a full or almost full load.


  • 应用到货仪器、设备需要原来教学中的一些实验步骤做必要改进

    But with the arrival of new equipments, the original steps of teaching need improving.


  • 甚至在你方出售之前,可曾对货物进行检验

    Do you inspect (check) all the pieces when you receive the goods or, even, before you sell them to your customer?


  • 产品,保证产品验收到货解答您疑难问题提供各方面技术支持

    In proceeding, reply query promptly and provide various technical support at inspection and acceptance of product.


  • 或者卖方介绍产品,在一些重要信息模糊不清买主难辨真假,买方到货物后发现上当

    Or, when the bargainor is introducing a product, punch-drunk on a few important information, let true and false of buyer difficult differentiate, after buyer obtains goods ability discovery is duped.


  • 出口淡季甲方出口货柜少于5要求乙方5个以内柜子全部放,乙方可帮甲方先做电放,但甲方应向乙方提供运费欠款单据,并传真或邮件的方式加以确认。

    In low season, when the capacity of goods exported by Party A less than 5 containers, parte B should help Party A to do telex release of all the goods according to Party A's requirement.


  • 如果贵方货品发出30日内没收予以通知我们我们24确认订单

    Please let us know if you do not receive our shipment within 30 days after the goods are dispatched, we try to fill all orders 24 hours of receipt.


  • 汇款到达销售掉买方积压资金

    The buyer's capital will be tied up from the time of remitting it until the goods arrive and are sold.


  • 我们购物,我们上摆着更多外国商品这样我们更多的选择合适价格最好的东西。

    When we go shopping, we will see more foreign goods lying on the shelves. So we will be given more choices and buy the best at a reasonable price.


  • 呈现严峻质量题目24店主获得联络尽快物品退回

    If appear serious quality problem, please in receive goods within 24 hours and shopkeepers contact and soon will items returned.


  • 到货外包装明显破损的,收件人要当场拍照取证,清点内部货物数量,并在运单上注明异常,请派送员带回。

    The receiver should have evidence to prove that parcel has been damaged during delivery, such as taking photos, counting the.


  • 例如一个出口商直到对方收到销售账款,而进口商订购没有货物支付款项货物已经提供了。

    For example an exporter doesn't receive payment for the sale until the goods have been received and an importer doesn't pay for the goods at the time of the order, but when they are supplied.


  • 欧洲货运,从几年前就开始可以听的40吨货物通过高山发出的隆隆声

    Europe's freight, rumbling through on the backs of 40-ton lorries, has been clogging the alpine valleys for years.


  • 良心商店收银台排队的商品推回到货架上,然后静静地离开

    THE CONSCIENCE---When the power went off in a store, people put things back on the shelves left quietly.


  • 良心商店收银台排队的商品推回到货架上,然后静静地离开

    THE CONSCIENCE---When the power went off in a store, people put things back on the shelves left quietly.


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