• 会看到它最终会到达顶峰

    You will see it will get to the top at last.


  • 们抓住每一个学习的机会,最终到达顶峰

    They seize every chance to learn and finally make it to the top.


  • 居里夫人现在名气到达顶峰1922年开始,医学学会成员研究放射性物质化学性质及其医学应用

    Marie Curie, now at the highest point of her fame and, from 1922, a member of the Academy of Medicine, researched the chemistry of radioactive substances and their medical applications.


  • 他们到达顶峰狼群停下了

    When they reached the crest the wolves paused.


  • 到达顶峰之时,就要为下一次做准备

    When your summit arrives, you will be ready.


  • 时期大约开始43岁4748到达顶峰

    It starts around age 43 and reaches its pinnacle by 47 or 48 years old.


  • 天气热,哥哥刚一到达顶峰马上下了厚厚的外衣

    It was hot enough for me and my brother to remove our heavy jackets as soon as we reached the peak.


  • 之所以没有到达顶峰就是因为不知如何使用想象力

    The reason why I have not reached to the top is that I don't know how to use my imagination.


  • 但是,要多久才能达到一步以及如果到达顶峰发生什么事情呢?

    But how long will it take to get there and what needs to happen to reach that pinnacle?


  • 知道了,不过坚持一会,再过半小时我们就要到达顶峰了。

    I know you are tired but try to hand on a little bit longer, We will reach the peak in half an hour.


  • 知道了,不过坚持一会儿吧。再过半小时我们就要到达顶峰了。

    I know you are tired but try to hang on a little bit longer. We will reach the peak in half an hour.


  • 根据波动率指数投资者乐观情绪4月28号到达顶峰于股市顶峰5

    According to the VIX, investor optimism reached its apogee on April 28, five days prior to the day of the top.


  • 但是其他人认为此书提供了最令人信服依据,证明世界石油产量很快到达顶峰不会再涨。

    But others held it up as convincing proof of the notion that the world's oil production would soon reach a pinnacle, never to be exceeded.


  • 这些水库的情况如此雨水少的时候干涸洪水到来时候则因蓄水量到达顶峰没顶。

    In many cases, this means they are so heavily silted that they dry up when the rains cease and flood during summer when they reach their peak.


  • 我们多少年来一直肥胖率已经到达顶峰了,但是还是一直攀升着。” 伊扎提博士

    We've been saying for ages that it must have peaked, but it keeps going up, ” says Dr Ezzati.


  • 每一也许并非通过你争我夺到达顶峰每当机会来临的时候,他总是准备好了迎接。

    Each time, he may not have jostled his way to the top but he was ready when the chance came.


  • 任何时候当工作为荣,并且下定决心超出别人自己期待时,你就可以到达顶峰

    Any time you take pride in your work and decide to do more than expected, you'll rise to the top.


  • 随着不断地爬,尤其是下山的路上渐渐认识到了如何才能到达顶峰,才能安全地返回

    As I climbed, and especially on my way down, I began to realize the lessons required to reach the top and make it back down safely.


  • 石油产出增长缓慢尽管价格较高欧佩克仍然继续扩大供应量俄罗斯出口量近期到达顶峰

    Oil production is rising slowly, OPEC continues to provide more supply, albeit at higher prices, and Russian output is at a recent peak.


  • 中途爬到一半的时候,一个路过向导告诉我们如果不能在12:30之前到达顶峰那么立即返回

    Halfway up, a passing guide told us if we couldn't get to the top by 12:30 at the latest, then to turn back.


  • 因为只要相信必须谷底才能到达顶峰生命像做过山车一样,晕头转向

    For as long as he believes that he must plunge to the bottom after soaring to the top, his life will be a dizzy roller-coaster ride.


  • 我们多少年来一直肥胖率已经到达顶峰了,但是还是一直攀升着。”伊扎提博士

    "We've been saying for ages that it must have peaked, but it keeps going up," says Dr Ezzati.


  • 但是其他人认为此书提供最令人信服依据,证明了世界石油产量很快到达顶峰,不会涨。

    Saudi Arabia, after all, is already the world's biggest producer, and is expected to cater to most of the growth in demand for oil over the next few years by expanding its output yet further.


  • 尽管经济增长线性但是我们可以观察,经济趋势像过山车到达顶峰后,突然降到谷底

    Although the growth of an economy is linear but it is noticed that the economy trend is like a roller-coaster, reaching a pinnacle and dipping down to the trough.


  • 这种改变20岁的时候到达顶峰并且慢慢回落但是生物钟直到55左右才会慢慢回落到十几之前的状态。

    They peak at 20 then gradually go back again, but body clocks do not reach the pre-teenage level until around 55 years old.


  • 人生的经历使深信才华永远不增不减,才华的很快到达顶峰,也会很快消逝无踪

    I am convinced that even at best, talent remains a constant, and those who rely on talent alone will peak quickly and soon fade into obscurity.


  • 谁都不能保证一定会到达顶峰但是可以停下脚步吸一口气,给自己一个微笑,然后去欣赏沿途风景。

    There’s never any guarantee that you’ll get to the top, but you always have the ability to stop, take in a deep breath, smile and enjoy the view-whether it’s miles of wilderness or two feet of fog.


  • 中国统计学家把2010作为一个黄金年进行庆祝此时过去二十年统计回报到达到达顶峰

    Demographers in China will celebrate 2010 as a golden year: the moment when the "demographic dividend" of the past couple of decades will reach its peak.


  • 既定区域坏的情况病毒急匆匆地冲向易感人群后的周内,病例数到达顶峰,接着匀速下降

    In a given area, the worst will usually be over in four to six weeks as the virus rushes through a susceptible population, cases peak and infections decline with equal speed.


  • 既定区域坏的情况病毒急匆匆地冲向易感人群后的周内,病例数到达顶峰,接着匀速下降

    In a given area, the worst will usually be over in four to six weeks as the virus rushes through a susceptible population, cases peak and infections decline with equal speed.


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