• 干细胞研究应用很有前景前沿探索给予足够支持

    As promising front exploration, adequate support should be given to the stem cell research and application.


  • 第十六国家设立自然科学基金资助基础研究科学前沿探索培养科学技术人才。

    Article 16 The State shall establish a natural science fund to finance basic research and frontier science exploration and help people become scientists and technicians through training.


  • 加强基础研究前沿探索突破关键核心技术填补了多项重大产品装备的空白。

    We boosted basic research and research in frontier areas, made breakthroughs in a number of core and key technologies, and filled in gaps in many important products and equipment.


  • 记者从会上了解,目前,中国已经建成国家重点实验室220个,在科学前沿探索解决国家重大需求问题方面发挥了重要作用。

    According to the conference, China has established 220 key national laboratories, fostering creativity of cutting-edge discoveries and providing methods for problem solving.


  • 当然自从冥王星被官方大行星降格行星之后,这个项目无法称做对于行星前沿探索

    Of course, after Pluto's official demotion from planet to dwarf planet, the mission can no longer claim to be exploring the final planet frontier.


  • 我们现在只是海洋表层进行了探索最终一定会成为人类研究的前沿阵地。

    We've explored only a sliver of our seas. They're really our final frontier here on Earth.


  • 至于我们科学美国人》,我们为此准备了一系列文章探索化学纳米科技前沿

    As for Scientific American, we've got a series of articles planned that will explore the cutting edge of chemistry and nanotechnology.


  • 商务技术前沿勇敢探索

    A valiant explorer of the commerce-technology frontier.


  • 未来探索手中……经由他们穿越永远后退前沿时所发现,他们自然界人类扩展无限

    The future is in the hands of those who explore... and from all the beauty they discover while crossing perpetually receding frontiers, they develop for nature and for humankind an infinite love.


  • 对于亿万富翁探险家理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)来说,太空显然不是什么终极探索前沿了。

    Apparently, for billionaire adventurer Richard Branson, space is no longer the final frontier.


  • 读者或许不会赞同作者所有观点,但是篇论文探索的都是前沿问题,提出了一些关于不断变化战争性质重要问题

    Although readers might not agree with all the views expressed by the authors, each essay explores the boundaries of conventional thinking and raises serious questions on the changing nature of war.


  • 学报的本质属性主要体现在学识前沿产品公益性内涵深刻性思维探索性。

    Its essence mainly consists of the forwardness of knowledge, the public welfare of products, the deepness of connotation, the research of thinking and the improvement of academic researches.


  • 因此转换研究探索盆转山和山控盆过程则成为大陆地质前沿研究领域。

    The researches on the basin range transition thus become the frontiers of continental geology.


  • 日语语气研究无论日本还是中国都算是比较前沿课题,目前主要停留理论探索阶段

    Study on Japanese mode is a promising subject not only in Japan but also in China, which is just on the theoretical phase.


  • 80年代今天张立国始终站探索前沿创作了大量具有学术价值作品成为现代主义学院派杰出代表人物

    From 1980s till now, Zhang Liguo is in the leading place of exploration and created many works with academic value, and becomes the outstanding representative of modernist academic school.


  • 班组安全管理处在油田安全生产前沿探索搞好班组安全文化建设途径非常重要油田搞好安全生产的核心工程

    Security management team is at the forefront of oilfield safety, so exploring ways to improve safety culture team is very important, and it is the core project of oil production safety.


  • 因此我对负面影响持客观态度,艺术家他的前沿性,探索,我不怕失败,不怕错误。

    Artists should have their frontier-view and to explore, dare not to lose and make mistakes.


  • 化学处于科学探索前沿也能为飞速发展我们享用的技术作出自己的贡献

    Chemistry is at the forefront of scientific adventure, and you could make your own contribution to the rapidly expanding technology we are enjoying.


  • 如何进行附中视唱练耳教学模式转型目前处在探索阶段中,因此选题一定前沿

    How to carry on the attached middle school's sight singing educational model reforming, at present this is still in the exploration stage. There for there this selected topic has certain leading edge.


  • 探索性能优良非线性光学材料新型结构以及三阶非线性光学性质的研究一直非常活跃前沿课题

    Probing into the excellent third-order nonlinear optical materials, new structure and researching third-order nonlinear optical properties are all along a very actively advancing task.


  • 神经现象学联合了神经科学现象学,以探索人类意识经验目的前沿交叉学科。

    Neurophenomenology is a frontier interdiscipline which combines neuroscience and phenomenology to investigate of the consciousness experience of human being.


  • 本文重点研究如何利用先进智能优化算法改进传统的发动机控制系统,进一步前沿智能控制算法及其研究方向进行探索性研究。

    The parameters of the PID controllers, however, are very much dependent on the accuracy of the models. This paper studies the control algorithms for aeroengines based on intelligent optimization.


  • 本文重点研究如何利用先进智能优化算法改进传统的发动机控制系统,进一步前沿智能控制算法及其研究方向进行探索性研究。

    The parameters of the PID controllers, however, are very much dependent on the accuracy of the models. This paper studies the control algorithms for aeroengines based on intelligent optimization.


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