• 认为这个框架前进了一大步,我相信这个版本以后的开发建立良好基础

    I think it's a great next step for the framework, and I believe it lays some good foundation for future versions.


  • 奥布里·格雷是个思想坚持向着改善人类生存基础目标前进

    Aubrey DE Grey is a man of ideas, and he has set himself toward the goal of transforming the basis of what it means to be human.


  • 可以通过阅读尝试基础的东西使自己前进或者,敦促自己进入有挑战性领域建立自己知识库

    You can build this by pushing yourself - read and try out the foundational materials and push yourself into challenging areas to build your knowledge.


  • 全球经济不景气的情况下,签署国探讨如何基础保持IHP +的承诺势头

    With the global economy in distress, the signatories will reflect on how to build on the current progress and maintain the IHP + commitments and momentum.


  • 自律也是如此所有人他们基础地方开始前进

    So it is with self-discipline. Anyone can start from where they are and go from there.


  • 联盟提供了一个交流合作协调活动机会实现帕拉基础上继续前进”文件中确定目标

    The Alliance provides an opportunity to network, collaborate and coordinate activities to achieve the goals set out in the Kampala Declaration and Agenda for Global Action.


  • 土方愿意中方一道,加强能源、非资源以及基础设施领域务实合作,不断两国关系推向前进

    Berdymukhamedov also expressed willingness to work with China to strengthen practical cooperation in energy, non-resource sectors, infrastructure and other fields so as to push forward bilateral ties.


  • 运用数字体温计基础体温专用体温计在每天早晨起床测量

    Using a digital thermometer or a thermometer specifically designed to measure basal body temperature, take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed.


  • 科学技术生产力,是近现代人类文明前进基础核心动力

    Science and technology is productivity, the modern civilization foundation and the core motivity that go forward.


  • Heffner认为,为了建立一个新的技术战略基础SOA执行者正向商业能力架构前进

    In Heffner's opinion, SOA practitioners are moving towards a business capability architecture to provide a new foundation for their technology strategy.


  • 新世纪辞格研究应当清理二十世纪辞格遗产基础

    The new century figure research should go forward on the basis of sorting out figure heritage of twentieth century.


  • 基础理论研究直接关系哲学巨大前进哲学的命运

    The study of basic theory relates directly to the great advance of philosophy and the fate of it as well.


  • 由于隧道具有地质环境复杂基础信息匮乏特点,因此在隧道施工地质超前预报尤为重要

    It is important to have advanced forecast method for geologist before tunnel construction, because the tunnel has the feature of complicated geological environment and lack of basic information.


  • 真相颠覆许多过去的信仰基础,目的允许一个更大的前进步伐。

    The truth will bite at many accepted beliefs and practices, and it is intended to allow a great step forward.


  • 总结现有施工模拟方法基础,结合循环前进分析法有限元软件Ansys,提出了改进的循环前进分析法。

    After discussing existing methods of construction simulation, an ameliorated analysis method of cycle-forward is developed, which is based on the method of cycle-forward and ANSYS software.


  • 文章结合作者自身制作实践基础,分析了在医学电视教材制作教学设计必要性总结了教学设计的一些经验

    On the basis of our practice, this paper analyzes the necessity of teaching design before creating medical video teaching material and summarizes some experience of teaching design.


  • 呼吁公民社会各个方面进行对话基础找到一个即刻和平前进”的途径。

    "She called for a immediate," peaceful way forward "based on a dialogue with all parts of civil society."


  • 如果我们6入这个市场,我们建立更大遗留系统当然如果一个用户基础改变产品更难了。

    Had we been around 6 years ago we would have built more of a legacy system and, of course, once you have a large installed base it's much harder to change your product.


  • 作者认为审美心理学继续前进必须深入探讨人类审美心理的生理基础

    The author holds that if the asethetic psychology wants to advance on, it must go deep into the research of asethetic physiologic foundation.


  • 前进自组织体系倾斜趋向,定义无机物质发育基础之一

    The inclination of this system to the progressive self-organization defines it as one of the fundamental and basic system in the development of inorganic matter.


  • 该项研究成果价值在于全世界研究艾滋病治疗科学家指明前进的方向,为找到一种全新具有创新性的艾滋病治疗方法奠定了基础

    The value of the results of the study lies in its study of AIDS treatment around the world the scientists pointed out the way forward, in order to find a new innovative treatment of AIDS foundation.


  • 论文在分析企业物流仓库配送中心运作特点基础,总结货物路径仓储存储方法之间的关系。

    Based on the operational properties of the warehouse or the distribution, the methods of the sorting storage and from-into handling goods have been summarized.


  • 紧跟城市前进步伐服务市政公共基础设施建设对于彻底改善城市照明现状有重要意义。

    Following the pace of urban development, it services municipal infrastructure construction to completely improve the urban lighting situation.


  • 随着插图弹出前进道路上,教科书般的必读整齐地分为9涵盖基础知识灯光音响工程数字编辑

    With illustrations popping up along the way, the textbook-like must-read is neatly divided into nine chapters, covering the basics such as lighting, sound engineering, and digital editing.


  • 自动导航漫游充分利用平滑中心线使虚拟相机沿着它逐步前进基础上确定好视角大小视线方向就能很好的完成自动漫游过程。

    Automatic navigation takes great advantage of the smoothed centerline. Let the virtual camera walk along the centerline controlling both the direction and the Angle of the virtual camera.


  • 自动导航漫游充分利用平滑中心线使虚拟相机沿着它逐步前进基础上确定好视角大小视线方向就能很好的完成自动漫游过程。

    Automatic navigation takes great advantage of the smoothed centerline. Let the virtual camera walk along the centerline controlling both the direction and the Angle of the virtual camera.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定