• 兰尼快速并且无声地穿过前面草坪

    Lenny moved swiftly and silently across the front lawn.


  • 公共汽车,没想到坐在前面竟然托尼

    I got on the bus and who should be sitting in front of me but Tony!


  • 架单引擎飞机起飞了,倾斜地飞行前面高速公路上空。

    A single-engine plane took off and banked above the motorway in front of him.


  • 一旦碰到前面物体波浪就会回到手套

    As soon as they hit the object in front, the waves will return to the glove.


  • 如果车队中那么不要试图前面

    If you are in a queue of traffic, then don't try to push past the cars in front of yours.


  • 这个男孩为了避免前面小船相撞而掉转船头。

    The boy pulled the boat's head round in order to avoid the conflict with the boat in front of him.


  • 他们下来汤姆用粘土蜡烛他们前面墙上

    They sat down, and Tom fastened his candle to the wall in front of them with some clay.


  • 扒手来说那些把包前面女人棘手,因为没有盲区

    Women whose bags are hanging in front of them are tricky for the pickpocket, as there isn't a blind side.


  • 尽管前面指导方针,但部署每个模型硬盘购买至少一个备用硬盘。

    Notwithstanding the previous guidelines, purchase at least one spare hard disk for each model hard disk you deploy.


  • 眼镜送到后眼科医生眼镜戴脸上办公室前面人行道上。

    When the glasses arrived, the eye doctor put them on my face and walked me out onto the sidewalk in front of his office.


  • 然而前面窗户里可以看到厨师揉捏圆面包,然后在煤炉上烤吃。

    In the front window, however, you can watch the cooks knead the buns and bake them on a coal-heated drum.


  • 随着时间的推移,他们开始明白给定表示一个前面大1数量

    With time, they start to understand that a given number represents a quantity greater by one than the number coming before it.


  • 前面乘客可以椅背上,不用面对的脸,而且外表还能保护隐私这样乘客们也不会彼此脸上打鼾

    The person in front could recline without being right in your face and the shell adds privacy so passengers don't snore in each other's faces either.


  • 警察命令靠边停下因为他驾车时速高达90英里、快速而且紧贴前面的车辆。

    Police pulled him over for doing 90 mph, making rapid changes and tailgating.


  • 前面的那个男人是谁?

    Who is the man in front of the post office?


  • 车后,走车站前面的那条路。

    After you get off train, take the road in front of the station.


  • 努力跟上去,但我前面的水域已经变黑了。

    I tried to follow, but the water was turning black in front of me.


  • 他们到达那里,他们发现被前面的一条河拦住了。

    When they got there, they found they were stopped by a river in front of it.


  • 时爸爸也会来,但现在我是走在前面的那个人,他有时追不上我!

    Sometimes dad comes too, but now I'm the one out in front, and he can't always catch up with me!


  • 自行车赛程,里克坐在父亲自行车前面的一个特别座位上。

    In the cycling, Rick sits in a special seat on the front of his father's bike.


  • 所有的顾客排成蜿蜒的长队——又称为蛇形队伍,用下一个可用的收银台为前面的每个人服务。

    Make all customers stand in one long, snaking line—called a serpentine line—and serve each person at the front with the next available register.


  • 面的上下移动翅膀产生空气会带动只鸟。

    When the front bird moves its wings up and down, the resulting force of the air lifts the next one.


  • 猫猫(锻炼后腰):朝下伸展胳膊支撑前面婴儿

    Peek-a-boo (lower back): Lie face down on the floor using your outstretched arms to support baby in front of you.


  • 月亮明亮地照耀着,房子前面白色鹅卵石真正银币一样闪闪发光

    The moon shone brightly, and the white pebbles which lay in front of the house glittered like real silver pennies.


  • 社区中心大楼入口进来,你径直走上前面楼梯一直顶层

    When you come in through the entrance of the community centre building, you'll need to go straight up the stairs in front of you, all the way to the top.


  • 年轻人领着国王穿过南市,走过弯弯曲曲不久就上了前面的大路。

    The youth led the King a crooked course through Southwark, and by-and-by struck into the high road beyond.


  • 前面第一豪华轿车望去,看见后座上看上去仿佛粉红色”。

    Looking at the first limousine in front, she saw that there was "a bunch of pink flowers" on the back seat.


  • 几个月来,我们唯一悲哀在于,我们无法巴士前面那个沉默女人建立同样友谊

    For many months, our only sadness lay in our inability to establish the same friendship with the silent woman at the front of the bus.


  • 有雾天气里,机器进自行车前面空气,然后向骑自行车脸上清新的空气。

    In smoggy weather, the machine would breathe in the air in front of the bike and blow out a stream of clean air toward the biker's face.


  • 每当我家附近银行时,收银员要么闲逛,要么和前面顾客他们假期条队伍着。

    Whenever I go to the bank near my house, the cashiers are either fooling around or keeping whole queues of people waiting by chatting to the customer at the front about their holidays.


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