• 就是二万五千剧场剧场大街直通爱琴海港湾

    This is the great amphitheater which could seat 25,000 people. The road in front of the theater leads directly to the harbor of Aegean Sea.


  • 大约八点半的时候,从一家可笑的小剧场走过,那儿有点光亮的煤气灯艳的海报。

    About half past eight I passed by an absurd little theatre, with great flaring gas-jets and gaudy play bills.


  • 父亲去世那一阵子,曾来看社区剧场场演出查理·布朗的《你是个好人》中饰演施罗德角色

    Shortly before he passed away, my father came to see me play the part of Schroeder in a community theatre production of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown.


  • 当然火车到达市中心穿过有有色人种聚居的乡镇,也就是亚伯拉罕,那位剧场工人居住的地方加,一个黑人聚居的乡镇也都有警察部署。

    That included the train line that ran through the colored township where Mr.Abrahams, the theater worker, lives and Langa, a black township, before reaching downtown.


  • ,里运营泰晤士河南岸莎士比亚环球剧场在那里饰演克里奥帕特拉哈姆雷特而声名卓著

    Six years ago Mr Rylance was running Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre on the south bank of the River Thames, where he distinguished himself by playing Cleopatra as well as Hamlet.


  • 8von Hagens博士伦敦一个剧场观众进行了解剖170年来在公众第一次。

    Eight years ago, Dr Von Hagens performed an autopsy in front of a theatre audience in East London, the first in public for 170 years.


  • 制片人肯(Stuart Oken)。他华特·迪士尼公司(Walt DisneyCo .)剧场业务执行总裁,参与狮子王》(The Lion King)上了百老汇舞台。

    The producer is Stuart Oken, former executive vice President of Walt Disney Co. 's theatrical division, who helped bring' the Lion King 'to Broadway.


  • ,里运营泰晤士河南岸莎士比亚环球剧场在那里饰演克里奥·帕特拉哈姆雷特而声名卓著

    Six years ago Mr Rylance was running Shakespeare's Globe Theatre on the south bank of the River Thames, where he distinguished himself by playing Cleopatra as well as Hamlet.


  • 还有有名戴奥尼·索斯剧场——卫城南部看台世界上古老剧院——戴奥尼·索斯剧场,它于公元6世纪公元4世纪重建

    There is a famous theatre of Dionysus, south of the city stands is one of the world's most ancient theater, theatre of Dionysus, first built in the 6th century BC and rebuilt in the 4th century BC.


  • 样子你们中的一个长袍一样租予25穿弗罗斯特圆形剧场在那里他们曾经举行毕业典礼

    From the looks of it, one of you is wearing the same rented cap and gown I wore 25 years ago in Frost Amphitheater, where they used to hold the graduation ceremony.


  • 中欧萨达斯,参观了公元190年期间在建造半月形剧场当时的云石雕刻,手工精细

    Went to the central library saada, visited in the construction of a half moon during the year 190 BC in ancient theatre, was the marble sculpture, fine handwork!


  • 剧场建于公元5世纪最早人们祈祷地方,是历史最早的露天剧场

    This theater built in the 5th century BC, the earliest to wine is people prayed god places, is the earliest open-air theatre in history.


  • 狄奥尼索斯剧场建于公元6世纪,是古老的露天剧场

    The theatre of dionyssos was built the 6th century BC, the oldest outdoor arena.


  • 1951年,日本歌舞伎剧场演员坂东三津五郎在上台自己换衣间中的神龛祈祷

    Japan . kabuki theatre . actor bondo mitsugoro praying in front of an altar in his dressing room , before going on stage . 1951


  • 1992年《蜡笔小新改编一部电视动画的收视率已经位列五名。而后,电视动画又被改编成17电影剧场版。

    Shin'ei Doga has been adapting it into a top-5-rated television anime series since 1992, and the television series has itself inspired 17 anime films.


  • 1992年《蜡笔小新改编一部电视动画的收视率已经位列五名。而后,电视动画又被改编成17电影剧场版。

    Shin'ei Doga has been adapting it into a top-5-rated television anime series since 1992, and the television series has itself inspired 17 anime films.


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