• 耳机戴两边耳朵上。

    She clamped a pair of headphones over her ears.


  • 摆出一并不真正在乎的样子。

    She sort of pretends that she doesn't really care.


  • 怎么这样神气活现的样子

    What are you looking so smug about?


  • 下脸来,装出一严厉的样子。

    He frowned with mock severity.


  • 回答时显出公事公办的样子。

    She answered in a businesslike manner.


  • 点点头,一洞悉一切的样子。

    She nodded sagely.


  • 灰色手套礼服

    I was searching for a pair of grey gloves to go with my new gown.


  • 梅里克先生文静戴着一眼镜。

    Mr. Merrick was a slim, quiet, bespectacled man.


  • 喜欢表现出激进政治家的样子。

    He likes to present himself as a radical politician.


  • 着一新的金丝眼镜

    He was wearing new glasses with gold wire frames.


  • 摆出满不在乎样子。

    He adopted an air of indifference.


  • 比尔斯夫人戴着厚厚的双光眼镜

    Mrs. Bierce wears thick bifocal lenses.


  • 墙上日历日期周围方框

    There was a calendar on the wall, with large squares around the dates.


  • 突然看起来很阴郁,一忧虑的样子。

    He looked suddenly sombre, pensive.


  • 卡内特了下蔑视嘲讽的样子。

    Canete's mouth twisted in a contemptuous sneer.


  • 戴了一墨镜,保护眼睛不受阳光照射

    Dark glasses screened his eyes from the sun.


  • 科恩努力表现出更和善更温柔形象

    Cohen was making an effort to present a kinder, gentler image.


  • 尚克利粗犷脸上掠过完全不信任表情

    A look of pure disbelief crossed Shankly's rugged face.


  • 志在必得的样子,显然不是一次随意造访

    She had a purposeful air, and it became evident that this was not a casual visit.


  • 装修厨房时,肯尼思显出友好质朴样子

    When he came to decorate the kitchen, Kenneth opted for a friendly rustic look.


  • 有可能备用眼镜以防常用打碎丢失

    If possible keep a spare pair of glasses accessible in case your main pair is broken or lost.


  • 双臂到她的背后,把手铐扣她的手腕上

    He twisted her arms behind her back and clipped a pair of handcuffs on her wrists.


  • 往常一样,一公事公办的样子,有着化解恶意的诚实

    He is, as ever, business-like, and disarmingly honest.


  • 尼娅表现出痛苦的表情,好像这个话题微妙了不便讨论

    Tanya put on a pained look, as though the subject was too delicate to be spoken about.


  • 身穿灰色西服深蓝色衬衫、打着蓝色领带方面俨然一生意人模样

    He looks every inch the businessman, with his grey suit, dark blue shirt and blue tie.


  • 身穿套裤斜纹粗布衬衫,头戴一顶农场主白帽,显出一典型牛仔模样。

    Clad in leather chaps, a denim shirt and a white rancher's hat, he looks the quintessential cowpoke.


  • 如果可能的话使用真正的鱼叉因为它们专门设计用来鱼肉鱼骨的。

    Use a genuine fish knife and fork if possible as they are designed to cut through the flesh but not the bones.


  • 有一不同寻常的嗓音。

    She has an unusual voice.


  • 们找到了几个棋盘游戏和一纸牌。

    We found a couple of board games and a pack of cards.


  • 们找到了几个棋盘游戏和一纸牌。

    We found a couple of board games and a pack of cards.


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