• 雷蒙德办理登记手续

    Raymond: I'd like to check in.


  • 外汇管理局办理登记手续1个工作日

    6 working days of the foreign exchange administration for registration.


  • 服务台工作为旅客办理登记手续

    He works at the desk, checking in the guests.


  • 不会英语汉堡,((略)航班)在哪里办理登记手续

    My English is poor. I want to go to Hamburger, (...). Could you tell me where to check in?


  • 根据规定使用简易升降机必须质监部门办理登记手续质监部门检验合格后方可使用。

    According to the regulations, the use of simple elevator to the quality supervision departments for registration, by the quality supervision department inspection of qualified before use.


  • 大堂内设自助接待,可快速办理登记手续货架上堆满超过500手绘黄色书脊档案

    In the lobby, a self-serve reception desk enables a speedy check-in process. Shelves are filled with over 500 archival boxes with hand-painted yellow spines.


  • 瑞斯第一飞机,知道如何办理登记手续此刻正向一位机场服务人员咨询此事。

    This is Rice's first time on a plane. He doesn't know how to check in. Now he is inquiring an airport worker about it.


  • 设立信托对于信托财产有关法律行政法规规定应当办理登记手续,应当依法办理信托登记

    Article 10 Where trust property shall be registered according to the provisions of laws or administrative regulations for the establishment of a trust, such property shall be registered.


  • 如果订座或者机场办理登记手续时得知航班超订,可以要求得到订座人员机场代理人员建议

    Upon request, reservations representatives or airport agents will advise you if your flight is overbooked at the time your reservation is made or during the airport check-in process.


  • 然而注意我们最大的努力结束因为责任联系办理登记手续域上团队支持最低3个星期发射

    Please note however, this will be a best effort on our end as it's your responsibility to contact the DOMAINS team for registration support a minimum of 3 weeks prior to your launch.


  • 还被告知,如果我填信息有误,则签证随时会被取消。我抵达白俄罗斯按照规定办理登记手续在签证期满之前离开白俄罗斯。

    On arrival to the Republic of Belarus I will register according to the established procedure and leave the territory of the Republic of Belarus before my visa expires.


  • 第8会员制证券交易所收到本会发给许可之核准通知三十日内核准通知向地方法院依照有关之规定,申请办理法人登记手续

    Article 8 a membership stock exchange shall file with the district court for the juristic person registration within thirty days after receiving the notice of permission issued by the Commission.


  • 机动车回收企业机动车所有人到车管所办理车辆注销登记手续

    The vehicle recycling factory applies logout registration in vehicle administration, on behalf of the owner of vehicle.


  • 服务外包企业外包进口货物进口备案前海关办理报关注册登记手续

    Prior to filing the outsourcing Imported Goods on record, services outsourcing enterprises shall carry out customs declaration and registration formalities at customs.


  • 接待服务位于一层大堂总台宾客办理入住登记手续

    Reception Service: For check-in, please contact with the Reception at the Front Desk in the hotel lobby.


  • 合住必须共同分担房间费用不能分开结帐第一位入住住客办理整套房间的入住登记手续支付房费的120%为押金

    Separate payment is not accepted. The first guest is required to check in for the whole room and provide 120% of the total room charges for deposit.


  • 申请人变更后的《药品生产许可证》工商行政管理部门依法办理变更登记手续

    The application shall, by holding the Drug Manufacturing Certificate with altered items, register the alteration with the administrative department for industry and commerce in accordance with law.


  • 为了旅行顺畅预留充足时间办理乘机登记手续

    Your journey will be smoother if you allow yourself ample time to comply with the Check-in Deadlines.


  • 房产部门只有提交完税证明后为您办理房产登记手续

    The real estate administration will not allow you to register the house until you present the tax paid proof .


  • 一俟延长期限申请获得批准合营公司向上海市工商局办理变更登记手续

    Upon obtaining approval of the extension, the JV Company shall go through the registration formalities to alter the registration particulars with Shanghai Administration for Industry and Commerce.


  • 依法改变草原权属应当办理草原权属变更登记手续

    Where the ownership of grasslands is changed in accordance with law, the formalities for registration of shall be completed.


  • 不得自行房间床位客房本人住宿,留宿他人必须另行办理住宿登记手续

    Shall not change, change rooms or beds, room restriction is only for your own accommodation, residential accommodation of others, we shall have to apply for registration.


  • 客房其他客人经酒店前厅同意到服务台办理住宿登记手续

    Any increased hotel room guest shall be approved by the front desk department and process the check-in registration in the information center.


  • :海空转旅客于航起飞小时抵达海天客运码头办理航空公司旅客登记手续

    Note: Sea-to-air passengers should arrive 2 hours at the Skypier for check-in before flight departure.


  • 转贷协议签订后,转贷款债务人无需当地外汇局办理外债转贷款登记手续

    After a reloan agreement is signed, it is not necessary for the debtor to go to the local SAFE branch or sub-branch to handle the registration formalities for a foreign debt reloan.


  • 第三条本条例所称失业员工是指失去工作并办理失业登记手续具有特区常住户口员工。

    Article 3 the unemployed staff mentioned in these regulations means the unemployed staff who has handled the unemployment registration procedures and owns permanent residence of Special Zone.


  • 必须签定转租合同,重新议定租金其它合同条款办理租赁登记手续

    A sublease contract shall be made. The rent and other terms of the contract shall be concluded by both Parties. Subleasing register formal shall be transacted.


  • 必须签定转租合同,重新议定租金其它合同条款办理租赁登记手续

    A sublease contract shall be made. The rent and other terms of the contract shall be concluded by both Parties. Subleasing register formal shall be transacted.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定